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Around me the Riverston Hotel was abuzz with merry activity.
The winter chill had started to set in around Riverston, but packed into the crowded pub, the excessive layer's weren't necessary due to not only the fireplace in almost every main room, but also the body heat pouring from partying town member's.
Unlike most other people around me, I wasn't exactly dressed up.
In only a couple of days I'd officially be sixteen weeks along.
My size ten jeans were fitting me perfectly (something I'd never thought would happen) and I'd even ventured into the land of size twelve t-shirts.
Winter is by no means my desired season, however this year I was somewhat grateful for it, because jumper's and jacket's were currently my friend and it was making it a little easier to keep my pregnancy from nosey townspeople.
But at this rate, it would be no time before there was definitely no hiding it.
"Ugh! I'm beat!"
Adina groaned, slumping into the booth bench seat opposite me.
I shot her a small smile.
Only a few weeks ago Tyron and Adina announced to 'friends' that they were expecting their first child.
She's apparently just over a week ahead of me in terms of conception.
"I know the feeling."
I assured her, cupping my hands around a tall glass of orange juice.
If the guys wanted to party on all night, they'd find themselves staying here, because I was by no means looking at having a late night.
"Why are you and Blayze acting so weird?"
Hayley asked, sliding into the booth seat alongside me with a fruity looking drink in her hand.
"We're not..."
She levelled me with a bland stare.
"You guys are acting like the old Bailey and Blayze."
I raised a questioning eyebrow.
"And what's wrong with that?"
At least it means we're getting along doesn't it?
"Go easy on em."
Adina urged.
"They've not been official for very long it's kinda hard working out how to bridge that gap."
I agreed with a nod.
Hayley said with a roll of her eyes.
"You guys know each other inside out! You shouldn't be worried to shout to Riverston what's going on."
I frowned.
Did she have a point?
Are we unknowingly trying to hide our relationship from the town's members?
"What're we talking about?"
Noah asked, stopping at the end of the booth, glass filled with dark liquid in her hand.
Adina shuffled her way along the bench seat, making room for Noah to join us.
Noah told her with a smile.
"So what're we talking about?"
She asked, glancing around our group once she was seated.
"How Bailey and Blayze are acting weird."
Hayley explained, stirring her drink with her short straw.
"We're not!"
I denied.
Noah shrugged.
"You guys aren't exactly acting coupley in front of everyone, but it's kinda understandable being you've only just gone official and all."
Adina nodded.
"Exactly what I said."
I turned to Hayley.
"But I don't see why you'd even want to hide it!"
Hayley insisted.
I sighed, rolling my eyes.
"We're not hiding anything Hayl."
"Except a pregnancy."
Noah smirked.
"And a relationship."
I collapsed back against the cushioned back of the bench seat.
There really was no arguing with these girls!
Grinning, Noah slipped her straw into her mouth.
Smiling, Adina shook her head.
"You two are insufferable."
"Hello ladies!"
We all looked to the open end of the booth to find that Heath and Shayne had arrived.
"Hello boys."
We girls chorused.
"We're not boys we're men!"
Heath proclaimed, puffing out his chest as though it made all the difference.
Hayley giggled.
"Whatever ya say!"
"Right! That's it!"
Heath set his beer onto the booth table.
"Uh oh..."
Hayley whispered.
I rolled my eyes.
"Have fun with that."
I'd learned that Heath was a giant pain in the arse when he wanted to be!
Hayley exclaimed as Heath practically sat on her.
I scowled, trying to slide myself along the seat and get away.
"Jeez you two watch out!"
"Oi! Be careful of Bailey!"
Adina warned.
I shot her a quick grateful smile.
"Get off ya heavy shit!"
Hayley gasped, smacking at Heath's back.
"Can't heeeeearrrr youuuuu!"
Heath claimed, turning his head away.
Our whole booth laughed.
"What's going on over here?"
We all looked to see that Blayze, Keegan, Codie and Tyron had apparently wandered over.
My heart beat a little faster as I took in Blayze's appearance, my boyfriend.
It was almost two weeks since the heartbreaking accident resulting in Quinton's demise.
Blayze wasn't happy.
He'd even confessed to me that losing Quinton meant his first link to his happy rebuilt life was gone.
He felt like his foundation was breaking.
Well, he didn't say that much, but it's what the pain in his eyes told me.
He's not ridden another horse since.
He's worked with the one's he's being paid to, because he's got little choice, but it took several days before he would.
The hands were doing their best not to annoy him or trigger his temper over the last almost fortnight, which I was grateful for.
Grandpa had tried to give him a few days off work, but he'd ignored him.
And he'd braved joining everybody else at the pub tonight for a Saturday night feed and a drink or a dozen.
He looked good in his dark blue Bullzye t-shirt and dark wash jeans with light coloured boots and his white hat.
But the saddened aura still tangibly hung around him.
It pained my heart, but there was little that I could do.
I knew that if I was in his shoes, I wouldn't be 'over it' just because almost two weeks had passed.
I'd be far from over it.
Especially having been the one to pull the trigger.
All that I could do was support him the best way that I could.
And it wasn't easy, because nine times out of ten my own eyes filled with tear's just looking at that paddock which held Jackaroo, Rowan and Aviator.
Blayze's deep eyes locked with mine and I knew him well enough to notice the question in his expression.
I pleaded.
The ghost of a smile twitched at his lips.
My heart beat harder.
It's incredibly rare to see him smile these days!
Hayley groaned, trying to push at his back.
Only now she was leaning back and they were almost pushing into me.
Uh oh...
I snapped my gaze toward the sound of Blayze's voice.
He'd stepped up to the end of the table and set his beer onto the smooth surface.
What's he getting at?
He extended his hands to me.
Hell yes I can get out of here!
I lifted my feet until my boots hit the material of the booth seat.
Now I gripped the edge of the table and eased myself into a squatting style position.
Carefully, I eased up until I was standing.
"Where are you going?"
Hayley yelped, her eyes widening.
"Out of here."
I told her with a wink.
"You have to help me!"
She exclaimed.
I shook my head.
"You're on your own."
Heath declared, poking his tongue out.
Oh my god...
With a shake of my head, I placed one boot covered foot onto the table, testing the stability.
To be safe, I grabbed onto one of Blayze's hands for a bit of extra help.
Within a couple of steps I made it to the end of the table.
Blayze urged.
I rolled my eyes.
"I can't step it's a little too far down for that!"
Who the hell can just step off a table?!
He insisted.
"You're nuts."
I told him.
"I can't exactly fall y'know?"
I'm no expert, but I'm fairly certain falling off a table wouldn't be good for my baby...
He rolled his eyes.
"Ya won't fall."
Standing at the edge of the table, I hesitated.
I guess this was one of the times where I had to work out if I was brave enough to just let go of my fears and trust.
You know you can trust Blayze.
I grabbed the second hand he was offering and nodded to show him i was going to go ahead with his plan.
He nodded back to show me he was ready.
I stepped.
I felt Blayze's arm's stiffen as he bent them slightly to take the full baring of my weight.
Inch by inch, he lowered my feet toward the floor.
But not before I felt my stomach coil as I took in the impressive sculpture of his arms and registered the strength in them.
He was holding me up by my hands!
I smiled softly as my boot soles touched the carpet covered floor.
"Told ya that ya wouldn't fall."
He said and reached around me to grab his beer.
"Awwwwe aren't you guys cute!"
Codie declared, lightly elbowing Blayze's ribs.
Blayze scowled at him.
"Fuck off."
The rest of the group laughed.
But... I couldn't quite help but agree with the girls.
Were we acting too unromantic Blayze and Bailey?
No kiss, not even a touch besides our joined hands.
I felt my heart sink a little.

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