Chapter 7

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"YAHH YOONGI, GET YOUR MATE HERE, AND WE'RE GOING TO LEAVE," I shouted to Yoongi while I carried Hoseok, who's already wasted after drinking a few champagnes.

"Isn't too early to leave? there are still people here, you know?" Yoongi asked with an annoyed tone as he continued to drink a glass of beer, ignoring his past-out mate, who was already lying on the floor.

"Yoongi is right, Seokjin. You can all stay here as long as you want," Namjoon suggested.

"We would love to, but Hoseok is already out, so I think it would be better if we went home now," I answered Namjoon as I again started to put Hoseok's arm on my shoulders to support his legs from walking.

"Yoongi, go carry my bag cause you're mate is too heavy," I told Yoongi with a complaint, who only groaned out of frustration but then complied with what I asked him to do.

"I understand. Goodbye, and be careful when driving since the roads might be already dark," Namjoon told me as both bid our goodbyes.

The four of us walked out to the door as Namjoon accompanied us. It was only then that we realized that Taehyung was nowhere to be found.

"Wait, Where's Taehyung?" Yoongi asked me while turning his head from left to right to search for Taehyung.

Namjoon chuckled before speaking. "You know my brother; he's not a party person or someone who likes to be in a crowd. He probably went back home already, so the two of you should not worry about him," Namjoon assured us.


After we got home, I went to Taehyung's room and to his office room to check if he had already reached home as Yoongi put Hoseok into their room.

He was nowhere to be found. We all know that Taehyung can take care of himself. After all, he was a strong and fearless alpha, but as his friend, we still could not help but worry about him every time he'd be gone without informing us.

"Is Taehyung Already home?" Yoongi asked as he spotted me in the living room, space out with my thoughts.

"No, he's still not."

After that, we heard slow noises of footsteps outside the house, which made our heads turn and look at the entrance door.

The door opened, and as we expected, it was Taehyung, but we did not expect to see him carrying someone bridal style.

"Who is that?" I asked as I examined the boy he was carrying, and it was only then that I noticed that the boy was bleeding on the side of his stomach, my eyes wide open from being shocked.

"What happened to Jungkook?" Yoongi asked him in concern, making me think that the boy's name might be Jungkook, but how did he know him?

Taehyung did not answer and just continued walking towards his room hurriedly.

"Call Lisa and tell her to come to my room. He got shot by a gun, so make her prepare the needed things. And Seokjin Hyung, take care of that guy since he got a few wounds."

Taehyung stop for a while from walking and pointed at our back, making heads turn to where he was pointing, and it was only then when we noticed the blond-haired guy, which we assumed was a friend Jungkook.

"Okay, I'll call her," Yoongi said, but Taehyung was already as he continued walking towards his room hurriedly and in panic.



I instantly put Jungkook's unconscious body in my bed as I grabbed a clean towel from my cabinet to replace the cloth that his friend had used to cover his wounded stomach as it was already drenched in blood.

A tear had escaped from my eyes as I took a closer look at his would cover it with the towel by applying firm pressure on it with my shaky hands to stop the bleeding.

I was so scared to the point that I could not help but cry while staring at his unconscious self.

I held his left hand with tenderness and care, bringing it close to my face as I kissed it. "P-please kook, be strong. I just found you again; you can't die now," I beg to his unconscious self as I continue to cry.

Suddenly, there was a loud knock on the door, followed by Yoongi announcing that Lisa had already arrived.

I wiped my tears away as I opened the door so Lisa could enter.

"Alpha, are you okay? I thought you got shot? " she worriedly while looking at me from head to toe, searching for some wound to heal.

"It's not me, Lisa; it's someone else. He's in my bed, hurries, bleeding very badly." I answered while wiping my tears again with my hands as I struggled not to cry in front of them.

"I understand. I need all of you to get out of this room so I can focus on my patient," She answered and immediately entered the room.


After two and a half hours of waiting for Lisa to be done with the surgery, she finally got out of the room Jungkook was in and immediately went to us in the living room to inform us about Jungkook's condition.

"He's now okay but is still unconscious. Let's not disturb him for now as he still needs to rest to regain his energy so let's wait for him to wake up. The bleeding was bad, but it's good that you all had tried to stop it before I arrived, or else he might have died already from the loss of blood," She said, but none of us, even me, had spoken a word because we were speechless.

"Call me when he regains his consciousness as I still need to do a few check-ups on him so I can prescribe him the right medicine and its dosage."

"I understand. You can go back to the packhouse now and rest. Thanks a lot."

"It's okay, Taehyung. After all, it is my duty to heal anyone from this pack," She said with a smile before saying goodbye.


I did a few revisions on this chapter as I was not satisfied with my work yesterday. I will try to update as soon as I can :)

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