Chapter Sixty-Nine

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I stared down at my stomach.
My once flat stomach.
Maybe feeling bloated hadn't just been in my head after all...
Was I bloated, or had my first signs of a baby bump suddenly appeared?
There was a distinct rise in the lower section of my stomach, there was no doubt about it.
Tenderly, I touched the raised area with my finger's of my left hand, while my right hand kept my t-shirt hem out of the way.
Well, Blayze's t-shirt since I'd used it as a pyjama top last night...
"What's takin' ya so long?"
I turned my head toward the doorway to see that Blayze was now standing there, the doorknob in one hand seeing as he'd just opened the door to his bedroom, wheee I was currently rooted to my spot.
I turned my gaze back to my belly, completely mesmerised.
I heard the door gently thud against the wall.
But I kept my gaze on my belly, gently touching it with my fingertips, feeling the firmness yet sight squishiness...
"What's wrong?"
I lifted my gaze to look at Blayze's face.
His worried face.
I asked, confused.
"Nothing's wrong?"
He asked, the hope in his voice audible.
Hang on.
He'd be a good judge of whether I'm just going crazy...
"Blayze I think the 'bump' has started."
I all but whispered.
He looked confused.
"You bump."
I explained.
His eyes widened slightly.
I too looked down at my belly as I pointed at it.
"Holy shit."
Blayze whispered.
I looked quickly up to his face.
"I'm not imagining it?"
He shook his head.
His hands hovered at his sides, as if he wasn't quite sure what to do with them.
An excitable feeling blossomed inside of me, my heart seeming to flutter.
I urged, grabbing one of his hands with both of mine.
"Won't it just feel like a belly?"
He asked, putting up resistance to my movement.
I shook my head.
"It feels weird."
I felt Blayze's hand get a little heavier in mine, so I drew his hand toward my belly.
Freeing one of my own hands. I lifted the t-shirt hem out of the way again and placed Blayze's hand palm down against my lower stomach.
Gently, he moulded his hand around the area.
I looked up to his face to check out his reaction.
He stared at where his hand laid, his eyes focused.
Slowly a small smile spread over his lips.
My own grin stretched across my own lips.
He seemed to have no words and just let his voice trail off.
"I wonder when we'll feel him or her move..."
I whispered, gently resting my hand over Blayze's atop my belly.
"I...don't know."
Blayze answered quietly.
I frowned.
"Neither do I..."
What great parents are we going to make if we don't even know when we can feel our baby move?
"Maybe you can ask your Mum."
Blayze suggested.
I nodded.
He was right.
That was the easiest way to find out.
Mum's had four pregnancies, so she should know.
"You two comin' or what?!"
Heath called from out in the cottage somewhere.
"Comin' now!"
Blayze said over his shoulder.
I removed my hand from over his and he slowly removed his hand from my belly.

Heath greeted, his confusion seen and heard.
I muttered, sinking into the seat beside him.
I no longer even felt hungry.
But now I've got a plate of pancakes and a side of fruit and yoghurt in front of me.
"Is everything okay?"
Heath asked in a hushed voice.
I lifted my gaze from my breakfast, to look at his face.
I looked down the table to where Blayze sat with Troy and Alex.
No room at the breakfast table for the new 'girlfriend'.
Bitterness crept into my veins.
I told Heath and picked my knife and fork up off the table.
Guess I'd better eat.
Heath's tone told me he didn't believe me in the slightest.

"Leave it to me Gramma."
I insisted, urging her away from the sink once Breakfast was done and the hands had all filed out.
She laughed.
"Honey don't be silly!"
I insisted.
"Go enjoy a cuppa and a magazine or something."
If I'm going to lock myself inside I might as well give myself something to do.
Grandma narrowed her eyes suspiciously at me.
"What are you up to exactly?"
"Ensuring my status as favourite Granddaughter!"
I chirped, herding her toward the kitchen entrance.
"Okay, okay!"
Grandma laughed.
"Are ya gonna let me make my cuppa?"
Oh yeah...
I smiled sheepishly, stepping back from her.
Smiling, Grandma shook her head.
I gestured toward the kettle.

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