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Chapter 27:

"Well, it's good to meet you, Y/N. My name is Dracula. Perhaps you've heard of me?"

You could only stare, speechless as the perfect male version of you smiled across from you. You couldn't even remember to be scared, you were so stunned. You shared the same blood with this vampire and he was... here? Alive?

"I... you're... You're Dracula?" You stammered, unable to come up with a better sentence. His nodded cheerfully.

"Yes, indeed I am. You may call me Drac if you wish, the full name sounds so formal, doesn't it?" He winked at you and his grin widened. You swallowed hard and shook your head incredulously.

"I don't... I don't understand. Lazarus, he told me you were dead. The others... they thought you were dead." You mumbled, shaking your head. You licked your lips as Dracula chuckled amiably.

"Well, technically in the eyes of the Council of Elders, I am dead." He grinned and rubbed his hand up Rosemary's back. Your eyes panned to the movement, a pool of uneasiness settling in your stomach as you looked up into her piercing violet gaze.

When looking back at Dracula, you noticed that his eyes were a strange color too. You hadn't noticed at first, you'd been too caught off-guard. Instead of black, like you'd been used to seeing, or even red like Lazarus', Dracula's were a pure gold, almost eerily so. There were no flecks or hints of anything else, no ring of another color, his irises were pure gold like antique jewelry. They were haunting and you definitely preferred the deep obsidian eyes that Jungkook had... Wait...

"Where's Jungkook?" You exclaimed, looking around suddenly. You winced at the pain in your head from moving too fast, and you reached up to feel around your head, touching a large lump on the back. Dracula and Rosemary exchanged looks and you felt a wave of fear shoot through you.

"Where is he?" You demanded, your voice shaking. You refused to imagine the worst, but your hands were trembling and your face felt pale and clammy. Dracula sighed and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees.

"Y/N, there are some things that I need to explain to you. Lazarus hasn't been honest with you, and I'm afraid the vampires he entrusted to protect you, don't have your best interests in mind." Dracula started, leaning forward solemnly.

"I already know about my blood." You snapped, cutting him off. Dracula quirked an eyebrow.

"You know—"

"I know that Lazarus is trying to use the blood of Dracula descendants to turn human again. I ran away, Jungkook was helping me. What did you do with him?" You said firmly, frowning at both of them. You didn't care who they were, if they'd hurt him...

Dracula raised his eyebrows and looked back at Rosemary, leaning back in his seat.

"Well... that's something I definitely wasn't expecting." He let out a small laugh and looked back at you, nodding. "This will makes things a little easier." Rosemary nodded in agreement and you clenched your hands to fists.

"You're not answering me. Where is Jungkook? What did you do with him?" You demanded, feeling panic rise in your throat. What if they'd...

"Calm down, darling, he's fine. He's just locked up in the basement." Rosemary flourished her hand. A wave of relief passed through you and you exhaled heavily. "I'll let him go when we're done talking." She added. You shook your head quickly.

"No, I want him here. Anything you want to say to me, you can say to him too, he's the only person I trust right now." You said, your voice gruff. Dracula raised an eyebrow at you and an amused smirk danced at his lips. He looked up at Rosemary and gave her a long look, like he was leaving it up to her. She glanced at him, then back at you and her smile fell off her face, to be replaced with an annoyed scowl.

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