Chapter 23

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Suho entered the Pack border of the Moonstone pack together with his beta secretary Baekhyun after they received the letter of invitation from Taehyung's secretary. He usually ignores this kind of invitation letter from the other Pack leaders but Taehyung had caught his curiosity and attention. 

Why would the infamous lunatic Alpha of the dangerous Moonstone pack be sending him a letter of invitation? As far as he knows, he doesn't have any issues nor conflicts with the Alpha which only added to the thousands of questions that are running through his mind on why does Taehyung suddenly wants to have a meeting with him. 

Jackson out of the blue appeared in their sight after they arrived at the main gate of the packhouse with a serious look on his face. "follow me" He simply said to the two of them and started walking towards Taehyung's office without waiting for the two of them. 

All of Taehyung's pack members glared at the two of them as if they are all planning a sinister way of killing the Alpha and Beta in a matter of seconds because of entering their pack border. Beakhyun gulped and just decided to look at the ground feeling scared.  

Indeed, all of the pack members of Moonstone are scary in their own way. 

Suho glared at Jackson's back not liking Jackson's attitude as he and Baekhyun followed him to Taehyung's office. Baekhyun patted Suho's back to calm the Alpha a bit down knowing that causing a scene is not the best decision especially that this is not their territory. 

Jackson opened the huge wooden door of Taehyung's office after knocking and hearing the alpha saying a simple "Come in". 

The three of them entered the office and immediately did a 45-degree bow to the Alpha who's sitting in his office chair while his attention was on the newspaper that he was reading. He folded the newspaper and place it in the right corner of this desk before instructing Jackson to leave the office. 

"We finally met" 

"What do you want?" Suho asked in a serious tone not liking the vibe that Taehyung radiates in him. 

Taehyung chuckled at the cheap act that Suho is pulling in him which made Suho's anger rise up as he punches Taehyung's desk that creates a loud thud in an attempt to scare or made Taehyung flinch. 

Unfortunately, his cheap act did not make Taehyung scared nor flinch. Instead, it made him laugh to an extent as he couldn't believe how dumb Suho was to make a joke out of himself. 

"HAHAHA did you really think that I would be scared of a cheap and stupid Alpha like you? Oh my god, you must be really that stupid to think" Suho slowly growled at Taehyung after he got insulted but he controlled his anger as he obviously knows that he and Baekhyun will be going to be dead meat if he ever made a scene. 

"If you are just going to insult me, then I would just leave this place," Suho said as he proceeds to walk away followed by Baehyun. 

"Jeon Daejun" 

Suho stops walking after hearing the mentioned name as he turned back to look at Taehyung. "What about him?" Suho asked. 

"I heard that Daejun has a huge unpaid debt at you. Coincidentally, he also did something which really made me mad" Taehyung explained but did not really get into details to protect the Identity of his bunny and Jimin. 

"Oh.. so you want my help? You want to be in favor with me?" Suho asked while smirking. 

"You're actually the one who needs my help, you don't want your secrets to come out in public, do you? What do you think will your pack members would feel about you if they would know that their most precious and kind Alpha was actually an abusive pervert who steals money from their Packhouse funds and was even part of an illegal group" Taehyung said while looking at Suho with pity. 

Baekhyun was left shocked, he knows that his Alpha likes to sleep with many Omega's but to be abusive? and the packhouse funds? He realizes that he still doesn't fully know his Alpha. All of this was hard for him to process which made him felt like he got lied to since Suho and him were best friends ever since childhood and he really thought that Suho was a kind man. 

"You are unbelievable," Baekhyun said in anger while looking at Suho in pure disgust as he leaves the office leaving Suho with Taehyung.

"Baek-" Before he can even finish calling Baekhyun's name, the door was slammed creating a loud thud which made him silent.

Taehyung chuckled followed by a smirk on his face because of the drama that he's witnessing. "See what happened? it's all because of your actions" 

"Fine! now, what do you want?!" Suho shouted at Taehyung while on the verge of crying because of his and Baekhyun's friendship that was now destroyed because of his wrongdoings 

"Burn down Daejun's nightclub for me" 

Suho just nodded knowing that he couldn't say no to Taehyung if he doesn't want all of his dirty crimes to be discovered by his pack members and also to the committee which Taehyung is part of. (The committee consists of high rank and respected wolves who makes rules for all of the packs to follow in order to remain the peace among all the wolves; except for those bad rouges who refuses to follow these rules ) 

Suho also needs to yes to Taehyung in order to fix his own mistakes and in hopes that his and Baekhyun's friendship will be back if he does the right thing.

After Suho left the office assisted by Jackson, Taehyung smiled to himself in victory.

 Now he just has to wait for Suho's action and the next thing that he will plan was on how to kill Daejun. But he will ask Jungkook first for his approval, after all, it's still Jungkook's father...

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