Chapter Fifty Four

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I did my best to roll away from the puppy's paw's and flicking, wet tongue.
His favourite trick lately is to wake me up by crawling on my chest and licking my face.
Giving in, I cracked my eyes open.
The long legged, floppy eared, black, tan and white delinquent pup cocked his head to the side at me, his mischievous eyes sparkling.
I lifted a hand to ruffle his head.
"You are cute I'll give ya that."
His tail thumped gently against my ribcage as he showed his appreciation for the attention.
"C'mon I guess it's time to get-"
I started, but threw my hand over my mouth, as if by that action alone, I could hold back the tirade of vomit that I knew was waiting to explode from deep in my gut.
Not a-freakin-gain!
Using my other hand, I threw my blankets aside, effectively smothering Zuke I think.
But right now all that I could think about was getting to the bathroom.
I bolted from my room, the door slamming against my wall in my urgent haste.
I heard a puppy yap behind me, but ignored Zuke and took off down the hall.
I threw the bathroom door open too, thankful nobody had been in there and blocked my much needed path.
The bathroom door banged too, before I could catch it, push it shut and snap the lock.
Hmmm maybe I'm using just a little too much force today!
But I need to hurl!
I all but dropped to the floor in front of the toilet, ripping my hand away from my mouth, the acidic burn in my throat taking over full force.
My stomach churned and heaved and I was greeted with a good portion of last night's dinner all minced up in the toilet bowl.
Just looking at it made me want to hurl again, so I clamped my stinging eyes shut and reached for the button to flush the toilet.
I hate vomiting!
A yap and a gentle scratch at the outside of the bathroom door reached my ears.
I heard a muffled voice on the other side of the door, but was unable to make out the words or who the voice belonged to through the solid wood that had been used on our bathroom door.
At the moment I wasn't in much of a place to care about what other people were doing anyway.
I just slumped against the toilet bowl, my breath feeling shaky, my heart beating a little too fast and my skin feeling clammy, waiting to see if I'd be sick again yet.

A few minutes passed and my stomach didn't heave again, so I climbed to my feet and went to the bathroom sink to brush the crap out of my teeth and rinse my mouth with mouthwash.
Please, please, please be the only time you make me sick today.
I silently begged my unborn baby, placing a hand gently over my lower stomach.
"Mummy has good plans with your Aunties Hayley and Noah today."
I whispered, looking down at my stomach where my hand lay.
The baby probably can't even hear me...
That thought made me drop my hand and go back to scrubbing the crap out of my mouth and teeth.
Maybe I'll have to ask Mum, Grandma or Aunty Bridey about that one...
They've all had babies.

"Did somebody take Zuke outside?"
I asked, cautiously approaching the kitchen.
I could hear the sizzle of a fry pan and the clink of cutlery against porcelain, which meant the kitchen was definitely occupied.
I'd heard the pup and a voice at the bathroom door before...
I still have to get dressed to start my day, but first I'm going to have to make sure Zuke isn't running around the house somewhere using the place as a potty or causing trouble...
"I did."
I faltered, seeing Blayze in the kitchen, lounging against the far bench and holding a black coffee mug.
It's not that rare to see him here.
But this early?
I felt heat rise on my cheeks.
Great do I have to be caught in short ass silky Squirtle shorts and a tank top that is prone to have the shoulder straps slip off my shoulders?
In nothing out of the ordinary, he was decked out in form fitting wash jeans that I could tell from here were likely Wrangler, an almost form fitting black Bullzye t-shirt and it looked like today he'd chosen light coloured boots.
So I get to look homeless and he gets to look like he's just strolled out of a Cowboy magazine?
Mentally I groaned.
"Thank you."
I quietly told him, turned on my heel and practically ran back to my room to get dressed for the day.
"You okay sweetie?"
I skidded to a stop, narrowly missing slamming into Mum in the hallway.
I nodded quickly.
"I'm good."
Mum frowned.
"You look a little flushed."
"I'm good."
I insisted.
I turned on my heel and hurried to my bedroom.

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