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Chapter 18:

The next day, you didn't come out of your room until at least midday, and it was only because you were really hungry. You didn't want to run into Jungkook, and you hoped that he was already out for the day when you came out. You figured you should probably give him some space after the confrontation from the day before. You felt a badly for the way you'd pushed him to open up when he clearly didn't want to. And you definitely planned on apologizing to him. but the memory of his hand around your neck was enough to chase away your courage.

You walked down the hall and paused in front of Jungkook's door. It was shut tight now and you wouldn't be surprised if it was locked. You could still remember the unfinished painting that he had been working on, almost like it was ingrained in your mind. Those red eyes shrouded in black reminded you of your own rage that you held toward the world. You had a lot to be angry about in your life. That painting had hit a little too close to home.

You walked down into the kitchen and grabbed a box of cereal, taking a handful of it to eat dry. Jimin suddenly appeared in the doorway and you jumped in surprise, almost flinging the cereal everywhere. Jimin chuckled when he noticed your scare and you grumbled, putting the box down and wiping your hands on your pants.

"I didn't mean to scare you." Jimin said with a smirk.

You rolled your eyes. "Sure, you didn't." You muttered, snatching the box up again. Jimin grinned and walked over to lean against the counter.

"Lazarus is coming back later today." He said, making your head snap up.

"He is?"

Jimin nodded, crossing his arms. "Yes, I'm going to talk to him in a neutral location." He said as you rounded the counter, perked up in excitement. Was this your chance to finally talk to him?

"Why doesn't he come here?" You asked hopefully. Jimin sighed and scratched the back of his head.

"Lazarus needs to be careful about where he goes and who he's seen with." He said carefully. "Elders have certain responsibilities and if he spends to much time at Dracula's manor, then the others on the council will be suspicious." You felt your heart sink a little bit, but you remained optimistic, lifting your chin.

"Can I come with you?" You asked optimistically. Jimin gave you a pitiful smile.

"It would look even more suspicious if he were to meet with a human girl for no apparent reason and not take you as a feeder." He said solemnly. You sighed, realizing that he was right. You couldn't hide the disappointment as you turned back to the counter, planting your hands on the cold marble.

"I just... I want to ask him about what we talked about yesterday." You said quietly, looking down at the floor. Jimin sighed and touched your arm reassuringly.

"I will ask him for you. I promise." He gave you a small smile and you narrowed your eyes, trying to see if he was being genuine or not. Jimin left the kitchen before you could figure it out.

You sat down on one of the stools and solemnly ate handfuls of cereal, your head racked with many different thoughts. You really hoped Jimin would keep his word. Perhaps then you could finally feel like there was a point to your existence. Maybe if you had something to do, anything to do, a job, classes, or even just a hobby or something, you wouldn't be feeling the need to go snooping in places that you had no business being in.

Your entire life, you'd always been working toward something. When you were younger, you were just working toward being able to get the hell out of the foster system. Part time jobs, extra classes to earn more credits, anything to get you out and on your own faster. And then, it was studying overtime to get into university on a scholarship. And then, once you'd gotten into university, it was working part-time jobs and studying even harder to keep your standing.

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