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Chapter 35:

"Use my blood to save him. You can do it, can't you?" You pleaded, pushing your bare arms toward Lazarus' glinting eyes. Your hands were slick with blood and there was also blood covering the front of your shirt from when you'd caught Jungkook. You could hear him coughing and sputtering behind you and that feeling of panic and urgency pressed against your chest painfully.

"Oh Y/N..." Lazarus whispered, curling a white slender hand around your wrist. "You have no idea what I can do with this."

He pulled you toward the gurneys, one of which held your mother's vegetative form. He snapped his fingers over his shoulder and gave Jimin a pointed look. You turned to watch as Jimin knelt beside Jungkook and lifted him off the stone floor. There was a large pool of blood where he'd been lying, which made your stomach churn. Jimin carried Jungkook to the table on the other side. He laid him down on his back and Jungkook gritted his teeth, wincing with his eyes closed. You pursed your lips and looked away, blinking back tears as Lazarus pulled an empty gurney toward you. He patted it and you climbed on, lying on your back.

"Alright, let me tend to a couple of things and then we can get started." You tried to ignore the overwhelming fear that churned in your stomach, threatening to make you throw up as Lazarus pulled the machine closer. He pulled your shirt down a bit to expose most of your chest and started to apply the tabs of electrodes over your heart, over your shoulder, and under your collarbone. His fingers were cold and you squeezed your hands to fists, ignoring the thumping of your heart. Lazarus took your arm and brought a needle toward your elbow.

Suddenly, there was a crunching sound and Jungkook screamed. You sat up so quickly Lazarus almost stabbed your bicep with the needle. You looked over at Jungkook to see he'd passed out and Jimin was holding the bloodied wooden stake over his chest. You gaped and sucked in a choked sob when you saw the blood gurgling out of the hole in Jungkook's chest and his arm that hung limply from the table.

"He's... he's gonna bleed out—" You croaked, making to stand and run to him. Lazarus grabbed your shoulder and forced you back down on the gurney.

"Yes, so we don't have much time. Please hold still." He said peevishly. You swallowed, but did as he asked, wincing a bit when you felt the needle pierce your skin just under the elbow joint. He taped the needle and when you looked, you saw your blood traveling up from the needle into the tube attached and toward the machine on Lazarus' table.

Lazarus then moved away to deal with Jungkook's side of things. Jimin walked back around, his face crinkling with disgust as he tossed the offending stake into a box under Lazarus' table.

"Wait... Y/N, you can't do this." Jimin's head snapped up and Lazarus turned as Taehyung suddenly appeared in front of you, blocking your view from your dying vampire boyfriend.

"Taehyung..." You whispered. Taehyung was paler than usual, his hands were blood stained and fisted at his sides. He looked worse for wear and you winced when your eyes focused on the gash in his neck from where Jimin had bitten him. You reached out with your free arm to touch his neck, but he jerked back before you could.

"No, seriously, Y/N. You can't do this. You know this won't work. Jungkook... I'm sorry, but he's going to die. And you doing this isn't going to stop it happening, you know it won't." You winced at the harsh words and looked away from him, tears threatening to spill.

"Please, Taehyung, don't try to talk me out of this." You whispered sadly. You reached out to squeeze his hand, looking up at him with pleading eyes.

"No, screw that! I stayed silent already!" Taehyung yanked his hand back and his eyes flashed red, sending a chill down your back. "I knew this was not going to end well but... I could tell there was no changing your mind, so I stayed silent." He gritted his teeth and you saw a flash of his fangs and he looked to the side desperately before looking back. "I'm not staying silent. You can't do this, I won't let you!"

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