Chapter Sixty-Six

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Thank you StphanieDuval for your interest in this story! Was very exciting and motivating to see your votes when I woke up! 😊


The morning sun was strangely warm for late May.
I was even considering removing my jumper.
But chances were, it would then be a little too cold.
The horses had all been fed and watered and I'd just finished cleaning the manure and wasted hay from the four yards we were currently using.
Tango was a little cutie pie who kept following me around his yard, lipping at my clothes and nosing at the wheelbarrow.
Thankfully he didn't upturn the barrow and make my life harder.
Paint and Tango we're sharing a fence line and if you were hanging around in the right time of the morning, you could catch them running up and down, taunting each other into play and kicking up their heels.
Then River would crack it because Paint was ignoring him!
"I'll see ya later cutie."
I told Tango, giving his forehead a scratch once I had the yard gate chained shut.
I turned to grab the handles of the wheelbarrow and take the manure around to the poo pile.
As I neared the working horse paddock, an all too familiar neigh rang out to me.
I twisted around to see Phoenix standing with the other horses, his head raised and his ears pricked, his focus my way.
"Hey gorgeous boy!"
I called back to him.
My golden child dropped his head and sprang into a canter, coming toward the fence.
I let go of the wheelbarrow and walked to the fence to meet my horse.
He slowed to a trot just before the fence, then skidded to a stop.
"Hey my beautiful baby."
I whispered.
Phoenix stretched his nose over the top of the fence, touching noses with me.
A mild burning developed in my throat and my heartbeat increased a little.
"I miss our adventures."
I whispered.
Phoenix lipped at my nose.
It was way too long since Phoenix and I spent the usual time together.
And it was beginning to hurt my heart.
He was too gorgeous of a horse to sit in a paddock doing nothing.
But I wasn't sure I could let one of the hands start riding him.
Even if it was Blayze or Heath.
Blayze wouldn't, he's got three of his own to ride.
"One day baby boy."
I whispered, a few tears building in my eyes as I patted my horse's soft nose.
Phoenix ducked his head to gently rub his forehead against my shoulder.
I blinked, trying to hold back my emotional tears.
As if crying is going to help.
The jingle of dog collars and the scuff of a boot caught both of our attention.
Phoenix lifted his head and looked beyond me, over my left shoulder.
I blinked harder, lifting a hand to wipe at my eyes and wipe away any evidence of emotions.
Slowly I half turned.
Aslan and Zuke raced toward me.
Blayze and Zeus followed.
Uh oh...
I bent to pat Azlan and Zuke, then quickly straightened again.
"I'm not slackin' off."
I turned on my boot clad heel to go back to the manure filled wheelbarrow.
Blayze seemingly instantly stopped me, by grabbing my arm just above my elbow.
Slowly i turned back around, curious about what he wanted.
Was he having a bad day already and wanted to be able to yell at me face to face?
Silently, Blayze studied my face for a moment.
"What's up with you?"
I averted my gaze and went to step away.
Being Blayze though, seeing as he believed he'd seen something, he wasn't about to let it go so easily.
He pulled me by my arm again, effectively pretty much pulling me straight into his chest.
I lifted my free hand to brace against his chest, so I didn't smack straight into him.
Then slowly I tipped my head back until I could see his face.
His beautifully tanned face
It seemed like ages since we'd been this close to each other.
I opened my mouth, but I couldn't make any words come out.
It was one of the insanely rare times that I was lost for words around Blayze.
His eyes were their usual deep mix of a clear mix between deep blue and green, his skin was it's usual gentle glowing bronze and a darkened shade bordered his jaw, indicating he was likely to be due for a shave soon.
"You're missing him aren't you."
It was Blayze who broke the silence.
"What-? Who?"
I asked, completely confused.
Who on earth was I meant to be missing?
The only 'him' I was used to having around all the time but wasn't currently here, was Grandpa.
Grandma and Uncle Lukas are picking him up today.
He's apparently made 'exceptional progress' and the Doctor's are willing to let him home as long as he listens and remains on rest for a few days, then ensures to follow their 'recovery routine'.
Blayze broke eye contact and nodded behind me.
A crash and thud sounded behind me.
Blayze pulled a grim face.
Uh oh...
Slowly I twisted enough that I could hopefully see what was going on.
Zuke had managed to tip the wheelbarrow over.
How the hell did my pipsqueak puppy do that?!
With a sigh, I turned back to Blayze.
I guess my task just got longer seeing as I didn't make it to the manure pile before I stopped to see Phoenix.
"It is what it is."
I told him and used my tree hand to remove his hand from my arm.
We'd agreed weeks ago that I wouldn't ride Phoenix.
Well, the agreement was not yet but when was 'yet' meant to come around then?
I mean even Doctor Glen said my baby was growing and growing well and also I'd already moved up a size in jeans.
If I waited too long to climb back on Phoenix I probably wouldn't be able to if my baby kept growing at this rate.
I'm just over eleven weeks and feel pretty much continually bloated at the moment.
At least I'd call it bloated if I didn't know I was actually pregnant.
"I've got work to do. As we can both see, Zuke just made it more."
I could feel that irritating thickness coming back to my throat.
Blayze once again grabbed my arm, but of course gently.
I blinked hard against the moisture I could feel building in my eyes and made myself turn back around yet again.
Something swirled in the depths of Blayze's deep orbs that I couldn't quite read.
But I saw him attempt to clamp down on the emotions and push them away.
He clenched his jaw and nodded toward the paddock, where I'm guessing Phoenix is still waiting.
"Take him for a ride. I'll tell Heath he's goin with ya. He's been outta work a few weeks now though so please let Heath ride 'im first and if all goes well you can swap over."
Hold on...
He's saying I can ride Phoenix?!
My heart seemed to already beat more lightly.
I resisted the urge to fist pump.
Reality came crashing down on me.
"Isn't Heath working?"
"He'll do what I tell him to."
Another thought occurred to me.
"C-can't you just come?"
The only other horse he'd be likely to 'let me ride' is Quinton, as per our already standing agreement.
And I'd trust Blayze to ride Phoenix.
Not that I don't trust Heath...
But between Blayze and I, I think we'd be able to solidly work out Phoenix's emotions.
Blayze shook his head, clenching his jaw once again.
"I can't. I've got shit that I've gotta get done."
Why is there suddenly things that can't wait?
We're not haying.
There's no calves or lambs to brand and tag.
There's not even anybody to split for sales.
Well that pretty much leaves two other options...
One) He's preparing to have Tameron over again.
Two) He's leaving for a Rodeo.
But it's Thursday so shouldn't he have left this morning?
I'm so confused!
I wanted to face palm, but that would just make me look like an idiot.
"You organise that shit- literally-"
Blayze nodded toward the wheelbarrow which was on its side.
"-and I'll organise Heath."
Heath is seriously going to get tired of babysitting me!
Before I could protest, Blayze was walking away and his dogs were trotting after him.
Even Zuke took off after him.
I wanted to call my puppy back.
It should be me my dog wanted to be with.
But the thick feeling in my throat stopped me.
Zuke stopped at the corner to the sheds and stretched his neck around the corner to watch Blayze and the bigger dogs keep going.
I croaked.
The puppy sprang into action.
He spun on his hind legs and came bounding towards me, his ears flapping and his long pink tongue flailing out to the side.
He was downright hilarious and I actually managed to grin, even though part of me still felt like crying.
"Hey good boy."
I whispered and bent to pat him once he sat at my feet.
He squirmed joyously in my hands, his eyes closed to portray his enjoyment.
An incessant whinny sounded behind me.
I looked over my shoulder to see Phoenix standing at the fence bobbing his head.
"Okay let me get this mess cleaned up and then I will halter you and bring you out."
I informed my horse.
Long ago Grandpa had chastised me for talking to my 'pets' like they understand English.
It didn't curb my ways.
I turned on my heel and walked to the overturned wheelbarrow, with Phoenix's deep brown eyes on me and Zuke trailing along behind.
I set the wheelbarrow back into its upright position, grabbed the pooper scooper again and set to work scooping up the spilled manure again.

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