Chapter Thirty Nine

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Relief washed over me as the wheel's of the Ranger and horse float rolled into our driveway, the Harley Crest sign passing by my passenger window.
Yet at the same time, a troubled feeling engulfed my heart.
We were back to having to definitely ensure the boundaries stayed up between Blayze and I.
The dog's started up their incessant whining, overjoyed to be home.
Blayze shot a dark look over his shoulder at the dog's who crowded at the window's in the back seat.
"Shut it you guy's!"
"They're just excited to be home."
I defended them, yawning midway through and slamming a hand over my mouth to attempt to hide it.
After nearly seven hour's travelling time, I was knackered.
Blayze looked tired too, having been up since 5AM and driving since 6.
A glance at the clock on the dash told me it was 1:11PM.
We had stopped in Angle Vale for a food, drink and loo break, which stretched the drive out to around the 7 hour mark.
Had we been horse float-less I knew Blayze would have easily made the six hour journey in six hour's or less.
But he already told me that with the horse's on board, 100 K's is the top speed he'll do, no matter where he is or how well he know's the road.
He know's the road between town and here like the back of his hand, yet I'd seen that the speedometer needle barely even seemed to touch the 100.
Blayze parked up near the tack and feed shed.
The dog's shot to their feet, the incessant whine's starting up once again and eventually leading to an impatient Kelpie bark.
I twisted in my seat to see the Kelpie.
He wagged his tail at me and whined.
Smiling, I shook my head and turned back around.
I unbuckled my seat belt, pushed the door open and dropped down from the 4x4 Ute.
"This place looks great!"
I turned around, pulling my Rough Rider onto my head, to see Aayla and Bindi Rowan walking toward me, their eyes darting around what we could so far see of the farm.
Which was a glimpse of the large stone farm house, the machinery, tack and feed shed's and a few horse yard's as well as the race.
I knew that outsider's found our farm impressive.
It's one of the largest properties in the South and Grandpa and my Great Grandpa's thirst for cleanliness and getting a job done properly was what resulted in the clean, strong structure's and neatly built and kept yard's and pasture's which outsider's admired.
I shot Blayze's cousins a smile and aimed for the back of the horse trailer to unload Phoenix.
"It is nice, but it's also just home."
Jaxon was helping Blayze lower the ramp as I approached.
I stepped in first to release Phoenix from the three horse angle load, as he was up the back.
He let out a joyous neigh to his friend's when his four hoove's landed on the dirt of the farm yard.
"That's so cute! He's glad to be home!"
Aayla cooed.
She'd taken one look at my Golden child and fallen in love, claiming she'd always wanted a Palomino.
I shot her a glance.
"He sure is."
Jason reached out to lightly fist bump my bicep.
"Someone else is too, I'd say! You look knackered!"
Phoenix pinned his ear's and stomped a hind foot into the ground.
I eyed my horse with surprised wide eyes while Aayla and Bindi cooed.
"Watch out."
Half laughing, Blayze walked up the ramp to be able to collect his own horse's.
"Those two are thick as thieves."
Jason eyed me, wide eyed.
"Guess you wouldn't get any action if that horse of your's has anything to do with it!"
I lifted a hand to pat Phoenix's shoulder.
"He's alright."
Blayze let Rowan back down.
Jaxon went to go forward to grab the dangling lead rope.
"He's right."
I assured him.
Blayze doesn't request his horse's do anything he doesn't think they can or will cope with/handle.
Rowan knew to back from the float and await further command.
Blayze backed Roo down next and the Dark Brown and Dark Bay brother's stood alongside each other.
Blayze came down the ramp and collected the horses' lead rope's from where they dangled to the dusty ground.
Instead of taking the rope's into his hand's, he looped Jackaroo's around his neck and then Rowan's around his, then he turned to head for the paddock his horse's share together.
Letting out a relaxed breath each, the eight and four year old brother's stepped out after him, following to their place of rest.
Jaxon turned to me, seemingly impressed.
"He has done his homework."
I agreed.
What he doesn't know his cousin is a wizard with horse's?
"I'm just gonna put Phoenix up."
I told the adult sibling's.
"Reckon he's earned a rest with his family and buddies."
Aayla and Bindi moved to follow me.
"He lives with his family?"
One of them asked, sounding delighted.
"Some member's."
I explained.
"The paddock he lives in normally, we have all the horse's who do the farm work in there."
"Does he live with his Mum?"
Bindi asked.
"Not normally."
I shook my head.
"She's in a paddock with the other Mummies and Mummies to be."
"Oh cool!"
Aayla gushed.
I halted Phoenix outside the working horse paddock gate and unchained it.
"Get back Wes, I know you're excited your bro's back."
I twirled the end of my rope to encourage Western away from the gate.
Grudgingly he backed up, allowing me to lead Phoenix in.
Bindi hurried forward to get the gate for me.
"I've got it."
I shot her a quick smile.

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