Chapter Thirty Five

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Seeing a phone flashing on the sparkling kitchen bench, by the overflowing fruit bowl, I leaned forward to take a look.
It looked strikingly like the last model I'd seen Paul using.
The name flashing on the screen with the wine glasses and kissey face's was not my Mother's.
Heather danced across the lit up screen.
My stomach dropped and my fist's automatically curled, my nail's biting into my skin.
Finally the call rang out.
Not too long later, the message tone whistled.
Straining forward further, I attempted to read what was on the screen.
Heather: Hey baby when will you be back? I miss you xxxxx
I felt my eyes bug wide open.
How dare he!
Another message came through, the whistle sounding.
I felt bile rise in my throat when an almost faceless red head appeared in a picture, cropping her own face out it seemed and she was clad in nothing but a skimpy black bra and panties set, hunched over so her boob's were prominent and almost bulging out of the bra cup's.
Glancing around the kitchen, I wuickly pocketed the phone.
Paul is not going to get away with this.
And Mum doesn't need to see this just yet.
How the hell am I meant to tell/show her this one?
I chewed thoughtfully on my lower lip as I walked out of the kitchen.
Time to put Paul on a spit roast!

I couldn't get my mind off the matter at hand.
The stolen phone that sat in my pocket kept vibrating.
By now I'd turned the ringer sound off, because occasionally another call or message came in and it was slowly driving me nut's!
I was so distracted, that even my liberty session in the round yard with Phoenix was hopeless.
He'd canter off away from me.
He wouldn't bend in on me...
I turned around to see Blayze had climbed onto the bottom rail of the fence.
Even though he can see over the six foot fence without needing to, he could now fold his arm's on the top rail.
I asked, my frustration over Paul and my incredibly shit session with Phoenix seeping into my voice.
Blayze gestured me over.
"I'm busy."
I gestured pointedly to Phoenix who stood behind me.
Blayze insisted.
With a half sigh, half growl, I stomped across the sand floor toward him.
I asked, stopping a mere two feet from the fence and placing my hand's on my hip's.
"What's goin on?"
He asked.
I gestured pointedly behind me.
"I'm trying to work with Phoenix."
Blayze frowned.
"Yeah. You're trying. So what's goin on?"
It was my turn to frown.
I bit my tongue.
Blayze is a horseman.
It'd be as obvious to him as if it were written in words.
I looked away, feeling largely ashamed.
"I'm just distracted, okay."
Why couldn't I just switch my brain off and focus on what I wanted to do with Phoenix?!
Blayze stepped down from the fence.
"C'mon out here."
I sighed.
"I'm trynna work with Phoenix, Blayze."
"And right now you needa tell me what's goin on coz your liberty session sure ain't workin."
Gritting my teeth, I grabbed onto the fence and climbed up.
Once I balanced myself at the top, Blayze helped me down the other side, his large hand's warm and tantalising on my waist.
But now is not the time for that.
I pushed any dirty thought's aside.
Blayze glanced around to make sure there were no eavesdropper's around.
"So what's up?"
He turned his focus back to me.
"What do you do if you've learnt something that will ruin everything?"
My voice came out more quiet and vulnerable than I was expecting it to.
Momentarily, Blayze froze.
Slowly he seemed to regain some composure.
He rested his hand's on his R.M Williams jeans clad hip's.
"Well it would depend on what the information was."
I pulled the phone from my pocket and held it out to him once I'd activated the screen.
With a roll of his eyes, Blayze took the phone.
First, he frowned at what was presented.
Then his eyes widened.
His gaze snapped up to mine.
"Who's phone's this?"
I scowled.
"I think you already worked that out."
"It's Paul's?"
I clenched my jaw and nodded.
"And you flogged it?"
"Don't act like that's the problem here."
I reached to take the phone from him, but he pulled it away.
"I saw it on the bench with the call's and message's coming through! When the slutty one came through I knew that Mum or Grandma didn't need to find it!"
I was seething again now.
"Your Mum's gonna needa know..."
Blayze said carefully.
"I know that!"
I threw my hand's up.
"I just don't know how I'm supposed to tell her!"
I choked before all my word's were out.
Blayze pulled me into his chest, wrapping his arm's around me.
It was amazing the comfort the gesture actually did bring me.
But if we got caught...
I'd have a lot more explaining to do than just Paul's phone.
I pulled back, taking a step back and wiping at my eyes.
"Before you confront him or them, make sure you get me to come up there."
Blayze held the mobile phone out to me.
"He's not gonna take it well bein caught."
I already knew that much.
"So I'm supposed to confront him?"
Blayze shook his head.
"Your Mum has to know. What she chooses to do about it is up to her, but I hope she'll be smart."
"And throw him out for good?"
I pocketed the phone again.
"It won't be easy on her. She's got the four young kid's to him. But if he can do that to her, then she definitely doesn't need him."
"I've never really thought he was good for her. How long's this been going on for? We've always thought his calls were about business."
I felt disgust crawl into my voice.
Blayze pulled a grim face.
"Apparently not."
"I wanna kill him."
Instinctively, my hand's balled into fist's at my sides.
"And land yourself in jail, leaving your Mum extra alone?"
Blayze raised a questioning brow.
"Not a wise move."
"You seriously don't wanna pound his brains out?!"
I demanded.
Blayze rolled his eyes.
"Oh I definitely do."

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