Chapter Sixty-Two

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Rolling over with a groan, I reached out with my eyes still firmly shut and blindly fumbled for my phone.
The alarm was blaring, alerting me that it was 5:30AM and the working day was set to start.
Finally I found the phone.
Once it was in my hands I cracked my eyes open to turn off the alarm function.
Fighting the urge to just roll back over and get lost in the land of sleep again, I blinked hard.
Knowing that tactic wasn't likely to work, I set my phone onto the mattress and eased myself up into a sitting position.
Once I was upright, my head swam, almost making me feel like my whole body was swaying.
Ah great...
I clamped my eyes shut, fighting back the nauseated feelings.
But no doubt, within a few minutes I'll be visiting the bathroom toilet.
To empty up my guts.
Finally the spinning in my head stopped.
But I could still feel my belly churning.
Yeah, I guess I need the bathroom.
Zuke propped himself on his back legs and pawed at my shoulder as he tried to lean in to lick my cheek.
I sighed and pushed him back down to the mattress.
"Get out of it Zuke."
Knowing I had little choice to get moving, because otherwise I'd chunder in my bed or on my carpet, I gingerly climbed out of bed and headed for the door.

Having put on a bra and changed my pyjama t-shirt for a light blue Wrangler one, I was down to the task of switching my pyjama pants for a pair of jeans.
Normally jeans are like a comfortable second skin to me, because I've worn them practically my entire life, every day.
But today I didn't really want to trade the silky pyjama pants for a pair of denims.
I guess I've got no choice though.
P-jay pants aren't exactly considered safe or practical workwear.
With a sigh, I pushed the waist of my silky pants down, then stepped out of the legs as the silk pooled to the floor.
I grabbed the pair of faded Ariat jeans from my bed and slipped my right foot into the right leg.
Once my foot was through the bottom of the leg, I did the same with my left foot then shimmied the denim all the way up my thighs and over my butt, to around my hips.
I frowned down at these pants, as I attempted doing up the button.
Did Mum or Grandma recently wash this pair?
Denim always fits a little more snugly when just washed and dried...
I wriggled around and eventually got the button through the button hole.
Next I dragged the zipper up with a little difficulty.
Today my jeans really were fitting like a second skin!
I guess they are recently washed...
Shrugging, I snatched my socks off my bed, sat on the edge of my bed and pulled the socks onto my feet.
Glancing over at the door, I saw Zuke dancing there, ready to go out.
"Yes boy, we're going now."
I assured the impatient Pup.
I pushed to my feet, grabbed my phone and crossed my room.

I stared rather dejectedly at the dozen buckets that were laid out in front of me.
I'd already made tomorrow's feeds for my Grandparents' retired horses, Mum's Broodmare's Delilah, Jewel and Melody and the 'grown' working horses.
Now I had to make feeds for those four year's old and younger.
All because horse's of different age ranges and work loads require different feeds and vitamin and mineral balances.
Hence why there's so many stages to preparing the horses' feeds.
Then Blayze has his own feeds for his four horse's, plus another variation of feeds for the horse's he has in for training.
Even Paint and River eagerly wait at their feed tub's for breakfast in the morning's now.
Well, Paint waits eagerly when I feed him.
River waits there eagerly when Blayze and now even me approaches his yard!
Lately I can even manage a nose pat with the little buckskin Colt before I leave him alone to eat his food!
Immense joy spreads through my heart and my soul every morning when I leave that yard.
Grabbing a dipper off a closed lid barrel and shaking my mind off memories, I began to go about filling these buckets with their assorted goodies.

The sound of somebody clearing their throat made me look over my shoulder.
I blinked, surprised to see Shayne standing in the feed shed doorway.
Then I took notice of how I was still bent over, leaning over the buckets to tip feed into individual ones...
And where Shayne's eyes were focused.
Slowly I straightened, feeling an uncomfortable warmth begin along my neck and grow towards my face.
"Were you...just checking out my arse?"
I felt absolutely incredulous.
Shayne wasn't just checking out my butt right?
Shayne looked away, but I was the pink tinge steadily blossom on his cheeks.
I felt my eyes grow wider.
Shayne was just...?
Oh my god!
"Blay- Blayze and Heath said- said to go up to the house coz the cousins slash brother's and sister are leaving."
Shayne hurriedly said and scampered out of the feed shed.
I stared after him, shell shocked, the feed scoop still hanging in my hand.
What the hell just...?
Damn it!
Goodbye time for the supposed 'siblings'.
What's it even got to do with me anyway?
I looked down to the feeds I was making.
Three more to go.
I can do those quickly.
If not, I'll just have to come back and finish up.
I scooped in the required feeds from various barrel's and tub's, then added in a few required mineral scoops, then stacked the buckets into small piles of about three or four high, in front of the barrel's.
This was to keep them out of the way of anybody walking through.
I set the scoop onto a closed lid barrel, dusted my hands off on my jeans and headed out of the feed shed.

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