Chapter Five

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My alarm clock blared.
I jumped, hearing the noise ricocheting through the peace that was once my bedroom and my slumber.
I looked at the glowing green numbers.
Surely it's not-
Damn it!
I looked to my window and saw the greys of dawn protruding through the gaps in my drawn curtains.
Time to get up.
I tossed my covers aside and swung my legs out of my bed, amazingly feeling somewhat awake.
Reaching out, I pushed on the button to shut my alarm up, even though my Grandparents, Mum and Paul were likely already up.
My Grandparent's were always first up, Grandpa being up by four and Grandma usually up by at least five AM.
Mum was normally up by around five as well.
I switched my lamp on, stood and found my clothes for the day, which I'd hung over my desk chair last night.
Sports bra, fresh socks, jeans, t-shirt and lightweight hoodie just in case the morning was fresh.
Though its December, so the hoody won't be likely to stay on long.
In December our day's were almost always at least around the thirty degree mark.
Most day's were even higher than that, usually being shorts and singlet weather, but it's safer to wear jeans and boots out on the land.
Within a few minutes I was dressed.
My boots and hat were already by the laundry door with everybody else's, because that's where we leave them.
I was good to go.

It was 5:41 when I walked into the kitchen, yawning my but off, my random bout of alerness having rapidly fled me.
"Here ya go darlin'."
Grandma handed me a steaming mug of coffee in my favourite mug once again.
I gladly accepted it.
I made my way to the out dining area which was where Grandpa had told me everybody would convene.
Grandpa, Uncle Lukas and Blayze were there, mugs of coffee in hand and chatting about the day ahead.
"Gidday Darlin'."
Grandpa gave me a warm smile.
I made my way over to their small group, figuring it was better to be with them than sit at the long table alone.
The outer door opened and the hired hands made their way in.
Troy Potter; 23, 6'0, brown hair, brown eyes, Alex Marshall, 21, 5"11, light brown hair, hazel eyes, Jake Lennard; 19, dark blonde hair, light blue eyes, 5"10 and Shayne Howard, 5"9, 18, dark brown hair, light green eyes.
Blayze pulled me aside before the hands or I could exchange greetings, which I found slightly weird.
Since when does he stop me from talking with any of them?
I wonder if things are going to change now Mum wants me on the farmhand ranks...
"I want you to help with the morning feeds, then bring up Cobalt, Willow, Angel and Harris coz I needa file their hooves."
Blayze informed me.
I nodded.
That was nothing hard.
At least I get to play with a few horses rather than their poo!
"After that I want you on troughs. Not the most exciting, but a necessity and unfortunately it usually falls on the newest on board."
Blayze explained.
I'd figured as much.
I was waiting to see what 'shit kickers' job I'd be given.
Trough's wasn't too bad really.
It beat shovelling manure in the December warmth.
I nodded to tell him I understood.
"Come get some breakfast into ya, we'll need it."
He led the way to the bench table.
He made a space beside himself for me at the end of the bench seat.
Across from me sat Grandpa.
To my right sat Blayze.
Across from him sat Uncle Lukas, beside him sat Troy, beside Blayze sat Alex, beside Troy sat Jake and across from Jake sat Shayne.
We all wolfed down a breakfast of pancakes, eggs, bacon, fruit and a couple of cups of coffee each.
It was a rare day when cereal was a breakfast in our home.

Pretty soon I was helping Uncle Lukas and the youngest hired hands, Shayne and Jake give the animals their breakfast.
Horses got their hard feed and hay, because they were expected to work hard, so the energy boost was required, plus our graze was beginning to drop off thanks to the summer heat, the dogs got their biscuits and chickens got their pellets.
Troughs that weren't on the automatic system and water buckets were filled.
The second youngest hand, Jake soon came toward me with a shovel and a wheel barrow.
I frowned at the tools.
"Your turn."
He said and released them between us.
I looked at my watch.
Shit 7:30!
Where had the last hour gone exactly?!
"Blayze gave me a job to do."
I told Jake.
Blayze is Overseer.
Surely Jake know's Blayze will be mad if people are switching up task's behind his back?
I've seen him throw a punch before because of it!
Jake shrugged.
"So I guess it's changed."
I wasn't sure I believed him.
If there was a change in plans, I was pretty certain Blayze or my Uncle would have told me about it, especially on my technical first day on board.
"I'll go find Blayze."
I walked around Jake and to the tack shed.
Blayze was thankfully already in there, getting things organised for his first job of the day, the hoof trimming.
"Are you gettin' ready to head off to do the troughs already?"
He asked surprised.
I shook my head.
"I've just finished feeding the animals. Jake seems to think my next job is the yards."
Blayze shook his own head, his black Rough Rider Akubra the mirror image of my own hat.
"He'll have lost a bet with Shayne. The yards is Shayne's job. You tell em to rack off and just listen to what I tell you to do. If it's not me, your Uncle Lukas or your Grandpa directly then don't believe em. You're newest on board, they'll mess with ya if they can."
He explained.
I knew it.
"So I go and get Cobalt, Angel, Willow and Harris?"
I checked.
Blayze nodded.
"That's it."
I fetched a couple of rope halter's from the hook's and made my way out to the retired horses' paddock.

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