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Chapter 4:

"You, Y/N, are the last descendant of the very first vampire to ever exist: Dracula." Lazarus said seriously, looking sincerely into your eyes. You blinked.

"I'm sorry, what?" You asked, unsure if you had heard him properly. Lazarus nodded and steepled his hands in front of him.

"It is the only explanation to your unique ability to resist us." He said simply, like that was the most logical explanation, like it hadn't just split your entire world open. Lazarus leaned back and lifted a white hand to swipe a lock of raven hair away from his forehead. He opened his mouth to continue speaking, but you cut him off, waving your hands.

"Wait... are you saying that I'm... I'm a vampire too?" You asked, pressing a hand to your chest, feeling your heart thudding under your palm. Lazarus shook his head.

"No, no, you are a human. But you do have vampire blood. And not just any vampire, the oldest vampire to ever live." He said solemnly. You let out a wry chuckle and looked around, hoping someone would start laughing with you. Jimin was smirking, enjoying your reaction, Taehyung was staring at his hands, his jaw ticking, and Jungkook just looked bored. No one was giving you the reaction you expected from a practical joke.

"This is a joke. Are you people insane?" You demanded, staring at each of them in turn.

"I can assure you that this is a matter most serious. And we are all extremely sane of mind." Lazarus said gravely. You shook your head vigorously.

"I don't understand. How is that possible? Dracula is... he's a story, he's not real. We read his story in high school. You're telling me he was an actual person?" You asked, looking back at Lazarus, who was inspecting his long fingernails.

"Not a person, a vampire. He's much older than the novel written about him. In fact, Bram Stoker, the author, had a very similar experience to what he wrote about. He was one of the few humans to know the truth about us." You blinked, still utterly bewildered.

"I still don't understand. How can I be human and have vampire blood?"

Lazarus sighed and swung his gaze back to you. You pursed your lips and forced yourself not to shiver as you peered into his red eyes. This vampire had to be lying. He had to be, there was just no way anything like this could be possible.

"As I mentioned before, we have many laws that keep the peace between humans and vampires. One of the most important ones is that vampires cannot have intimate relationships with humans." He raised an eyebrow at you. "However, Dracula was the first vampire and he had many illicit affairs with humans throughout his time before these laws were ever created. His offspring have all had the same ability as you." Lazarus stroked his chin and you narrowed your eyes.

"You keep talking about Dracula like he's not around anymore. He's a vampire, so doesn't that make him immortal? Why doesn't he tell me himself? Why did he send you?" You demanded. Dracula was a story, nothing more.

"You're right, he is immortal. However, after the vampire-human wars, the oldest vampires formed a coalition called the Elders. They established the many laws that are in place to prevent vampire and human conflict." He paused for effect. You gulped and held your breath in anticipation. "Dracula didn't like many of the rules, so he broke away from the Elders and lived as a pariah for the remainder of his life." Lazarus said dramatically, waving his hand. You gritted your teeth.

"The remainder?" You croaked. Lazarus blinked, like he'd forgotten you were still sitting there listening to him. He met your gaze again and you shivered.

"He was eventually hunted and killed for his rebellious ways. In fact, it wasn't too long ago, only about a century ago was he killed." Lazarus stroked his chin thoughtfully and you quickly looked away. You stared at your hands clenched together on the table. You swallowed hard and rubbed your hands together, trying to process the information. Everything he was saying could be a lie. Since this so-called 'Dracula' was conveniently dead, then there was every reason that Lazarus was just pulling on your leg. But what reason would have to lie? What would he gain from lying to you? You took a deep breath.

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