Chapter Sixty-Five

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Massive thanks to Melissa-jayde- and Mikayala7700 for your vote on chapter sixty-four! A lovely way to end my week long holiday! 😊


Walking back to the house from taking rubbish around to the bin, I looked over my shoulder to see Blayze and Loralai still chatting by the paddock his horse's share.
It was good to see them getting along.
The 'Blayze' I knew had never had any family besides my own.
An almighty CRASH made me jump at least a foot in surprise.
What the?
My Mother's voice screamed.
I yanked the back screen door open and sprinted into the small hall.
I was practically skidding rather than running, as I looked around, trying to find where all the noise had come from.
There was nobody in for out dining room.
I ran through the kitchen entrance, my heart in my throat and fear pounding through my veins.
My Grandpa is the single, strongest man I know.
What could have made Mum scream out like that?
I skidded to a stop, my heart in my throat and my eyes super wide.
Grandpa was laid out on the kitchen floor, one hand clutching at his chest and the other splayed out on the hardwood floorboards.
His eyes were open and his entire body was heaving and shuddering, his month gaping open and closed like a fish out of water.
Mum and Grandma were on the floor beside him and Grandma held a phone, but her hands were shaking too badly to be able to use it.
Mum's head snapped my way.
Her eyes said it all.
This was bad.
Her green orbs were wide and frantic, while also being filled with unshed tears.
"I'll get Lukas and Blayze!"
My voice came out like a strangled squeak.
If there's anybody who can remain calm in an emergency and act efficiently, it's my Uncle and Blayze.
I spun on my heel and bolted, aiming for the outside yard again.
I don't even know where my Uncle is.
I just hope Blayze and Loralai haven't moved far away.
I burst through the screen door, legitimately hearing a crack of some kind, but all that was on my mind was helping my Grandpa.
Big, fat, hot tears were now flowing freely onto my cheeks, like an overflowing, flooding creek bed.
I struggled to get the wrought iron yard gate open, rocking it against its hinges as I tried to force my way through.
Apparently this structure is just a little bit more durable than the screen door.
"What's happened?!"
I looked up, finally releasing the gate from its latch and practically fell through the gateway, toward the sprinting Blayze and Loralai.
Gasping, I could do little more than point behind me to the house.
Loralai started.
Blayze grabbed my shoulders, forcing me to face him and bent a little so he could be more to face level with me.
"Bailey. What's. Happened?"
I screamed, doing my best to push against him and at the same time point to the house.
"Please go!"
I begged, my knees now feeling weak.
Blayze set his jaw, nodded and stepped around me.
He unlatched the gate far more efficiently than me and hit a run up to the back door of my family home.
"Honey, is somebody hurt?"
Loralai asked in a gentle, soothing tone.
"My Gr-Grandpa!"
I croaked.
"What's happened?"
Loralai gently prodded.
"He's on-on the f-floor and h-he's h-holding his ch-chest-!"
My own chest was heaving as I gasped, trying to keep getting air in and continue talking.
"I'll go look."
Loralai placed a gentle hand on my shoulder and stepped around me.
What's she going to be able to do?
She doesn't know my family!
I spun around to see my Uncle striding my way.
His face showed concern and his green eyes darted every which way, as if trying to calculate what was wrong.
I squealed, pointing toward the house.
My Uncle didn't even bother with the gate, he just grabbed the top of the fence and hauled himself over the barrier.
He hit the ground running and even got to the house before Loralai could.
I was too damn scared to go back in there.
My knees decided they couldn't take much more, so I eased myself to the ground before I fell down.
Drawing my knees to my chest. I wrapped my arms around the front of my shins and buried my face into my knees.
Why the fuck can't things just be easy?

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