Chapter Forty Three

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Monday morning I sat in the driver's seat of the EL, parked in the back of the Riverston Hotel's parking lot in hope of remaining out of sight.
My palm's were sweating.
My mind has been reeling lately.
I'm now several day's late for my period the second month in a row.
Over the year's (I got my first period when I was thirteen), I've skipped a month here and there.
But two month's?
Given I've slept with someone--okay slept with Blayze--more than once now, I probably should've done something about this predicament last month.
However a few more thing's have seemed to go strange lately.
I'm falling asleep at weird times.
I'm wanting weird food among my normal desires.
I'm being sick more morning's than not.
I'm having weird dream's.
My emotion's have gone crazy...
My boob's are even tender!
I mean what the hell?
I'm scared there's only one thing left I can do.
It's risky.
If somebody I know see's me...
I shut that thought away.
I just have to be careful.
Nobody can see what I'm about to do.
Especially if it turn's out I'm wrong.
I looked at my phone, saw there was so far no contact, slipped it into the centre console and shut it, grabbed my wallet and slipped out of the car, bringing the key's with me.
Knowing my luck lately, some mongrel would be in town and steal the car on me if I left the key's in the ignition.
Time to grow a pair of ball's.
I can't sit around here all day putting it off.
I walked along the back of the fence line and slipped around the side of the large building.
I put my head down and quickly walked down the paved sidewalk in the direction of the Chemist.
My hand's were shook as I pushed the glass door open.
I winced when the bell's jangled over my head.
Does my existence really have to be acknowledged here?
I looked around the shop, trying to find where I needed to go.
My plan was to get what I needed and get the hell out of here.
But hell if I could find where I even needed to start.
"Can I help you, sweetie?"
Thank god I didn't recognise the woman who came to help me.
She was blonde and brown haired, wore a pair of black rectangle rimmed glasses on her slightly crooked nose and had a dusting of freckles on her rosy rounded cheek's.
She gave off a 'motherly' kind of vibe.
Her uniform was a striped blue shirt with a badge on it that read June.
For some reason, my tongue felt as thick as cement.
I struggled to get my word's out.
If I can just tell her what I want, then maybe I can get the hell out of here faster.
She peered concernedly at me.
"Are you okay?"
I ran my tongue over my lip's and swallowed, clenching my hand's into fist's at my side's.
"P-preg-nancy test..."
I couldn't look at her.
What the hell kind of shit is this going to start?
Her brown eyes softened further still.
Umm what?
"Okay sweetie. Just follow me."
I felt the need to deny it was for me.
Surely she think's I'm way too young.
"F-for a friend."
I was worried my wallet would slip through my hand with how sweaty my hand's felt.
She shot me a smile over her shoulder and led me down an aisle filled with all sorts of medical supplies.
The word's she was saying went over my head as she explained a few of the 'top of the range' test's available.
"Th-that's fine."
I reached for the packet she was now holding.
"Okay. Come with me."
She turned to lead the way to the desk.
Oh great.
Well I guess I do have to check the item out.
Unfortunately, she was getting ready to scan the item and another worker came out from the back room.
I froze like a kangaroo caught in the headlight's when I recognised the woman with jet black hair pulled into a ponytail, bright red lip stick and piercing grey eyes.
She wore a tight black skirt and heel's that looked like they could break your neck.
Janine Sampson.
One of the worst gossip's in town.
Why would they even hire her here?!
Isn't shit you come to get from a Chemist meant to be confidential?
Kind of like the Doctor?
Apparently my helper sensed my predicament.
She scanned the item and placed it into a paper bag, then handed it over to me.
"Now sweetie, you can explain to your friend that it takes three minute's to register and once you know, it's good to organise a Doctor's appointment."
June encouraged.
Feeling like I was shaking like a leaf, I nodded quickly.
Janine now stood by the medicine rack's with a clip board in her hand, but I'd seen her gaze flick this way more than once.
She was doing a poor job at pretending to mind her own business.
I handed June the money, a few dollar's over what she'd told me the item cost, muttered for her to keep the change and made my hasty escape.
Holy shit i hope Janine keep's her mouth shut!
I wasn't ready to go home.
I couldn't go home when I had this to deal with.
What if my family noticed?
I deliberated by the entry to the pub car park.
Where can I go?
I can hardly go and sit in the pub toilet for at least five minute's!
I scurried down the car park and jumped into the EL.
I'll drive to somewhere to deal with this.
I started the semi protesting engine and carefully backed out of my park, then eased out of the car park and onto the Main Street.
Driving aimlessly, I wracked my brain for what to do.
Where the hell can I even go?
Finally I parked around the back of the Public toilet's and made my way in.
Thankfully, the place was empty.
I locked myself into a stall, grateful for how tidy the council actually do keep this area, for safety's sake and read the instruction's for the test.
Really June told me what I needed to know anyway.
Pee on the stick, leave it for three minute's and if the double line show's up, then I'm fucked.
Forcing myself to stop beating around the bush, I opened the packet and set to work.

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