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Chapter 19

You swallowed hard when you realized that you were standing at the entrance to a cemetery. The sun had already begun to set which left an orange hue over the field covered in tombstones and benches. You felt your heart drop like a stone in your chest as Jungkook moved toward the graveyard, the flowers hanging limply by his side. You moved to follow him anxiously, rubbing your arm meekly.

Before your crossed through the large arch that separated the parking lot from the cemetery, Jungkook turned around abruptly. You almost bumped straight into him, but his arm shot out to clutch your shoulder, preventing the collision. You looked up at him to see that he was looking off in the distance at something you couldn't see. His eyes were clouded with emotion, but the rest of his face was as expressionless as usual.

"Stay here." He muttered, pointing at a bench next to the arch. you opened your mouth to protest, but Jungkook squeezed your shoulder and your words caught in your throat. "Please." He croaked, looking down at the ground.

You immediately melted when you saw the tick in his jaw and the moisture forming in his eyes. You nodded without hesitation, reaching up to place your hand over his on your shoulder. You gave it a squeeze and he pulled his hand back, turning away. You walked over to the bench and watched as he walked away into the field. You sighed and sat down on the bench, wringing your hands together.

You had so many questions about where you were and why you were here. You could however piece some bits together. There was someone here in this cemetery that he was visiting. You didn't know who or what connection he had to them, but it didn't matter. Whoever it was, obviously meant a lot to him and you wouldn't infringe on his privacy. What you didn't understand was why he brought you here. He could have left you at the house, or just waited for Jimin or Taehyung to return, but instead he decided to bring you.

That could only mean that there was something about today where he had to be here. The anniversary of someone's death?

You and Jungkook weren't the only people here at the cemetery. You could see a handful of people scattered around the cemetery mourning at different gravestones and others sitting on benches like the one you were occupying. The sunset was beautiful at this time of the day and the sky was bright with orange and pink.

You lost sight of Jungkook, so you couldn't tell which stone he was at or where he was in the field, but you had to remind yourself that it didn't matter. This had nothing to do with you and you needed to be as respectful as possible. You remembered how ruse he was to you in the car and you sighed, finally understanding what had been up with him. You pushed the feelings of indignation and annoyance down and let them go. Jungkook got a pass today.

Looking around at the cemetery, you started to think about the people in your life that you'd lost. Granted, the only people you'd truly 'lost' were your parents and you didn't even know them. Where were their bodies, you wondered? No one had ever told you and by the time you were old enough to be curious about it, you never wanted to ask. And now... after finding out the gruesome truth of their death, you weren't sure if you wanted to know what had happened to them or where they were now.

You knew absolutely nothing about them. They had left you with nothing when they died. They had been quite young, so neither of them had made up a will, which meant you received none of their assets. Apparently, they had been poor anyway because you received no inheritance or life insurance. No, instead they had thrown you straight into the system. There was something about that fact that had always bothered you, about how it had all gone down, but it was too late now to do anything about it.

When they died, you were a baby, only a few months out of the womb. Babies are the most sought after adoption candidates, as most people have to get on waitlists in order to be able to adopt a baby. So why were you never adopted, you always wondered? If you were a prime candidate, then why had no one ever adopted you? It wasn't until you were much older did you finally understand how the system worked, and by then it was too late.

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