Chapter 9

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I woke up comfortably as the skies were lit up by the shining sun, birds chirping in the trees as the wind blew in the surroundings making the other trees dance—the wind. 

As I stood and exited the bed, the thought of Jungkook from last night suddenly came to mind. 

"I should visit him to know his condition," I said to myself with worry as I walked towards the door to go to the room where he was transferred after the surgery. 

He was nowhere to be found in the said room, making me think that he had already woken up and might be with the guy who cleaned my wounds last night. I  continued to walk in the vast hallway slowly as my body still hurt from the beating that I got from Mr. Jeons Bodyguards. 


I was walking so fast while crying as Taehyung's hurtful words continued to replay in my head. 

I thought everything would be okay...

Maybe he doesn't want me anymore...

Those thoughts just added to the pain in my heart that I'm trying to endure. Ever since that day when I rejected him as my mate, all I have had was to see him again, to be in his arms again as we cuddle in the cold weather.

I've longed for him... for his touch and love. All I wanted was him ever since then. So it hurts me to see him being so mean to me. 

Out of the blue, I bumped into someone's chest, and as I looked up, it was Jimin. "Jungkook, what happened to you? Did you get hurt? tell me, Gguk, why are you crying?"Jimin asked me with an evident tone of being worried. 

I cried more at thinking that Jimin worries more about me than Taehyung. 

I'm his mate, so why can't he worry like how Jimin concerns for me?

"Please, Gguk, answer me. You're making me worried," Jimin said as he shook my shoulders a bit to get my attention. I wanted to answer him but could not form any words as I could not stop crying. 

On the spur of the moment, Jimin hugs me making my face on his hard chest. "Hey, I know that everything is tough for you to deal with, and I know that you have other problems that you're still not ready to talk about,  but always remember that you're not alone... You have me. Some people say that when there's a storm, we should not lose hope as after it, the sun will rise to its extent to give a glow to the shadowy world; so you can cry whenever you want but don't forget to smile and be happy and let your sadness be washed off as the sunrise comes to our life for a better day."

I sniffle a bit as I release myself out of Jimin's hold. "T-thank you... J-Jimin"

"By the way, when will we get out of here?"  I asked Jimin 

"What do you mean to get out of here? The two of you can stay here" Before Jimin could answer my question, a guy from the back had already joined the conversation that Jimin and I were having, making our heads turn around to see the still unknown guy. 

I thought it was Seokjin-Hyung, but to our surprise, it was a different guy. The man had a grumpy expression on his face, and his skin tone was pale white, making him look like a vampire. 

"Uhm... excuse me, sir, but who are you?" Jimin asked. 

He walks towards us and extends his hand to handshake Jimin, "I'm Suga, but call me Yoongi, and as I was saying, the both of you can stay in this packhouse."

"But your Alpha leader told me that Jimin and I should get in his pack..."


"As expected from him. Don't worry, Jin and I had already talked. I'm sure Seokjin can make him agree that the two of you can stay here for as long as you like. 

"Are you sure about that? Isn't he the Alpha?"Jimin asked, a bit confused about how Seokjin-Hyung and Yoongi-Hyung could make that kind of decision without their Alpha's permission. 

"Yes, I'm sure about it. Let's stop talking about this topic because Jin is already preparing lunch and just waiting for us to come down," Yoongi-Hyung said to assure us. 

As we arrived at the dining table, we saw Jin-Hyung placing the delicious food on the dining table, which Jimin and I assumed was cooked by him.

 "Oh... the both of you are already here, Jimin, Jungkook, come and join us in eating lunch," Jin-Hyung invited us after setting the table.

We were both seated in the seats Yoongi-Hyung assigned us as we waited for everyone to arrive. 

"Yoongi, where's Hoseok and  Taehyung? You should have told them to join us when you went upstairs. 

I remembered what happened earlier as Taehyung's name was mentioned making my wolf a bit sad as he remembered the things that Taehyung had said to us. Still, I choose to stay silent and act normally as I don't want to be questioned by anyone again.

"I told Hoseok to tell Taehyung about the Lunch since he had mentioned to me that Taehyung told him to come into his office," Yoongi-Hyung explained to Seokjin-Hyung. 

After a minute of waiting for the two, the both of them arrived and started to sit on their seats without a word coming from them. 

The atmosphere was too awkward as no one had made a move to speak. Thank god Seokjin started a conversation with me as he handed me the bowl of rice. "You should eat more Jungkook since you did not eat breakfast today." 

I smiled at him as I accepted the bowl of rice."Yes, Hyung, thanks" As Jimin and I continued to eat, we heard and noticed Taehyung eye-rolling at us from time to time, making us assume that he was annoyed by our presence here. 

"What are these two low-life omegas doing here? aren't they supposed to leave?" Taehyung suddenly said, making everyone stop eating and look at him as the awkward silence grew along with the tension. 

A Spoon was suddenly thrown toward Taehyung's face making Hoseok-Hyung slightly laugh while everyone was still silent. 

"YAAA, HOW DARE YOU THROW AN INSULT TO AN OMEGA?!! DID I NOT TEACH YOU ENOUGH TO HAVE MANNERS? HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN THAT I'M ALSO AN OMEGA?!!" Jin screamed to Taehyung as he continued throwing the utensils on the dining table out of anger.

Taehyung was just silent as he glared at jin."CONTINUE GLARING AT ME, AND I'M GOING TO STAB YOUR EYE WITH MY FUCKING KNIFE!!!" Seokjin screamed, which scared me at the confidence he had to yell to an Alpha. 


"Well, Seokjin and I contradict your decision on making them leave this place as they are still in danger and for some reasons that you don't have to know," Yoongi said as he still patted Seokjin's back.

Seokjin drinks water before starting to speak again as he controls his anger. "They're going to stay here whether you want it or not, Taehyung, I'm still the oldest in here, so I still have a say in your decision. I think your anger is consuming you; that's why you're not making the right decisions today."

Taehyung was offended at how Seokjin-Hyung questioned his decision regarding the Alpha leader. Still, I think he respects Seokjin-Hyung's opinion as he did not say anything and just left the place.

 The situation made Jimin and I uncomfortable but happy as we now finally can stay with them. after all, I don't want to leave this place and be far away with Taehyung again.

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