Chapter Forty Seven

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Monday morning was quiet compared with Friday's hustle and bustle.
Each person was more relaxed and a little sleepy as they went about making coffee and plating up their breakfast.
At least that's what I somewhat managed to notice from my position slumped at the breakfast bar.
Yesterday I was hunched with my head in the toilet bowl four times.
Today it's six thirty and I've been at the toilet three times and am currently battling a churning stomach.
Keeping concerned eyes on me, Grandma put a bottle of water in front of me on the bench.
With my elbow's propped on the bench top and my head hanging in my hand's, I just wanted to crawl back into bed.
But it's Monday and all last week I did next to nothing in term's of farm chore's.
I've got to just pull up my big girl pants and get on with it.
"Hey love."
Grandma's warm voice greeted.
I didn't bother lifting my head, too busy battling a light dizziness behind my eyes.
When the hell is this shit gonna stop?
Surely it could take it easy now that I've woken up and realise I'm pregnant right?
The world can stop with the not so subtle hint's...
"What's up?"
A familiar, concerned voice sounded beside me and a large, warm hand gently rubbed my back.
I kept my eyes shut and took a careful breath.
I didn't trust shaking my head.
I already felt dizzy enough as it was.
I'd probably land on the floorboard's.
"She's had a rough couple morning's."
Grandma explained.
"She's not managing to keep much at all down."
"Bail's? Why didn't ya tell me?"
Because there's no use us both suffering?
I didn't talk, not trusting my voice.
"Honey, I'm gonna make ya just some simple toast."
Grandma urged.
I croaked.
Just the thought of food made my stomach turn.
"You have to try and eat, sweetie."
Grandma gently urged.
Tear's pricked at my eyes and I pressed the heel's of my hand's into them to try to hold the torrent back.
"And if I eat I'm gonna hurl again."
Blayze rubbed gentle circle's on my back.
"Well leave it till you feel a bit better then."
Grandma made a disapproving sound.
"I gotta get goin."
Blayze announced.
I lifted my head out of my hand's.
Grandma crossed to the kettle and flicked the switch to make it boil.
Blayze took a step back from me.
"We owe Sam for donating Keegan and a couple of the lad's, so me and Troy have to go help em with their shearing."
My heart clenched.
He's off to spend another whole day with Rikki?
Is she still working at the Jackson's?
Hayley didn't tell me she had a time limit...
I felt frustrated hot tear's well in my eyes.
I twisted on the stool so I could step off it and head for my room.
Right now I think I just need to take a moment to lay down.
Blayze sighed as I stepped around him.
"Just go."
I shot over my shoulder, my throat thick with unshed tear's.
"Leave her be."
I heard Grandma quietly urge as I stepped around the corner and into the hall.

Tuesday morning was like Deja Vu as I sat at the breakfast bar, well after breakfast was finished.
My palm's were pressed either side of my head and my elbow's braced on the bench as I fought off a menacing head ache and the vile churning in my stomach.
The acid still burnt my throat, my multiple trip's to the bathroom vivid in my mind from the morning so far.
"Well don't you look like shit."
I could only force my eyes half way open to see that Heath had wandered into the kitchen.
"Gee, thanks."
I croaked.
He doesn't have to be that honest...
"Can I...get you water or somethin?"
He offered.
It was a tempting idea to shake my head.
But I knew if I did that, the nausea would likely send me falling to the floor.
I whispered and shut my eyes once again.
"Heath, what bring's you up here?"
Mum's perfume wafted by me as she breezed into the kitchen and I had to clamp my lip's tightly shut as my stomach twisted.
"Uh just...wanted to know if I could borrow a car to get a few part's from town?"
I kept my eyes shut, blocking them out.
Mum agreed.
"Key's are just up there."
I imagined her pointing to the row of hook's that held the key set's.
"You can choose from the EL sedan or Wallace, or if you're super lucky I might be nice enough to say you could take my car."
"Whichever is fine."
I could imagine Heath smiling.
"Guess I should think about buying my own wheel's again eh."
"Might help."
I could hear the smile in Mum's voice.
"Though normally we've got a spare vehicle."
"I'll take the Xh if that's alright? I'm not entirely sure what it is I'm gonna be picking up."
"That's fine, hon."
Mum assured.
"You should go lay down Bail's."
Heath urged.
"I'm starting to agree."
Mum put in.
I made a non committed sound.
What's going back to bed going to do?
I'm still going to feel like complete and utter shit.

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