Chapter Eighteen

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Later that night, I was preparing for bed when I heard the telltale 'ding' of a Facebook Messenger notification from my laptop.
I hoped it was one of my friends, but experience told me it probably wasn't going to be.
With reluctance and an inward sigh, I made my way over to the cluttered desk and seated myself on the worn wheelie chair.
Xavier Austin: 8:24PM: Hello beautiful 😊
Great, I knew it would be!
I sighed and forced my fingers to type a reply.
Me: Hello 😊
His reply, of course, came almost instantly!
Xavier Austin: 8:27PM: How are you? 😊
I clenched my teeth against a groan and tapped my fingers across the key's.
Me: Good thank you!
Xavier Austin: 8:28PM: So it looks like you had a fun night last night!
We're going to go there?
What was he doing, stalking my Facebook?
Me: Yeah was pretty fun!
Xavier Austin: 8:29PM: So who was the guy you were hanging out with?
I frowned at the screen.
With some anger, I let my fingers hit the keys with a bit of force.
Me: Sorry but I'm not sure I see how that is of your concern...
Once the message was delivered, I felt mildly guilty.
Yet, I had no reason to be.
It wasn't his business if I hung out with Blayze!
Or anybody for that matter.
Xavier Austin: 8:33PM: I do like you so I'm curious 😔
Idiotically, my heart clenched a little.
But we've only been talking a little bit since we met at the chocolate bar.
He doesn't get to be nosy about these kind of things.
Even Blayze doesn't do that!
Xavier Austin: 8:33PM: Are you seeing him?
Oh for god sake!
Of course the answer was 'no'.
But I didn't want to and couldn't bring myself to write that.
Clenching my jaw, I all but glared at my laptop screen and typed out a reply.
Me: Sorry Xavier but I need to go. I have an early start in the morning 😊 bye.
Without waiting for the answeri f message I was bound to get, I logged off Facebook and made my way out of my room and to the kitchen to make hot Milo.

The next few days flew by in the usual course of Farm chores and working horses.
I continued to assist Blayze with training Talon and Sammi with working Cattle.
We continued to work with River, Blayze being the one to be close when River wasn't sedated.
It was hard to stand back.
I wanted to be the one to be there for River.
I wanted to form that special connection with the Colt.
However, it was mesmerising to see the day by day transformation unfold.
Of course there were harder days than others.
Some days it felt like we took four steps backward from the previous day.
Yet, Blayze and River would go through the hard yards, both working up a sweat and being pushed to the brink.
The next session would be fifty times better!
Now Blayze could touch and halter River without him being sedated.
My heart leapt with joy.
The little. skittish, Wild Horse was giving himself a chance at staying alive and finding a new family!

Thursday I stepped into the house at lunchtime, my stomach growling.
I instantly noticed Blayze's absence.
Troy and Jake were already seated at the table with full plates, along with Grandpa.
Alex and Shayne were over at the breakfast bar piling their plates with meats and salads.
"Hello darlin'."
I twisted around to offer Grandpa a smile.
"Is Blayze back yet?"
Grandpa questioned, raising a greying brow.
I asked, surprised.
Grandpa's expression turned to surprise, his brow's shooting up.
"You don't know where he went?"
He asked.
I frowned.
Grandpa shook his head.
"He buggered off with my horse trailer hour's ago."
What the?
"But... Blayze has his own float."
I stated, bewildered.
When he'd started to consistently head off for Rodeo's, it became necessary for him to have his own float.
That and the fact that he liked to bugger off to sales and bring home horses to break in.
"Yeah, I know. But he asked if he can use mine. Of course I don't mind. I just thought they might be back..."
Grandpa mused, a slight frown now marring his brow.
I asked.
This was getting more and more strange!
Grandpa shook his head.
"Lukas went with him. Well, I guess we'll find out what the hell they got up to when they get back."
The corner of his lips topped up in a sigh rly amused smile.
"That is really weird."
I mused, twisting to look towards the screen door.
It was a weekday, so no sales were on locally.
Plus, last time Blayze took his own horse float.
What the heck is going on?
"C'mon and get some lunch, Darlin'."
With a gentle yet sturdy hand on my shoulder, Grandpa guided me toward the bench that had the platters of food arranged on it.
With my plate covered, I headed to the picnic bench style table to join the others.
"So where'd Blayze go, Bailey?"
Alex asked as I settled into the bench seat.
Why's everyone appealing their questions about this to me?
I frowned.
"What makes you think I'd know?"
How was I meant to know what Blayze was doing and when?
Jake smirked.
"That Facebook picture would suggest otherwise!"
Alex and Shayne laughed!
Smiling, Troy shook his head.
"What picture?"
Grandpa asked, seated at the head of the table, setting his coffee cup onto the wooden table.
"Nothing, Pa."
I shot him a quick smile.
"This picture!"
Alex brandished his phone and started to tap away at the screen.
He reached past Troy to hand the phone to Grandpa.
Grandpa pulled his glasses from his shirt pocket and accepted the mobile.
He arranged it at a seemingly comfortable distance in front of himself and peered at the screen.
"That's you and Blayze when you went out the other night?"
Grandpa lifted his gaze from the phone and looked to me.
I rolled my eyes, my cheeks warming just a little.
"We didn't go out, Pa. We all went out."
I reminded him.
"Yeah, but Bailey rescued Blayze from a scary lookin' clingy lady!"
Shayne declared, grinning.
Jake reached across the table for a high five.
My face flamed!
Grandpa handed the phone back to Alex and slipped his glasses off his face.
"That's a nice picture of you guys, Bailey. Your Mum and Grandma would like that one."
He remarked, wearing a soft smile.
I shot him a quick smile, trying hard to send my blush packing.
In all honesty, I had saved the picture from Facebook.
It was a cute photo.
"You just want to watch you don't go making the wrong kinda reputation for yourself out there."
Grandpa shot me a sideways glance, his tone cautionary.
"I've seen the way some of those girl's behave and it ain't pretty."
That's Grandpa for you, always straight to the point.
"I don't act like those girl's, Grandpa."
I struggled to keep the irritation out of my voice.
How could my Grandpa of all people think I would be?
"She honestly mostly just hangs out with us, Mr. Harley."
Troy backed me up.
"Well, I just hope you lot look after her."
Grandpa answered, picking up his knife and fork.
I sighed, clenching my jaw.
Shayne winked and nudged my side.
I wanted to smack him!
"Am I not allowed to worry about my Granddaughter?"
Grandpa asked, raising a questioning brow.
I pasted a totally fake smile into place.
"Course ya are!"
Like me telling him not to would stop him anyway.
"Well, let's all get stuck into lunch, the day ain't over yet."
Grandpa turned his attention to his plate and stabbed his fork into a slice of Lamb he'd dressed up with mint sauce.

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