Chapter Sixty-Eight

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- Thank you Mikayala7700 and @Jelene98 for your vote last chapter! 😊
(P.S to anybody else I haven't thanked directly on a vote, I thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤️ I just got to putting my ideas into writing and had the whim to publish here and it's truly blown me away that so many of you have taken an interest in and seemed to enjoy this story)
(P.P.S - I need to end it because I'm nearly at seventy chapters but man I just can't bring myself to!!!)


I tiptoed into the 'master' bedroom, in search of my travel bag.
I wasn't entirely sure this was where it was, but it was the best guess.
I flicked the light on so that I could see better, being the sun was well down by now, so the house was almost dark except for the light flowing in from the main area.
Where the heck are they?
The room looked exactly the way I'd left it hours ago...
Frowning, I flicked the light off and crossed to the other room.
Surely Blayze wouldn't have thrown them in there?
Pushing the door open and flicking the light on proved me correct.
But where are the bags?
I saw him bring them in...
Clutching my towel around my body, I walked into the open area of the small place.
Bags, bags, bags...
They weren't on the dining table or near the kitchen bench.
I walked to the back of the lounge and scanned that room.
He'd dropped them onto the nearby armchair.
I smiled, seeing Zeus sprawled out on the other armchair, his blocky head resting on the armchair and his eyes closed.
Azlan had gone with Blayze to get food while I took a bath and Zeus had stayed with me but made himself comfortable on the armchair.
I doubt the people that own and run this place want dogs on their furniture...
But he sleeps on an armchair at Blayze's, so it was a little rich to try and tell him he couldn't use this one.
From here the two bag's looked similar.
But a tilt of my head showed me that the bag on the left had BULLZYE stamped on the side.
Blayze's bag.
I walked around to the right side of the armchair and unzipped my bag, searching for clothes.
What the?
With a frown, I rummaged through the contents of my bag.
Finally finding denim, I lifted it out to look at it only to come across a pair of short ass short's.
"What the hell...?"
I grabbed the next thing and found a short, floral printed summer style dress.
Oh god what had my Mother done?
The next thing I grabbed was my black and bright green maxi dress.
Next was a thin, white cardigan type jacket, which I'm guessing she packed in case I get 'cool'.
Had she seriously not realised which daughter she'd packed for?
A white t-shirt and the short ass shorts were the most 'Bailey' like outfit in there!
Strappy sandals were in there...
Matching bra and undies in black, white and even a freakin lime green pair were in there!
Although I kind of found the lime green pair cool, I'd never seen them before so had to wonder where the heck she got them?
Even on the 'pyjamas' front she'd failed massively.
Couldn't she have put my damn squirtle ones in?
Everyone loves Nemo!
She'd gone and put in a silky blue tank top thing with itsy bitsy straps on it with a matching pair of short shorts.
Where the hell was she even finding this stuff?
Note to self: Never let Mum pack a bag for me again!
But that 'note' wasn't going to help me now.
Zeus' booming woof filled the room, making me jump at least a foot.
My heart was in my throat as I twisted to look at the dog who was now awake and glaring toward the front window.
Oh shit!
Somewhere out past the bushy garden, car lights flashed past the window.
"It's probably your Dad you twat."
I informed the dog, my heart beating a little too fast inside my chest.
But Zeus was still glaring at the window.
If Blayze is back I'm standing in the middle of the room with a towel wrapped around my body.
Crap, crap, crap!
I grabbed the white pair of underwear and bra, the shorts and the t-shirt and practically sprinted for the short hall.
I'll borrow the main bedroom quickly.

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