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Chapter 13

"It means, Rosemary is the vampire who turned me." You gaped in surprise at his words.

"Who... turned you? You mean she changed you into a vampire?" Taehyung nodded. You faced the road again and looked down, thinking hard. In the light of this new information, it only brought more questions.

The most important one nagged in your brain as you felt a sense of uneasiness pass through you.

"Taehyung... why are we going to see her?" You asked slowly, hoping that he wouldn't tell you the worse.

"Like I said, I just want to talk to her." Taehyung said through gritted teeth. You shook your head, unconvinced.

"It's more than that. There's more to this story that you aren't telling me." You turned to look at his profile again as he was quiet for a few more moments. You definitely deserved more information, but he didn't seem keen to give it.

"I don't have to tell you anything." Taehyung growled finally, tensing his shoulders defensively. You pursed your lips and narrowed your eyes indignantly.

"If you're dragging me with you on this little expedition, then I deserve to know a little background." You said pointedly. Taehyung shook his head punitively.

"Not about this. I'm only taking you because I don't want to waste the time bringing you back and leaving again." He ground out. You let out a huff and faced the road again.

You still had no idea what this little field trip was all about. You didn't even really understand what he'd told you about Rosemary. So, she was a vampire, the vampire who'd turned him from human to vampire. Was it on purpose? Did he want to be turned? Or was she a villain in his mind, someone who forced the transformation on him? Was she a past lover? Or an enemy that he wanted to do more than just talk to? You didn't like the idea of being caught in the middle of a lover's quarrel or a revenge mission.

"Shouldn't we tell someone about all this? Aren't Jimin and Jungkook going to worry?" You asked after a for moments of silence. Taehyung let out a cruel bark of laughter.

"About you? Please." He shook his head nastily and you felt your stomach curl with indignation. "They know you're with me, that's all they need." He said dismissively, lifting one of his hands to rub his neck.

You frowned and crossed your arms. "I find it hard to believe you trust each other that much." You said with a skeptical raise of your eyebrow. Taehyung sneered and gave you a scathing glare.

"You don't know anything about us." He snarled vindictively. You felt taken aback at the harsh words, but you knew he was right. You really knew absolutely nothing about them and their relationship to each other. You only knew about Jimin's strange influence over the other two, Jungkook's obvious amotivation, and Taehyung's anger. You still didn't know anything about their trust or distrust for each other.

"You're right." You said with a sharp exhale. "You people have told me nothing about you. So, back to my original question. Who is Rosemary to you? Why are we going to see her?"

Taehyung grinded his teeth and squeezed the steering wheel tight. You stared at his reaction and tried to figure out what it meant. You'd already gathered that this was definitely not going to be a cordial visit, but what exactly did he have in mind for when you got there? You pursed your lips, feeling your stomach turn over when you remembered how easily Taehyung had tortured that vampire for the information on Rosemary.

"We aren't... I mean, you're not going to..." You trailed off, trying to find the right words. "Just tell me you aren't going to go on a psycho revenge break or something." You rushed out quickly. Taehyung gave you a weird look.

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