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Hey all!
I'm sorry it's not an update (update is in the making and will hopefully be up within the next 24hours)

It frustrates me when I come across author's notes during stories but I felt this was the best way to help me make a decision...

As you all know, Cowgirl Up is nearing 60 chapter's already and a fair bit has happened so far, yet I feel the story is not really anywhere close to complete!
Maybe that's because I'm loving the character's and getting lost in where to bring them to next!
Who knows!

So I've been recently pondering wether to wind things up soon and make a sequel?
Some people find sequels frustrating and originally I had my mind set to finish it up in one book, but I also don't want things dragging too long or getting too rushed because I'm trying to find a hurried finished place!

Some feedback from you, the wonderful reader's who have kept me confident and inspired to write chapter after chapter, would be amazing!


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