Chapter Thirty Six

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I snapped my eyes open, to an acidic, churning feeling deep in my stomach.
Uh oh...
I know what that feeling mean's!
Trying to avoid the outcome that I knew wanted to take place, I curled myself into a ball and onto my side, hugging my stomach.
I hate vomiting.
Hence why I've never let myself get drunk enough to vomit yet.
I'm bad enough at doing it when I have a stomach bug, so why would I want to put myself through it?
Instead of subsiding, the feeling climbed higher in my stomach and I felt that acidic burn in my throat.
Awe man!
I threw the blanket back, already practically tasting the torture I knew would soon arrive.
Why can't I catch a break anymore?
I pulled my bedroom door open and half ran to the bathroom door, slipping inside and locking the door behind me then dashing to the toilet.
Dropping to my knee's, I pushed the toilet seat up and leant over the bowl.
My stomach heaved, my eyes stung with unshed tear's and my throat burned like there was fire in there.
I allowed a child like whimper to escape my lip's.
I just want it to be over!
My whole body trembled as my stomach tensed and pushed, trying to force out the bad guy's that it had found.
A hot sweat broke out on my face and neck as I hurled last night's dinner into the toilet bowl.
Fresh, salty tear's ran down my cheek's as I reached up to flush the toilet and whisk away that putrid stench.
Feeling nauseated and a bit light headed, I let the toilet seat back down and forced myself to my feet and across to the basin.
I grabbed my toothbrush and a tube of mint flavoured toothpaste and scrubbed vigorously at my teeth and the inside of my mouth.

Finally only being able to taste the mint flavour of the toothpaste, I rinsed my mouth, dried my face on a towel and headed back out of the bathroom.
I heard the clatter of kitchen appliances out in the kitchen and groaned.
So I clearly don't get to slip back into bed...
With a heavy sigh, I walked back into my bedroom and got ready for the day ahead.
I looked at my bedside clock, seeing as I still didn't have my mobile phone back.
I groaned.
On Saturday's, unless there was a specific important job to get done, I got to sleep in until 6:30 normally.
Perk of being the big boss' Granddaughter I guess.
I stood in the middle of my bedroom and looked between my wardrobe and drawer's and my bed.
My bed look's amazing right about now...
But I've got just over half an hour before the alarm will go off.
Which meant by the time I actually drift off back to sleep it will be time to get up.
With a heavy sigh, I forced my feet to take me to the wardrobe and drawer's.
It won't kill me to start a little early.
I just hope I don't be sick anymore.

I crossed the farm yard slowly, trying to work out what order I should proceed in today.
Clean my tack, work Phoenix or work with Paint?
I haven't worked the gold and white Paint since his little episode where he kicked me.
Automatically, my right hand went to rest on my right hip bone.
There was still a bit of a bruise there, but thankfully the area was no longer painfully sore.
"But D-Daddy!"
I turned around to see my Uncle Lukas, four year old Amara and the little dude Nugget by the hitching rail.
Nugget's rope was slung over the rail and his saddle and bridle were hanging on the rail ready for use.
Amara stood with her pink grooming kit in hand and a helmet buckled on her head.
"I'm sorry Princess, but I have to go check this out for the boy's."
Uncle Lukas looked guilty as hell as he looked down at his older daughter.
My heart clenched as I saw Amara's bottom lip wobble and her eyes fill with glistening tears.
"Don't cry Princess, please."
Uncle Lukas pleaded and lowered himself into a squat, drawing his third child but eldest daughter into a hug.
"I'm really really sorry baby. It's just gonna have to wait."
He explained as he rubbed her back.
I resigned myself to playing babysitter and sidled over to the pair.
My job's will wait.
In another ten year's Amara won't need somebody to watch and help her ride.
"What's going on?"
I forced myself to use a bright voice and paste on a smile.
Uncle Lukas shot me a wry smile.
"Alex and Jake have hit trouble with the pipes they're relayin."
I don't know much about laying pipes, but I do know that any real cowboy likes the job only marginally more than he does fencing.
Uncle Lukas sighed.
"I was about to be giving Amara a lesson, but they just called me."
"I want to play wiv Nugget!"
The disappointment was clear in the young girl's voice.
"I could take over the lesson if you wanted."
I offered.
How many times had my Uncle done thing's for me over the year's?
It was about time I started some repayment.
"Please please please!"
Amara pulled back from her Daddy, her sweet little face hopeful.
Uncle Lukas slowly rose to his feet.
"You sure you didn't have somethin else to be doin?"
I nodded quickly.
"Please Daddy! Please Daddy!"
Amara looked up at her Dad hopefully, still clutching her little pink grooming kit.
Vaguely I remembered her getting it for Christmas.
She's been so excited.
"Only as long as you promise to do everything Bailey tell's you to."
Uncle Lukas warned.
"And that includes when it's time to finish up."
Amara nodded her riding helmet covered head vigorously.
"I promise!"
Uncle Lukas turned to me.
"If you've got an hour to spare, she'll be happy as a pig in mud."
"Too easy!"
I assured.
"If I can just tell the boy's what need's doin I'll come back and take over. But we all know how this gig work's."
Uncle Lukas winced.
I couldn't help but laugh!
"You're gonna come back at the end of the day covered in mud and water and who the hell know's what else!"
"Gee thanks!"
He retorted.
I grinned.
He shook his head.
"Pitty I can't just tell Blayze to go suss it out."
I felt surprised.
"Why can't ya?"
"He's gone to town."
Uncle Lukas slipped his phone back into his pocket.
He looked down at his daughter.
"Yes Daddy?"
The little girl turned quickly away from Nugget.
"Gimme a cuddle and kiss."
My Uncle extended his arm's.
Amara set her grooming box down and ran the few paces toward her Daddy.
Uncle Lukas effortlessly picked her up and held her to his chest, giving her a kiss then hugging her tight, causing the little girl to wear a six foot wide smile.
As I watched them, I couldn't help but feel envious.
When I was four year's old, my Father was already a man standing by his horse in a worn photo.
After that, he became an infrequent visitor who held empty promises.
I was 100 percent proud to say my Uncle was entirely the opposite.

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