Chapter Six

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I made my way over to the equipment shed where Shayne had parked the tray back Hilux and was loading it with fencing equipment.
Blayze had given me a pair of gloves to protect my hands then told me to go meet Shayne.
Shayne glanced my way, busy arranging equipment in the tray.
He greeted.
I replied, lifting a hand to straighten my cowboy hat.
"Jump on in the passenger seat if ya want I'm all set here."
Shayne advised.
I pulled the passenger door open and climbed into the seat, setting my gloves on the dash board.
Shayne soon climbed in the driver's side, got settled and started the car.
The Diesel purr was an entirely familiar sound to my ear's, even the way the whole car gently shook with the mechanics of the motor.
"The fence between the East and the North-East paddock's has a few patches needin' repairs."
Shayne explained to me as he drove the beat up old farm Ute out of the homestead.
I nodded.
Our youngest farm hand glanced my way.
"Have you ever done any fencing before?"
I shook my head.
"I can't say I have."
But I knew I was going to be in for fun, because even Blayze swore about having to do fencing.
And he normally just does whatever needs doing.
Shayne worked his jaw, his eyes focused on the worn track ahead.
"I'll do my best to not slow you down."
I promised.
He looked my way quickly.
"That's not it. I'm just thinkin' how best to explain it to ya."
I shrugged.
"Just show me, if you've got the time I mean, I tend to learn pretty well hands on."

Under the morning sun, with a flock of sheep on one side of the fence, hanging back about twenty meters, most grazing but some watching us curiously, Shayne and I now mostly worked in silence seeing as he'd explained the idea to me and shown me how to do it.
"Ah shit!"
I lifted my arms to protect my head as my wire broke.
Shayne's laughter reached my ears.
I turned to give him a playful glare.
"It's all good."
He made his way over, clearly grinning.
"We always bring extra wire, coz shit happens. To be honest I'm surprised it took ya this long to break ya first run! You must have skill."
I shook my head.
"I dunno about that."
Shayne pulled a fresh line of wire from the Ute and came over to give it to me.

By the time afternoon Smoko rolled around, Shayne and I walked into the house with me pissing myself laughing and him scowling in irritation.
"What the heck's with you guys?"
Alex asked with a smile on his face, lounging in a chair with a half empty plate in front of him.
I was too busy laughing to be able to answer.
"Ok what the hell happened?"
I looked up to see Blayze watching us with a raised eyebrow and a smirk on his lips.
I half gasped, pointing at Shayne.
"Shut up!"
He ordered, shooting me a glare.
Blayze shot him a warning glare in return.
What the?
Mentally I stored that aside for further analysis later.
"He bro-broke mo-more wi-wires than m-me!"
I somehow stammered out through gasping breaths.
I looked to Blayze to see him smiling and shaking his head.
"Oooooh outdone by a girl Shayno!"
Troy taunted.
"Shut up!"
Shayne ordered and dumped himself into a vacant chair.
Feeling like I was riding on the clouds, I slipped onto the bench seat between Blayzr and Alex.

Wednesday morning my alarm blared once more and I groaned, my body now feeling the affects of three early starts and three days working my butt off.
I shut the alarm off and forced myself to sit up.
Grandpa wouldn't accept I'm tired as an excuse.
My muscles still were sore from cleaning troughs Monday.
The problem was there were now new ones that ached from fencing yesterday.
Who knows what they'll have in store for me today!
Is it Friday yet?
Unfortunately I already know it's only Wednesday.
With protesting muscles, I forced myself into a standing position and got dressed into jeans, a fresh t-shirt and socks.

"I want you ridin' boundary with Jake."
Uncle Lukas informed me at breakfast.
"I thought Blayze assigned the jobs?"
I asked and looked to where Blayze was making himself coffee.
Uncle Lukas smirked.
"And even I oversee that."
Since when do they compete over who bosses people around?
"You can take Phoenix."
Uncle Lukas bargained.
Suddenly the idea of staring at posts, star droppers and wire didn't seem quite so boring.
My Uncle smiled at me, clearly reading me like a book.
I sat down to eat some breakfast and get some coffee into me.
God knows I was going to need it.
It was the middle of the week and I just wanted to go back to bed!

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