Chapter Thirteen

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I was well and truly over the fuss.
I was the idiot who went to the party and accepted a drink from somebody I didn't know.
My mind still felt a little fuzzy and my body felt like it had gone ten rounds in a boxing ring.
Mum saw my weariness and got Grandma, Aunty Bridey and Paul to hold the kids at bay while she swept me down to my bedroom.
"How about you have a shower honey? That might make you feel better?"
She suggested.
I didn't really know that I had the energy to stand in the shower, though.
But the hot water and shampoos might at the very least make me feel more human.
Mum paused in my bedroom doorway, twisting around to look at me.
"You take your time, but yell out if you need anything."
She urged.
"Uh huh."
I nodded.
"I love you Bailey."
My heart filled with a warmth I hadn't even realised I'd been missing.
"Love you too Mum."
I reminded her.
With a small smile, my Mum turned and headed back to the madness which was the rest of the family.
I found myself some pyjamas and my towel and made my way to the bathroom.


5:30AM came around way too fast.
But as I always do, I managed to drag my arse out of bed, get ready, feed my dogs and make my way up to the Main House for breakfast and more coffee.
It was almost six when I stepped into the out dining room, feeling like my King sized bed was definitely the better option.
Isaiah and Alex were the only other two there, ready to greet the day.
Alex raised his coffee mug slightly, with a small nod in my direction.
I nodded to him and made my way to the counter and the coffee machine for more coffee.
It was highly called for today and going to be greatly needed.
I heard Isaiah's chair groan as he got up from it and the clomp of his boots on the floorboards before I felt his presence not far behind me.
"How're you feeling?"
He questioned.
I poured milk into my coffee.
"Like it's Monday."
I grabbed a spoon and stirred the shit out of my hot drink, knowing I was definitely going to need it tasting good today.
"You know you can have the day off."
I glanced toward the older man, then turned my attention back to my coffee.
"I had yesterday off."
"Yeah well...that was a bit different..."
Isaiah relented.
"I'm good Isaiah."
I picked up my coffee and made my way to the long bench table which would soon be filled with the rest of the boys.
Troy and Shayne walked through the doors, the creaky screen door's hinges announcing their arrival.
I guess somebody's going to have to get on to fixing that...
Troy headed for the coffee and Shayne came to the table to take a seat.
"Did you find the guy who did this to Bailey?"
He asked me, a frown marring his brow.
Here we go.
"What do you mean this?"
I hedged, not entirely sure what exactly the rest of the boys actually knew.
"Well y'know..."
To his credit, he looked down, seemingly awkward.
"Yes I do know who it was. I punched him in the face a few times and if he's got a brain, he'll have skipped states because I told him if I see him again he's dead!"
I all but snapped, my blood already beginning to once against summer in my veins.
Shayne and Alex flinched.
Isaiah just calmly and slowly blinked, like none of this was any news to him.
Troy joined us at the table, coffee mug in hand.
"Well if you find him I'll help."
He offered.
Troy's loyalty wasn't all that surprising.
He's worked here for the last five year's now, or almost five.
Shayne made his way to the coffee, avoiding eye contact.
Alex seconded.
I shot Troy a glance.
"I won't need help."
A seventeen year old would be no problem for me, even if I wasn't this angry.
"Blayze, will you go help Grace with bringing the food?"
Isaiah requested, raising a questioning eyebrow at me.
Part of me wanted to refuse.
Such a 'job' was meant for those lower in the pecking order.
But I knew better.
The Harley's gave me a roof when I needed it the most.
They gave me food.
They gave me a family.
Even if it should have been Shayne or Jake's job, I pushed myself off of the bench seat, stepped over it and made my way through the adjoining door into the main house.
Grace offered me a warm smile.
"Good morning honey."
She greeted.
I replied.
"Now don't get mad..."
Grace set down her spatula, turning to give me her undivided attention.
When people say that, they normally do end up making you mad.
I raised a questioning eyebrow, signalling her to continue.
"Are you sure you don't maybe want to take the day off?"
Grace suggested.
I forced a quick smile so I didn't snap and hurt her feelings.
"I needa get back to work, but thanks."
I dismissed.
Grace nodded.
"But if you change your mind..."
"Yeah, I know."
Not Isaiah, Grace, Lukas or Kylie would hold it against me if I needed a day to get my head back in the game.
But I need to get back to work.
I'll go bat shit crazy if I sit around doing nothing.
Or I'll go on a man hunt.
Grace smiled, her eyes sparkling.
"Are you here to see me, or bring out food?"
I tried for one of my better smiles.
"Both of course!"
Grace laughed!
"Well here ya go."
She nodded to a platter of bacon, eggs and fried tomatoes that were sitting on the nearest bench.
I snatched the platter and headed back out to the out dining room.
I wasn't an idiot.
I knew Isaiah got me to go get the food because a) He was hoping Grace could talk me into taking the day off or b) He told the boys to shut up about the last few days if they knew what was good for them.
Judging by how nobody said a word when I walked back in, I was betting on the latter.
Probably a good thing anyway.
I was tired.
I was frustrated.
I was grumpy.
Somebody would probably get a punch to the head.

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