Chapter Nineteen

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Shayne walked into the out dining room with a raging look on his face that said he was trying super hard to bite his tongue.
It was only lunchtime.
It was Saturday, we only had to get through today and we'd have tomorrow off.
"What's eating him?"
I asked Troy quietly, when the eldest of the hired hands walked in.
Shayne hadn't even acknowledged me yet, which in itself was weird.
Troy looked Shayne's way, then shot a glance toward's the door that led outside.
"Think he and Jake got a serving from Blayze."
He whispered back.
I blinked.
As far as I knew, it had been a good few week's since anybody had done anything dumb enough to rile Blayze up.
"He's been in a bit of a mood the last couple days. I would've thought you'd noticed."
Troy remarked as he stepped around me to go to the drink cooler.
I walked with him, curious to find out some more.
I didn't see that much of Blayze yesterday, aside from breakfast and lunch.
Grandpa set me some chores in the morning and then Uncle Lukas let me get started with the Paint gelding in the afternoon.
Blayze had his own string of jobs to get done.
I hadn't made much progress with the little Paint yet, but Blayze was right about one thing: the little guy was curious.
"What happened?"
I grabbed a cup and filled it with cold cordial after Troy was finished.
Troy shook his head.
"Nothin' too major. It's just that Blayze is on edge. Jake and Shayne feel like they're coppin' everything."
He shot a glance in Shayne's direction.
Shayne had filled a plate and was now seated at the picnic table, stabbing away at the various item's of food with his fork.
I sighed.
"I'll see if I can find him, have a chat to him and find out what's going on."
Troy shot me a smile.
"Nobody expects you to get involved. His Cousin has arrived outta nowhere. He's probably got shit goin' on. They've just gotta learn not to take it personally."
I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah, but he also can't be a jerk if he wants people to keep working."
Troy nodded.
The screen door creaked as it opened and we all looked that way, waiting to see who would be revealed.
Heath stepped in, looking cautious.
I shot him a quick smile.
"Hey Heath."
Blayze's Cousin made his way over, letting the screen door groan shut behind him.
"Uh... Blayze is up to his elbow's in grease. He's pulled apart some parts on a motorbike. I offered to grab some lunch."
He explained.
"It's right over here."
I turned to gesture to the bench that had the platter's of food spread out.
"But if you want, you can sit in the cool for a bit with Troy and Shayne and eat some lunch. I can take Blayze some. I needa.... talk to him anyway."
Heath raised a questioning brow.
"About that sketchy Paint?"
Thanks for giving me an excuse, mate!
I shot him a quick smile and nodded.
Heath nodded.
"He said... a bit of everything. But I guess you'd know what he'd eat."
He shot me a small smile.
I nodded.
After nine, almost ten years, I should know...
"Okay. Cheers!"
He stepped around Troy and I and picked himself up a plate.
Troy took his lunch to the table and when Heath joined, he started up conversation.
Satisfied that at least Troy would look after him, I turned to fix Blayze and myself a plate each.
The general rule was that you came into the house to eat.
But, if Blayze was as bad as Shayne and Troy seemed to think he was, I knew Grandpa wouldn't object to me taking food to him.
I was almost done when I felt a presence behind me and a familiar scent reached my nose.
"That for Blayze?"
I glanced over my shoulder at my Grandfather.
"Yeah. Apparently-"
Grandpa held up a hand in the universal halting gesture.
"I've spoken to him."
He informed me.
A silly part of me felt disgruntled that somebody else beat me to it.
"Go be his friend."
Grandpa jerked his head toward's the door.
"Reckon he need's it."
"Are you sure? I know meal times..."
I intentionally broke off, knowing Grandpa knew what I was getting at.
He stepped around me and picked up a clean plate for himself.
"Okay. Thanks, Pa."
I scooped up mine and Blayze's plates before he could change his mind.
I was almost to the door when it opened for me, revealing Alex.
He stepped back and held the door open for me, noticing I had my hands full.
I shot him a quick smile, scurrying through the doorway.
"You're brave."
He glanced toward the machinery shed's.
"I've stayed out in the paddocks!"
I rolled my eyes.
"He's not that scary."
Alex grinned.
"Then you haven't seen him in a fight."
"I saw him break a dude's nose with one punch. That's enough for me."
I stepped around our second eldest Farm Hand.
"Good luck."
He bade and stepped inside.
Luck doesn't come into it.
Blayze has been there for me when I've been angry at seemingly anything and everything.

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