Chaper Two

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Thank you so much DeeDotson for the gorgeous pic 😍💜

"Hey Pa."
I wrapped my arms around my Grandpa's trim middle.
I guess a life of Farming and a Wife who has a passion for Nutritious cooking will keep a man in shape!
"Hey kiddo."
My Grandfather patted my back.
"How was your last day of school?"
I grinned.
"Good! Because it's just that, my last. Ever!"
I all but danced into the kitchen, leaving my Grandpa's frown at my back.
I know none of my family agree with me leaving school at the end of year eleven.
Sooner or later they'll see that it's the right thing for me.
Time for a drink.
These Summer day's are warm!
Grandma was at the stove and benches, finishing off dinner.
"Hey G-Ma!"
I leaned in to kiss her cheek.
"Hello Darlin'."
She gave me a warm smile, tender love filling her shining, hazel eyes.
I see my Grandparents every day, because we all live together, but I cherish them greatly.
They took as much a part in raising me as my Mum did.
That's what happens when you have an absentee Father.
"You ready for tea Darlin'?"
Grandma asked as she tipped a tonne of vegetables into a large ceramic bowl for serving.
I nodded and fished a glass from the cupboard above my head.
A day at school and an afternoon of duties around the farm had left me famished.
"Have you got much planned for the weekend?"
Grandma asked conversationally.
"Ummm... Not really... That guy Mason asked me out again."
'Mason' goes to my school.
We started our education together since Kindy, but were never all that close as the years went by.
He's more into football, cars and girls where I'm into the farm, horses and Rodeo.
But I did go on one date with him, coinciding on a night when Mum and my Stepfather Paul went on a date in town so that they could pick me up afterward, while my Grandparents watched my four younger siblings.
"Are you going to go?"
Grandma questioned as she poured gravy into a gravy pot.
I shrugged.
"No harm in it I suppose."
And there really wasn't.
I haven't exactly felt any major 'sparks' towards the guy.
But he's friendly and certainly not bad to look at.
"Do you like him?"
Grandma prodded.
"Yeah he seems nice. We had a good time last time."
I explained as I filled my glass with homemade iced tea from a jug I'd found in the fridge.
And my words were the truth.
I don't tend to keep 'secrets' from my family or lie to them.
We're a close-knit bunch and always have been.
"Well, so long as you're happy. Maybe let him know your Granddaddy has a gun."
She smiled and winked at me.
I couldn't help but laugh.
That was always my Grandpa's threat when it came to 'me and boys'.
"And Blayze is due back over the weekend."
Grandma added as an afterthought apparently.
I grinned.
"I know! Will be so good to have him back hey! But I'm not sure where your comment fits, Blayze is a big softy."
Grandma gave a shocked laugh.
"In which universe are ya living honey?! That boy would knock the socks off any boy who tried his luck with you!"
I almost felt a blush heat my cheeks.
Somehow I think I managed to keep it down.
Though I do recall a threat or ten coming out of Blayze's mouth regarding 'hormonal teenage boy wankers'.
Go with denial Bailey.
I coached myself.
"Blayze dates so he doesn't have a right to use double standards."
I insisted.
Though I'm not quite sure 'dates' was the correct term here.
I don't think I can actually recall having to call any girl 'Blayze's girlfriend'.
Grandma shook her head, smiling fondly.
"I think he would call it 'looking out for you' honey."
She explained.
"Well, I can look out for myself. He made sure of that."
I couldn't help but smile over the memories of the last nine years.
Grandma nodded.
"You're quite right on that one."
Smiling, I made my way back to the dining room with my iced tea in hand.
I set my glass at my place at the table, then slipped back into the kitchen to help bring out dinner.
From a young age I'd been taught to not be a slacker around the family home.
In our family, everybody pitches in.
Once you go to school, you're expected to be mature enough to handle a few chores, so even my seven year old brother's and five year old sister have a few jobs to do around the home from time to time.
It was a long standing family tradition and so far hasn't left anybody emotionally traumatised.

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