Chapter Four

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Sunday I spent a lot of the day not doing much.
I stayed in my pyjamas until late and wandered around the house, feeling like I deserved at least one 'lazy day'.
"Where's Blayze?"
I asked Mum when I hadn't seen boo of him all day.
That was weird.
He normally always say's hello.
"He's with your Uncle Lukas."
Mum explained while she folded my little brothers' and sisters' washing.
"They're going over things Blayze has missed so he can be caught up before work starts."
"Do I have to work out what I'm doing tomorrow?"
I asked as I grabbed a purple Princess t-shirt that belonged to Hazel and folded it.
Mum sent a frown my way.
"You've had until today to 'work out' what you're doing Bailey. As of tomorrow, you get up with the boys and start work if you've not made other arrangements."
My stomach dropped.
Had I left it all too late?
A couple of weeks ago Mum and I had blown up at each other in a rare lock of horn's and it had somehow come to, 'I get a summer job/jobs and if at the end, I still don't want to go back to school then we'll talk'.
"But it's not technically Summer!"
I insisted.
The joys of being in year eleven, you finish the year in late November!
"But it is 'technically' your Summer School Holidays. You have what? Nine weeks? And Christmas is in there too."
I groaned and flopped forward onto the table, giving up on being the helpful daughter and sharing the load of the kids' washing.
So much for my brilliant plan.
The screen door creaked open and male laughter and chatter in the form of Blayze and my Uncle Lukas sounded from the direction of the short hallway.
"I'll be in to make you some coffee in a minute!"
Mum called toward the kitchen.
"No hurry."
Uncle Lukas replied as he led the way into the dining room.
"You startin' a new fashion statement Bails?"
He chuckled, his eyes raking over my clothing choice.
"Squirt is awesome!"
I defended my Nemo inspired pyjamas.
"Sweet dude."
My Uncle said in an animated voice.
Blayze finished.
We all laughed, Mum shaking her head.
"So I'll get on and ride out."
Blayze glanced to Uncle Lukas.
"You guys mind if I take one of your horses? My boys'll love it but to save injury and soreness I wanna wear 'em back in after the drive."
"Go for it honey."
Mum nodded.
"Anyone available is out in the working horse paddock."
"Except Phoenix!"
I chimed in quickly.
Blayze should know, but just to be sure...
"Awe it's been a while since I rode a Pally!"
Blayze rubbed his hands together eagerly.
Uncle Lukas and my Mum laughed.
I folded my arms across my chest.
"Sorry but I wanna ride my horse today so you'll have to find someone else!"
"Aw damn."
Blayze faked like he'd thought he had a chance.
"I'll make coffee and then you can get to it."
Mum offered and slipped into the kitchen.
Blayze pulled a chair out and sat down at the table with me.
"What're you up to slacker?"
Uncle Lukas had disappeared, probably to wash up.
I shrugged.
"Not much."
"Wanna come for a ride?"
He suggested.
I gestured pointedly to my clothes.
"I'm not dressed."
I don't think it'd be too comfortable to jump in my leather saddle in silky pyjama pants...
Blayze laughed.
"Your Mum's fixin' coffee, you've got time to change."
"What exactly do you have to do?"
That would make up my mind on whether to tag along or not.
He shrugged.
"Just get around and check shit out before I start bossin' everyone 'round."
"Okay I'll come, Phoenix will enjoy it."
I told him and pushed back from the table to head to my bedroom and get changed.
Blayze nodded.
I scampered out to my room, found some jeans and a t-shirt and some clean socks.
My hat and boots were waiting for me at the back door.

I scuttled back into the dining room and there were four coffee's set at the table.
Mum smiled at me.
"Blayze told me you're headed out with him, good idea."
What the?
What's she up to?
We finished our coffee and Blayze and I headed out the door, me stopping for my boots and hat and he stopping for his hat.
"So, which horse d'ya reckon I should bring?"
He asked as we walked toward the tack shed.
"I wish you'd bring one of your boys!"
I whined like a kid.
He laughed and elbowed my side gently.
"They'll be back in it within a week."
"But I missed them!"
He feigned hurt.
"Oh! So who'd ya miss more? My horses or me?"
I grinned hearing the different, but familiar barks.
"Your dogs!"
I exclaimed and raced forward as Azlan and Zeus ran toward us.
I could hear Blayze laughing behind me.
"Hey Az."
I petted the Black and Tan Kelpie.
"Hey Zeus."
I petted the American Staffy as he licked my cheek.
"I reckon they missed ya."
I looked up to see Blayze looking down on us with a smile.
I grinned back.
"Well c'mon."
Blayze stepped around us and toward the tack shed.
I scurried after him, knowing full well he doesn't like to be kept waiting.
I hung Phoenix's bitless bridle over my shoulder, then grabbed his saddle blanket and saddle.
Blayze turned to me.
"So what horse?"
"Ummm... George, Lolly or so totally Western!"
I grinned at the idea of him getting back on my horse's full brother.
Smiling, Blayze shook his head.
"You want me to bring Western?"
"Only if you want to!"
Ultimately it was his choice who he rode.
He just wasn't allowed to ride Phoenix, because that horse is mine and mine alone.
"No you definitely want me to."
Blayze chuckled, coming over next to me and picking up Western's tack.
We walked out to the hitching rail and loaded the tack on the solid wood.
"Phoenix! Western!"
I called toward the working horse paddock.
My baby's whinny floated back to me.
Thundering hooves sounded and the herd came racing toward the gate.
Blayze chuckled.
"The popular boys these days eh?"
I grinned.
The biggest of the Palomino's crowded the gate, bobbing their heads in eagerness.
Once upon a time, the year apart brothers had been pushovers, not necessarily bottom of the pecking order, but definitely not the boss'.
Today they had their own protected space at the gate and fended off anybody else with pinned ears and lashing tails, threatening to follow through with a swift kick.
It worked.
The other six horses hung back, excited but not willing to push the boundaries.
Blayze and I walked to the pasture with halter and lead rope hanging from our hands.
"Hey baby."
I petted Phoenix's nose while Blayze unlatched the chain on the gate.
Phoenix lipped eagerly at my fingers.
We urged the brothers back so we could get into the paddock and not have a herd of horses on the loose.
Phoenix and Western let us halter them easily and we had to fend off the rest of the horses as we led the brothers through the gate.
"What the hell's goin' on with that herd?"
Blayze asked frowning when he finally had the gate shut.
I watched the restless left behind horses too.
"I dunno..."
Their behaviour was odd.
They appeared to be very jealous of Phoenix and Western being taken out.
Blayze shook his head.
"It's like they ain't gettin' enough work."
"Seems like it, but they are getting worked."
He glanced my way.
"I said 'enough' work, not no work."
"Yeah I know but..."
I didn't want him picking on our crew because he'd been out with the Rodeo world.
"Remember, they're workin' horses, two or three times a week and a jog up and down a paddock checkin' fence ain't enough for 'em."
Blayze pointed out.
"Well maybe you can take that up with the hands, see what's been happening."
I knew there was an irritated edge to my voice and by the look he shot me, he'd definitely detected it.
"Don't forget, I've been told you're joining those ranks too."
He turned to lead Western to the hitching rail by the sheds.
I groaned.
Pissing Blayze off wasn't what I wanted to do.
Especially when he's only just come home.
And he's about to be one of my boss'...
"I'm sorry."
I told him when Phoenix and I reached the hitching rail.
"Don't worry about it. Ya just reminded me of somethin'."
I asked curious.
Blayze started to run a brush over Western's golden coat, pretending that's where his focus was.
"That by being Overseer again, not everyone's gonna necessarily like me."
He explained.
I reached for a brush for Phoenix, shooting him a weary glance.
"What do you mean? Everyone loves you!"
"Your Mum tells me you might be joinin' the crew over the holidays. That'll be new for you as much as everyone else."
"I won't give you any trouble!"
I promised.
Although I knew Blayze wasn't afraid of me, I could tell that something about coming back into his Overseer position was bothering him.
"Yeah I know."
He said almost too low for me to hear.
We finished brushing the boys and then saddled up in silence.

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