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Chapter 30:

You and Jungkook walked back into the living room from the day before. Dracula and Rosemary were both there already on the couch. Rosemary was sitting on the end and Dracula was sprawled across it, horizontally, his head resting in her lap. She was brushing his hair with her long sensual fingers and looked right at you when you and Jungkook entered. Dracula opened his eyes and peered at you two through his lashes.

"Well, look who decided to join us? Sleep in, did you?" He smirked, his gaze flickering to Jungkook's, challenging him. Jungkook said nothing, but you could feel him tense beside you.

"You two had a fun night." Rosemary commented, smirking at you. She winked and you straightened. "It wasn't because of what I said, was it? You weren't trying to.... convince yourself of anything?"

You blushed hard, remembering the events of the day before, how it felt to have her pressed so close, offering something to you that you didn't even know you could want. You had to remember that she was probably using whatever siren powers to make you uncomfortable.

"What is she talking about?" Jungkook asked, looking over at you. you blushed and opened your mouth, unsure of how to explain it to him.

"Never mind all that, so have you come to a decision?" Dracula cut you off before you could say anything. He sat up, planting his feet on the ground. "I know I said you could have a few days, but you look like you've made a decision." He gave you a long look and you took a deep breath, looking over at Jungkook. Jungkook gave you a soft smile and gave your shoulder a supportive squeeze. You turned back and nodded.

"Yes, I have." You swallowed and moistened your lips. "I'll do it, I want you to turn me." Dracula's eyes widened and he beamed.

"Excellent!" Dracula hopped off the couch, rubbing his hands together. "This will make everything worth it. You will be able to take revenge on Lazarus for what he's doing to your mother and I will get revenge for forcing me into hiding. Finally, I'll be able to return the favor and—"

"Wait. What did you just say?" You cut him off abruptly. Dracula paused in his speech, his arms still in midair. He blinked, looking over at you.

"I said you'll be able to take revenge on Lazarus." He deadpanned. You shook your head, feeling your heartrate speed up.

"No, after that. You said I'd be able to take revenge on him for what he's doing to my mother." You repeated, your eyes flashing. You took a step forward, your stomach bubbling in rage and panic as Dracula blinked again, looking away and then back at you. Jungkook put his hand on your shoulder but you almost didn't feel it.

"Did I? I meant, for what he did to your mother." He deadpanned. You took another step forward, shaking Jungkook's hand off your shoulder.

"That is not what you said." You growled, your voice a few octaves lower than normal. "You said what he's doing. Present tense. Is my mother not dead? Did you lie to me when you said she died in a car accident? Does Lazarus have her right now? Is she alive?"

Dracula closed his mouth, his eyes narrowing as a wave of annoyance passed over his features. He glanced at Rosemary, who was giving him a look that said 'seriously?' and you started to panic, rage bubbling up in your stomach.

"My mother is alive, isn't she?" You croaked, a lump in your throat as the reality started to settle in around you. Dracula let out a long dramatic sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Y/N, this isn't—"

"No, tell me the truth!" You shouted, your voice cracking. "Is my mother alive? Does Lazarus have her right now?"

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