Chapter 32

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I emitted a long sigh of despair as I wake up still alone in my empty bed. Life feels so meaningless since that day that we have been away from each other. The covers that are supposed to keep me warm and in comfort only make me feel more cold and alone as both of the bitter and joyous memories that we shared in this bed come into my mind. I bitterly smiled at the memory.

I once again sigh before getting up letting my barefoot touch the cold wooden floor as I proceed on taking slow steps towards the shower to take a bath in hopes to relieve the discomfort and sleepiness that I am currently feeling. 

It might be a shame for other Alpha's t admit or say, but I have cried for hours last night as I tried to smell Jungkook's vanilla scent through his pillows and clothes as my wolf and I seek his comfort and touch. After a minute of missing him, I proceeded on turning on the shower letting the cold water touch my skin. 

I might be missing him but I also need to focus on my role in order for me to find and save him from whoever has captured him. 

My suspicion was that Daejun was the one who captured him since he was the only one who has a motive for doing such a thing to Jungkook. I have ordered my men on investigating him and his club's condition after the attack had taken place and base on their report,  he and his men had moved to Daegu after the authorities had shut down his illegal nightclub in the right light district. 'Coincidentally the destination of the car that Jungkook's capturers had used was also headed to Daegu. 

At first, I ignored my suspicion about Daejun as I thought that he has no interest in taking back Jungkook and that he would just continue his illegal business without bringing back his son into his cruel word. After all, it's his son. But it seems that I have also forgotten the fact that it's Daejun that I am talking about. There's no way that the man would change for the good. 

My suspicion only grew stronger after Jennie reported yesterday that the owner of the car that was used in the abduction that had taken place at the hospital was a guy named Kang Byung-ho, and it happens to be that he works for Jeon Dajun for almost a decade. 

There's no way that everything was just a coincidence. 

I pulled out the brown Celine aviator Jacket paired with the Gucci turned up cuff trousers from my closet after I finished taking a bath to wear it as I just brush my damp hair a little using my fingers before leaving my room to go downstairs as I expect Jackson and his men to be already waiting for me downstairs. 

Today is the day that we will leave the pack to go to Daegu after we got the information that Daejun has two properties in there as I hope that we could find Jungkook in one of them. It might be easy to say but I know to myself that it will be going to be a hard thing to do. It's a good thing Yoongi agreed about being in charge of the pack while I am away even though he disagreed at first. 

"Good Morning Alpha" Jackson greeted and bowed as soon as I arrive in the living room. 

"Is everything ready?"

"Yes Alpha, the weapons and your other luggage are already in the car" Jackson replied to my question and I just simply nod as a reply before instructing the men that's going to join the mission. Most of them are High skilled Beta warriors. 

Hoseok also volunteered on joining the mission but I did not agree as I choose for him to just stay beside and guard the pack along Yoongi in case an attack from the pack of rouges happens. Jimin still avoids facing or having a conversation with me, he may be thinking that it's his fault why Jungkook got abducted even though Hoseok and Yoongi already made it clear to him that it was not his fault in any way. Namjoon and Seokjin had also offered to send some of their men in my pack and I just simply agreed to their offer knowing that Seokjin would still insist even if I would say no.

"Be careful in your mission Taehyung, I will pray to the moon goddess for the mission to be successful and for Jungkook to come back to our home with you as soon as possible" Yoongi said.

 "I will make sure of that Yoongi-Hyung" I simply replied to him. 

I was about to proceed on going to my car together with Jackson to start the long ride to Daegu as my phone suddenly vibrates from my pockets letting me know that someone had just messaged me. It was a bit unusual for someone to text me early in the morning so I decided to pick up my phone from my pocket to check on who it might be. 

Message: Hello Tae, this is Ggukie. Please don't worry much about me and please take care of yourself. I don't know where I am now but my father was the one who captured me. Don't stress yourself that much and I just wanna say I love you. I trust you Taehyungie. I will be waiting for the time where I can be in your embrace once again.

My breath hitch as my wolf howls in both relief and sadness. Relief knowing the fact that our mate is safe and sadness at the thought that he might be physically and mentally suffering in his father's captivity. 

"Jackson, track the location of this message. Now." I simply ordered to Jackson with a calm voice. During this kinds of situation I would normally act lunatic and shout to everyone and I would even hurt anyone that would question my decisions as the leader of the pack. But now, I choose to stay calm and carefully think about every decisions that I would make as the realization hits me that acting Lunatic and letting my anger take over me would just add to the growing problem. Of course, I'm  mad but this is not the time to let out all of the anger that I am feeling. 

Jackson immediately opened his laptop and started connecting the phone to locate the the location of the message. 

"Boss, the location of message is Bom ri street no. 98, Dalseong, Daegu, South korea" 

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