Chapter Fifty-Nine

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If you're going to listen to the linked music, please wait until you hit 'Blayze's P.O.V 😊

I walked back into the hospital room, from the small adjoining bathroom, towel drying my hair.
It's amazing what a shower can do to lift your spirits.
Already I felt ten times better.
I wore the black Bullzye track pants Blayze had brought down for me, but of course I'd had to tuck them under at the bottoms of the legs, because they were miles too long!
My favourite dark blue, green and white Bullzye t-shirt of his, draped over my shoulders and my torso, fitting loose and comfortably.
The green Ariat hoodie lay folded up on the stark white hospital sheets because I'd known I wouldn't need to pull it on immediately after a hot shower.
Thankfully I did get a hot shower.
The hospital's water temperature and pressure had surprised me.
Now to have a cuppa and a snack and I'd be set!
I turned my gaze to find that Blayze was sat in one of the visitor's armchair's, his right elbow propped on the armrest and his chin resting on his loose fist, his eyes focused on the TV screen.
Not for the first time, I realised that he looked knackered.
It was obvious in the heaviness of his eyes and the slump of his broad shoulders.
No doubt he'd put almost a full day in at the farm and then driven nearly three hours to come here.
He couldn't have put in an entire day at the farm, because it was about 6:30 when he poked his head into my hospital room.
But he'd likely been up from around 5 or 5:30 this morning!
Now, a glance at the round clock up on the wall told me it was almost seven.
"You look exhausted."
I told him, guiding the length of my hair over my left shoulder so that I could use both hands to rumple the soft fabric of the towel over it and assist it in drying a little faster.
Blayze dragged his tired eyes from the TV screen showing The Chase and looked at me.
His deep blue-green orbs dragged over my borrowed outfit before settling on my face.
He turned his gaze back to the TV show and propped his chin on his fist once again.
"I'm fine."
He denied.
I snorted.
He ignored me.
With a sigh, I walked around the bottom of the hospital bed, to the other armchair and hung my towel over the back of it.
Why did he come here if shit was just going to keep being awkward?
Well there's only one way that you can stop things being like this.
The know-it-all little voice in my head piped up.
Mentally I rolled my eyes at her.
Because it's so simple.
Well I guess it's time to pull up my big girl panties.
I walked back around the end of the hospital bed and perched myself on the edge of the mattress, my feet dangling off the ground because I'm a short ass.
"Have you eaten?"
I asked.
Blayze pulled his gaze from the TV, to look at me, but kept his chin propped on his hand.
Hmmm...maybe we can find somewhere around here to get some food then...
But he's tired, even if he won't admit it.
Grandma sent food!
"You can have what Grandma sent over."
I offered.
He shook his head.
"You need to eat it."
Always so stubborn!
"I'm not hungry."
I denied, linking my hands together in my lap.
Blayze levelled me with an almost glare.
"You need to eat."
I rolled my eyes.
"I've eaten."
"Not what Grace sent."
For god sake!
"I don't want to eat that now."
Blayze rolled his eyes.
"You don't even know what it is."
I raised a questioning eyebrow.
"Do you?"
I grinned.
A ghost of a smile crossed Blayze's lips.
I cast a glance toward the other bag that was sitting on the table beside my hospital bed.
"We can't let it go to waste..."
"So eat it then."
Blayze replied.
"I don't want to!"
I all but groaned.
"I just want a cuppa and a snack."
I slipped my best smile into place.
Blayze sighed heavily.
"Fine. Whaddya want?"
But hang on...
"Doctor Legend didn't say I'm not allowed to walk."
I pointed out.
"I've been stuck in this stupid room, on this stupid bed since lunch time!"
Blayze cracked a smile.
"Itchin for some fresh air eh?"
Hell yeah!
But Doctor Legend might just kick my arse if I bribe Blayze to break me out of here...
"When's your Doctor's meant to be comin to check on ya next?"
Blayze asked, his gaze flicking to the clock up on the wall.
"About ten."
He raised a questioning eyebrow.
"Ten minutes or ten PM?"
I couldn't help but smile.
"Ten PM!"
"Wanna go for a wander then and we'll see what we can find?"
I practically jumped down from the bed.
Blayze laughed.
Inside, I did a victory dance.
He laughed!
Blayze got to his feet, his movements looking tired and stiff.
"Big day today?"
I asked as he grabbed his phone, keys and wallet off the table.
"I'm tired."
He said, pushing his belongings into various pockets of his jeans.
Told ya!
"Of what exactly I don't really know."
He explained, releasing a sigh.
"I'm just tired."
Apparently my face gave something away, because he frowned and reached out a hand to ruffle the top of my head.
"And don't say 'I told ya so'."
I skipped back a couple of steps, putting myself out of reach, a grin splitting my face.
"But I did call it!"
Blayze glared.
"You want me to buy ya shit or not?"
"I'll behave!"
I promised and turned on my heel to head out of the room.
Pausing in the doorway, I realised I wasn't wearing shoes or even socks.
I don't think I even have shoes here...
I shook my head and stepped out of the room.
"People are gonna look at ya weird ya know."
Blayze warned, his long strides easily catching up to me.
I lifted my chin stubbornly.
Honestly, I don't give two flying hoots who see's me wearing Blayze's clothes!
"They can go jump."
I announced.
Blayze laughed.
"I'm hungry!"
I exclaimed, throwing my hands up.
Blayze raised a questioning eyebrow.
"I thought ya said ya want a snack?"
"Well I wanted to get the hell out of that room!"
I gestured back the way we'd come.
Smiling, Blayze shook his head.

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