Chapter Eight

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After I hung up my tack and washed off my hands, I went in search of Jake.
Yeah, he stuffed up, but he is only nineteen.
It's not like I'd want everybody slamming me for a mistake.
Even though I'm sure my time will come.
If I can act like the bigger person now, maybe it will come back at me as some good Karma when it's my turn.
I found Jake out beyond the round yard, having a smoke.
Grandpa's been a smoker on and off in his time and has had plenty a hired hand who's been one, including Blayze who unfortunately fall's back into patterns of smoking, so he allows smoking at the property, just nowhere near the feed sheds or the haying fields.
You smoke around there, you're gone.
If a fire starts around those areas, the farm looses more than just money.
The angry, yet scolded toddler look on Jake's face said he didn't exactly want company.
He was sat on a fallen tree log, elbow's resting on his knees, dust still covering his boots and the bottom's of his jeans.
His cowboy hat sat beside him, also dust smeared, though it looked like he'd washed his face and hair.
His tanned face was pinched and tired.
I too felt like I could just flop to the floor and not get back up.
But the day's not quite done yet.
I asked cautiously.
He probably doesn't want to see me, but I've got to at least try.
Blayze is great at throwing his weight around, but not so good at apologising for it.
"I'm not in the mood Bailey."
Jake muttered and flicked his cigarette ash toward the dirt.
"I know."
I looked down at the dirt and sparse grass around my boots, a few dried leaves littering the shaded ground.
I set my hands loosely on my hips, not really sure where else to let them rest at the moment.
Jake sighed heavily.
"Then why are you here?"
That's a little rude considering this is his second year working here, isn't it?
Get your mind back on the task at hand Bailey.
I chided myself.
"Because I saw Blayze rip into you before."
I forced myself to look at him.
He seem's to be in a bit of a strange stage between teenagehood and manhood, I finally noticed.
His shoulders have broadened and he's got muscle, but he's certainly not as built as Blayze.
Then again, everyone just like horses and dogs, has a different physique.
Jake isn't necessarily going to have a build like Blayze by the time he's twenty-five.
It depends on his own bloodlines.
Jake narrowed his eyes at the ground in front of his boots.
"He's had a go at me ever since the gate business."
I shrugged.
"You've been here a good couple years now, you would know how Blayze works."
Jake scoffed.
"I worked under him my first year. That was tolerable, because I expected first year on I'd have to cop shit. Now he seem's like he's come back with twice as big a head. Your Pa, Lukas and Paul are way better."
My tender string of tolerance snapped.
Maybe it was because I too was knackered.
Maybe it was because I wouldn't stand around and listen to somebody talk shit about somebody as important to me as Blayze is.
I know full well he wouldn't shut up and listen to somebody bad mouthing me.
"Seem's like you're the one with the big head goin on!"
I snapped.
"Yeah Blayze will hold a grudge but that doesn't give you the right to talk crap about him! You want to keep that up and you'll find yourself with your bloody teeth knocked through the back of your head! Cowboy the hell up Jake, seriously! Mum and Grandpa rode Blayze a hell of a lot harder than anybody else on this farm has ever been ridden and it's made him into the best person he could be! Yeah he's still got his faults and maybe he didn't need to sling shit at you all afternoon and rip into you at the end of the day, but that's his way of letting you know to never let it happen again! No wonder they hired Shayne as well if you can't handle it. And to think I was gonna apologise on behalf of Blayze because he seem's to forget that bit."
I turned on my heel and headed back to the sheds, leaving a silent and slightly open mouthed Jake behind.
Maybe I was a little harsh.
But as far as I'm concerned, it's all perfectly true.

I rapped on the front door of the cottage that had been Blayze's home for years now.
His Dog's lay on the slate porch, giving their tails a couple of half hearted, tired waves to greet me.
I heard shuffling behind the door and it opened to reveal a shirtless and jeans clad Blayze with a towel in hand.
His broad shoulders and chest seemed to be dry, but his hair was damp so he'd obviously not long gotten out the shower.
His deep blue-green eyes showed confusion.
"Why'd you knock?"
He questioned.
I tried to collect my thoughts.
Apparently it's been quite some time since I saw Blayze without a shirt on.
Drool worthy was an understatement.
I always thought the description of 'abs' was for books and movies, but the man literally had the outline of a six pack.
His arms and shoulders were full of muscle, but it was the healthy looking type, not the try hard type of gyms and protein supplements.
He work's hard and his body was built from it.
Now I just had to pick my jaw up off the floor before he noticed...
"I umm... Because?"
Why wouldn't I knock?
This place isn't mine!
"What the hell's gotten into you?"
The confusion was still there and he half laughed, letting go of the door handle and stepping back.
"I went and had a chat to Jake."
I admitted and looked away, down the porch, to his dozing Dog's.
"Are you gonna come in or stand there all night?"
I peered into the doorway to see Blayze's toned back as he walked into the kitchen.
The Wrangler jeans hung perfectly, his butt looking like the creative work of God.
Mentally I slapped myself.
This is BLAYZE for crying out loud!
No doubt when he look's at me he just see's the kid he met all those years ago.
Or maybe I've upgraded to be that awkward teenager with mood swings and varying breast sizes.
Either way he doesn't look at me as anything remotely desirable.
I shook my head and stepped into the familiar cottage.
He'd had the door closed before I arrived, so I shut it behind me and wandered in the direction of the kitchen.

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