Chapter Thirty Two

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Gripping my saddle, I prepared for what seemed like the monstrous task of climbing onto Phoenix's back.
Why it seemed so hard at the moment, I wasn't sure.
At 7AM I put it down to sleeping on a thin swag mattress and in a swag, coupled with yesterday's all-dayer in the saddle.
Now that it was twelve something in the day, I wasn't so sure.
My body didn't seem to be regenerating it's energy, even after breakfast, a few coffee's and I'd by now eaten my lunch too, along with downed a third bottle of water.
Hence why I'd had to drop back again to use a tree to pee!
Poor Phoenix was anxious to re-join the herd and keep mustering.
By now, I couldn't even see the dust made from the mob and it also seemed to be a while since I'd heard the lowing of cattle.
"Alright good boy, let's do this."
I said on a sigh.
Right now, I just wanted my bed.
My left foot feeling like a dead weight, I used all the strength I could to lift my boot toe into the stirrup.
Phoenix shifted restlessly, but kept all four hooves mostly in place.
"Easy buddy."
I cautioned.
He turned his golden head around to look at me.
Somehow, I managed to pull myself into the saddle.
Though for the first time ever, the action left me feeling light headed.
Using the cowboy code no no, I grabbed onto the saddle horn to aid my balance as Phoenix shifted restlessly beneath me.
"What the hell is wrong with me?"
I muttered, bewildered.
Phoenix whinnied in the direction his friend's and the cattle had gone.
I'm going to have to get a move on, or we're going to fall too far behind.
"Walk on."
I urged my boy.
With pricked ear's, he strode out, letting his long leg's swing in his way of trying to cover more ground but still obey my command.
Nausea bubbled in my stomach.
Was it something I ate that's gotten to me?
I tried to think back on the meal's I've had.
The ham and salad sandwich yesterday for lunch, but all of that tasted fine other than the fact I'd suddenly wanted pickles.
Fry up of meat's last night, plus barbecued chip's along with pasta and potato salad's.
All that had tasted fine...
This morning was bacon, egg's and sausage's.
All that had tasted fine.
Lunch was another sandwich.
None of it was anything that was new to my diet.
"Okay, trot boy."
I requested.
We're not going to make any ground if we just walk.
Phoenix was quick to respond to my verbal cue, anxious to catch up with everybody.
My stomach rolled once again, but I clenched my jaw and forced myself to work past it.
That was until the nausea swept over my head, sending my brain and eyes fuzzy.
"Whoa Phoen-"
Too late.
For the first time ever, I pitched out of my golden boy's saddle and landed on the worn dirt path like a sack of potatoe's.
Phoenix shied at my sudden and unexpected dismount.
Then he snorted and walked back to me, his head low as he sniffed at me.
My mind was reeling.
My first time to come off Phoenix!
I couldn't remember the last time I came off a horse!


With another anxious glance over my shoulder, I urged Qantas to trot over to Jake who had taken Shayne's place riding drag with us, while Shayne took his turn driving the Ute and participating in the night time set up.
"What's up?"
Jake questioned.
I looked over my shoulder in the direction we'd come, where I still couldn't see even a glimpse of my best friend or her beautiful Palomino.
"Bailey should be back by now!"
I worried.
Jake twisted to look back that way as well.
"It is a bit weird she's taken so long."
He agreed.
I prepared to turn Qantas around.
"I think something must have happened. Maybe I should go check."
Jake shook his head.
I couldn't help but frown.
"But if she's hurt-"
Jake cut me off.
"If she's hurt, what are you gonna do about it? You won't be able to carry her or anything."
I bit my tongue.
As much as I didn't like it, he had a point.
If Bailey was hurt, I wouldn't have the physical strength to get her up onto Qantas with me.
If Qantas would even carry double.
I hadn't tried.
"I'll go."
Jake looked behind us again.
If Bailey's hurt, she's not going to want Jake finding her.
I shook my head.
Jake looked bewildered.
"No? What do you propose? We just leave her till we come back?"
I rolled my eyes.
I gathered my reins, ready to ride Qantas up the herd.
"I'll go and find Blayze and Lukas. One of them would be best suited to this I think."
"I wanna argue that I could handle it. But when it gets back to Lukas and Blayze we didn't tell em, we're dead. Or at least I'd be dead."
Jake winced.
"Alright go. Either option's as good as the other I guess. They'll just tell ya to go tell the other one while they head back to find her anyway."
I agreed wholeheartedly.
Lukas is Bailey's Uncle, but Blayze is...
Well, Blayze is Blayze.
He's cared for Bailey since he rocked up here as a teenager and we were just kid's.
"C'mon boy."
I urged Qantas.

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