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Chapter 14

"Well, isn't this a surprise?" Rosemary's eyes settled on you for a few seconds, scanning up and down your body, lingering on your neck and on your hands that were clasped in front of you. Then they panned over to Taehyung, whose hands were fisted at his sides. His back was ramrod straight and his jaw was clamped like he was gritting his teeth really hard.

"Rosemary." Taehyung said, his voice tight.

"It's Rosie, actually." She smiled and moved toward him, her hips swaying. Taehyung glanced at you from over her shoulder you thought you saw a flicker of panic before it disappeared, and his eyes fell flat.

"You've filled out." Rosemary said, reaching forward to touch his arm. "It's been a long time, I'll be honest, I was surprised to find that my mysterious 'old friend' was actually you."

"You can't have been that surprised." Taehyung snapped, stepping away. "You should have known I would have found you eventually." Rosemary grinned and tapped her chin thoughtfully.

"I suppose that's true. I guess... I just thought you might have forgotten or at least... moved on." She gave Taehyung a pointed look and raised one of her eyebrows. Taehyung inhaled sharply, his eyes flashing.

"Moved on? You think... you think I could move on from this? From what you did?" His voice was dangerously low, just above a whisper, and you could see his fists clenching and retracting. Rosemary chuckled and tossed her long braid over her shoulder.

"Oh, come now, I wasn't that horrible." She inspected her fingernails nonchalantly, making Taehyung bristle angrily.

"Horrible, doesn't even begin to cover what you were, considering the last time I saw you, you were driving a knife into my father's chest."

Your eyes widened and you let out a tiny gasp at Taehyung's outburst. Rosemary paused and then turned to look at you, her gaze locking onto yours. You quickly looked away, but it was too late, she'd caught you.

"Who's this?" Rosemary asked, approaching you. You swallowed hard and had to fight to keep a dazed expression on your face. You stared at the ground and saw her boots step in front of you.

"Don't worry about her." Taehyung growled. "She's just a feeder human. I keep her around because her blood is sweeter than most humans." You swallowed, fighting to keep your expression dazed.

"Oh yes, I noticed that." Rosemary took a long inhale and you resisted the overwhelming urge to wince and squeeze your hands to fists. "Is she compelled?" You felt her fingers under your chin and you nearly flinched at the cold touch. She lifted your chin and you quickly glazed your eyes over, so you were looking through her, not at her.

"Yes, of course she is. Leave her out of this." You could hear Taehyung's voice, but Rosemary didn't seem to care. Instead of backing away, she only leaned closer.

"Come on, Taehyung. Don't you remember how we used to share?" She grinned and you were blinded by the white of her teeth and sharpness of her fangs. "And this one is especially pretty." She purred.

Her fingers brushed over your neck and swiped your hair back, causing your stomach to flip and goosebumps to appear over your skin. You sincerely hoped that your unconscious body functions wouldn't give away that you weren't actually being compelled. You felt her head moved closer and you focused your eyes just as you saw her lips part and her fangs protrude out.

"Rosemary, stop!" Taehyung shouted.

Her head tilted and dipped, and you couldn't hold it in anymore. You yelped and slapped Rosemary's jaw, jerking away from her before she could bite your neck. You stumbled to the side and looked up with wild eyes as Rosemary started to laugh in delight.

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