Chapter Fourteen

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Thank you DeeDotson for another gorgeous pic 😍💜

Everything felt fuzzy.
The music throbbed, the walls vibrating with the intensity.
The room was black.
The medium height, medium build guy closed in on me.
My heart beat too fast inside my chest.
My palms grew sweaty.
My back was to the wall.
I was trapped.
I thrashed my arms and legs, trying to fight him off.
My tongue couldn't seem to connect to my brain.
I couldn't make my mouth work to yell for help.
Strong hands gripped my shoulders and shook me vigorously.
"Oi Bails!"
"Go away!"
I pushed back against the hard body and ripped my eyes open.
My heart was pounding and I felt the chill of a traumatised sweat on me.
Another bloody nightmare!
I winced.
Blinking hard, I focused on the shadowed form of Blayze leaning over me.
A Kelpie yap sounded and I turned my head to see that Azlan was on the bed too, peering down at me, his tail wagging at half mast.
What the?
I looked back to Blayze, struggling to keep my breathing in check and calm my rapidly beating heart.
"Are you okay?"
Blayze asked, his tone leaking concern.
I nodded quickly.
"The thrashing, whimpering and screaming might suggest otherwise..."
Blayze's eyes showed his worry, even in the darkness of the cottage's second bedroom.
"I'm fine. Just a dream."
I turned onto my side and attempted to get comfortable, or at least pretend to.
I didn't think I'd be going back to sleep any time soon...
"I'd think that was a nightmare..."
Blayze remarked.
I muttered.
I stared at the wall alongside the opposite side of the bed, focusing on my breathing.
"I'm sorry I didn't wake up straight away. Azlan came and got me."
Blayze turned his voice to the gentle, soothing one he used when working with horses.
I guess I should feel grateful I was getting the same treatment.
"It's not your job to watch over me."
I dismissed.
When are we going to learn this?
He's always been there to have my back and now I expect him to be.
But how's he then meant to live his own life?
"And how do you figure that?"
Confusion and maybe a smidgen of irritation leaked into Blayze's deep voice.
"Because it's not. You have to sleep."
My voice slowly grew thick as I tried to hold in the warring emotions inside of my heart.
This was all too much for me.
The lack of sleep was catching up on me.
My emotions were frayed like a burnt out electrical cord.
"What's making you have nightmares?"
Blayze shifted so he was sitting on the side of the bed, obviously deciding to somewhat change the subject.
He was obviously choosing to ignore my attempt to push him away.
Typical Blayze.
"I've had them since the night of the day I woke up in the hospital."
I muttered.
I felt my cheeks burn in a blush.
I hate admitting to weakness.
Cowgirl's aren't meant to be weak.
I guess I ain't no Cowgirl then...
"Have you told anyone?"
He questioned.
"I just told you."
I pointed out.
"I mean anyone else?"
"Why not?"
I could hear his frown.
"Coz it's just a dream."
I all but whispered.
"That's haunted you for almost a week."
He pointed out.
"It's like five nights or something..."
I attempted to brush it off.
Five nights of no sleep...
"Do you want me to sit with you for a bit?"
He offered.
"I'll be okay."
I whispered.
I can't make him stay up.
He's got work in the morning.
Azlan crawled forward on the mattress, placing his head over my hip.
"Azlan and I will be fine."
I murmured and reached a hand down to pat the Dog's soft head.
He didn't sound convinced.
Carefully he slid off the double bed, obviously preparing to go back to his own bedroom.
"Thanks Blayze."
I whispered, my throat thick.
I guess he really does deserve my gratitude.
"For what?"
He seemed genuinely surprised.
I twisted so I could look at his shadowed figure.
"Checking up on me."
I explained.
He shook his head.
"You don't needa thank me for that."
My heart skipped a beat and Azlan whined, probably hearing it.
"Yeah I do."
I insisted.
He could've stayed sleeping soundly in his own bed, yet he'd stumbled over here in the middle of the night to make sure I was okay.
A long moment of silence stretched between us and it began to feel awkward.
Finally Blayze cleared his throat.
"Try some sweet dreams this time Cowgirl."
He suggested and headed for the door.
I felt my heart flutter at his words.
I wished it could be that simple.
Push the bad dreams aside and replace them with good ones.
But I already knew it wasn't.
Blayze disappeared from view and the light outside the room turned off, most likely by him flicking the switch on the wall.
My heart kicked up a notch thanks to the flood of darkness.
I never used to be a Girl who was afraid of the dark.
It was time to try to get back to sleep.
Azlan gave a low whine and his tail thumped against the blanket, as though he was telling me he had my back.
If was extremely odd he'd chosen to stay with me and hadn't left with Blayze.
"Good boy."
I whispered and patted his silky head.
"Let's go to sleep."
I shifted my weight around on the mattress a bit, attempting to get comfortable.

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