Chapter Fifty-Six

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- cover by Mikayala7700 😍

"They're at the pub."
Noah informed us, lifting her gaze from her illuminated phone screen.
I already knew this, from my earlier phone conversation with Blayze.
I eased the Ranger down a couple of gears as we came to the familiar buildings that signified the Hotel was coming up soon.
The Main Street had car's lining the sides and every window of the hotel had a glowing light shining through to say there was proud activity going on inside.
I steered the Ranger into the pub's driveway, not being able to see any available parking spaces along the roadside.
We crept at an aggravatingly slow pace, because a few drunken idiots had decided the driveway was a good place to hang out.
I resisted the urge to lean on the horn and warn them they'd meet the Bullbar if they didn't move.
But running people over probably wasn't the brightest of ideas.
I doubt Blayze wants their blood on his Bullbar.
And I definitely don't want the lawsuit.

Eventually I found a park I could safely get the Ranger into and the girls and I were free to climb out of the 4x4 and head toward the pub doors.
It felt good to finally be out of the car and have a chance to stretch my legs again!
Leering, drunken men called things out to us that weren't even worth mentioning, as we passed through the beer garden where drunken men and women milled about, slurring their words and spilling their drinks.
Even Noah, ever the opinionated, self courageous, feminist, managed to just clench her jaw and keep walking toward the doors of the pub.
I saw Hayley's grimace of disgust.
No doubt my facial expression looked a lot like hers.
But we have a job to do.
Find the boys.
Not that they're likely to be ready to come home yet...
These men would quickly learn to shut their mouths once we were with Blayze, Keegan and Codie.
The heavy wooden door that led into the front bar was swung open for us, saving our muscles catching the brunt of it.
A group of four men blocked our path, a few girls hanging behind them.
A quick glance told me they were likely to be in their early twenties.
One of the front standing guys eyed us over, his gaze lingering a little too long on the curves of our bodies, making me cringe.
None of us had exactly put any major effort into our appearance, being we were thinking we were headed home.
I wore a simple pair of jeans with some sparkly diamonties on the back pockets.
It was bizarrely warm for a late April night, so I was just wearing a form fitting dark blue Wrangler t-shirt.
And only left overs from the small amount of make-up I'd applied that morning, was on my face.
"Bailey Harley."
The young man drawled.
I felt an uncomfortable shiver run down my spine.
Who even is this bloke?
Though his murky eyes were looking a little familiar...
Noah rolled her eyes.
"Step aside Morrison."
Hold on!
Isn't that...?
But this doesn't look like...
"You're not getting yourself into trouble are ya little brother?"
Now I just about felt a shiver run down my spine.
Austin had arrived.
A couple of his goons trailed him, looking as idiotic as ever.
The girls snickered and giggled, a few snide remarks leaving their lips but I paid them little attention.
What would be the point?
I clenched my jaw and did my best to remain calm.
But it wasn't working so well.
These people were quick fast getting on my last nerve.
My patience with idiots doesn't stretch too far these days.
I just want to go home to my bed!
Where the hell is Blayze when you need him?
Noah sighed.
"Move Austin."
Clearly she too didn't have the fight in her.
Austin raised a questioning eyebrow.
Oh just great...
Now he's going to pull some-
Austin smiled and stepped to the side, sweeping his arm in a gesture to let us through.
Had hell just frozen over?
Were pigs flying?
Were Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny suddenly real?
Unwilling to take any chances, I hurriedly walked forward, the girls hot on my heels.
"Good to see you Bailey!"
Austin called.
Yeah right!
You're just a creep who wants to start trouble!
I put an extra push into my steps and headed for the crowd of the front bar.
Hayley scowled.
"What a creep."
I couldn't agree more...

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