Chapter Twenty Eight

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I escaped from breakfast to get Phoenix from the paddock and saddled up.
The morning was clear, only a few white cloud's scattered in the sky, which meant it no doubt would get quite warm today.
Bird's chirped in the tree's and called to one another as they flew towards another destination.
The chicken's skittered their way around the yard, scratching at the dirt and pecking at bug's and weed's.
The horses stood, lazily grazing and munching on hay that had been spread out for them, blissfully unaware of the task that lay ahead for most of them.
Today we had to muster the sheep in so we could drench the mob tomorrow.
Fun times.
We'd all be knackered by tomorrow night.
Azlan, Hewey, Dewey and Lewey met me on my walk across the farm yard.
"You boy's ready to work your butt's off today?"
I asked the dog's with a smile.
Azlan and Hewey looked up at me, wagging their tail's, their eye's bright.
Dewey and Lewey just kept their focus ahead, walking calmly.
Until all four dogs' heads shot toward the front gates.
Letting rip with bark's, the four Kelpie's shot forward several paces, all on alert.
I growled at them.
"Get back!"
None of them moved.
I clicked my finger's at my side.
Azlan, Hewey and Dewey ducked their head's and tail's and came to sit behind me.
Lewey barked again, staring toward the gate.
"Lewey! Get your arse back!"
I demanded.
Cheeky little shit!
With a whine, the Red and Tan Kelpie trotted to join his friend's/workmate's.
Now I focused on the car entering my home.
From here, I couldn't tell the make, but I could see that it appeared to be a forbie and towed a float.
"Is that what I-? Ah sweet. Right on time."
I twisted around to find Blayze on his way over, wearing dark Wrangler jeans, a light coloured t-shirt with a light green Bullzye button down shirt over the top, most of it's button's done, save for the top couple and the sleeve's rolled up to his elbow's, black Rough Rider on his head, matching mine, coffee mug in hand.
No two coffee mug's in hand.
What the?
He held one mug out to me as he got closer.
"For me?"
I asked, surprised.
A smile twitched at his lip's.
"You'll need it. We'll likely be in for a long day."
I accepted the gently steaming mug with a smile.
Blayze nodded towards the approaching car and float ensemble.
"This is the Walker's. They're bringin a Quarter Horse Filly for me to train."
Well I guess that made sense.
"Wanna get some water and hay ready in one of those yard's for me?"
He asked, raising a questioning brow.
I bit down my refusal.
I guess he had brought me extra coffee...
"Yeah, okay. Then I'd better get Phoenix ready."
Blayze turned to go meet the person or people in the car.
"Azlan, heel."
He commanded his dog.
Azlan yapped and bounded to Blayze's side.
I watched the pair for a moment, then shook my head, ordering myself to quit checking Blayze out and made my way to the yard's to fill a water bucket for the new Filly.
While the bucket filled, I moved to the feed shed to fetch a biscuit of hay.
Hewey, Dewey and Lewey trailed me obediently, waiting for the day's work to start.
Soon Grandpa and Uncle Lukas would be out and the dog's would likely be under their command.

"Righto. Mount up!"
Grandpa ordered.
Today we had Grandpa, Uncle Lukas, Blayze, Troy, Alex, Jake, Heath, Shayne and myself on crew.
With nine of us, it should make for an easy day, right?
Except we had around one thousand head of sheep to bring in.
I sat aboard Phoenix, Heath rode Western, Jake on Lolly, Shayne rode Aston, Alex on George, Troy rode Belle, Blayze on Quinton, Uncle Lukas rode Mum's gelding Romeo and Grandpa on Pelican.
Heath reined Western alongside Phoenix.
"Hey! We could pass for twin's!"
I rolled my eyes, but was unable to keep my smile locked away.
"Just coz the horses we're riding are brother's won't make us twin's."
Heath looked surprised!
"They're brother's?"
I nodded.
"Full brother's. Mum's Mare Delilah had them both. Western is six, Phoenix is five, but Phoenix is bigger."
"And faster."
We both twisted around to find Blayze and Quinton strolling past.
Heath turned back to me.
"Can we swap?"
I opened my mouth, but Blayze bet me to it.
"Not on your life. Even I haven't been allowed to ride him since I broke him in for her and all..."
I shot him a small smile.
He know's full well I appreciate absolutely everything he's done for Phoenix to date and everything I know he'll continue to do.
"Bailey! Heath!"
Uncle Lukas barked.Move it, or I'll order ya to not work by each other!"
I turned around to find Grandpa, Troy, Alex, even Jake and Shayne had started out.
I heard joshing call's from the hand's up ahead.
"C'mon boy."
I urged Phoenix forward.
Heath followed and Blayze and Uncle Lukas came in to flank us.
I looked from Blayze who was at my left, to Uncle Lukas who was to Heath's right.
"Any special plan's?"
"Get these sheep in as quick as we fucking can?"
Blayze suggested, raising a questioning brow, a smile twitching at his lip's.
"And finally he's back to talkin sense."
Uncle Lukas remarked.
The four of us laughed!

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