Chapter 40 | the end

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The delicious aroma of Japchae filled the entire kitchen as Jungkook hurriedly cooked the other dishes that he planned to prepare for their dinner while looking at his wristwatch with anticipation.

He was so immense in his cooking but was soon interrupted after hearing a loud thud from upstairs followed by a crying noise of Ji-hoon. Jungkook immediately turned off the stove and went upstairs to their room.

As he opened their bedroom, he saw Ji-hoon crying and the kid immediately ran toward Jungkook and hug his legs as if his life depends on it

"Mommy~ There's a cockroach in my bed"

"I already killed the cockroach Hoon, it's in the trash bin now." Ji-Woon, the older brother of Ji-Hoon explained in a calm tone.

"Your brother is right Hoonie, the cockroach is already gone so don't be afraid of it because it won't come back again. How about we go downstairs and help mommy in placing the food on the table?" Jungkook offered to distract Hoon's thoughts away from the cockroach.

"Okay, mommy" The younger agreed as he and his brother went downstairs with their mom.

It has already been 5 years ever since the two kids were born and it has brought so much joy and delight to the Kim family.

Ji-Woon is the older brother and he's an Alpha. He resembles so much of Taehyung's features and behavior. He's known for being a smart kid who likes poetry and taking pictures of different sceneries. At such a young age, he already acts like an old person who already knows his responsibilities and principles in life. But just like any other kid, he also likes to play together with Ji-hoon and teach him things that he's interested in.

On the other hand, Ji-hoon is the opposite of Jiwoon. Instead of liking to read and do poetry like Jiwoon, he is more into playing like a typical kid at his age. He and his brother share the same interest in taking photographs. He resembles so much of Jungkook 's features and behavior and he's a male omega just like his mother, but his rank had never affected how Taehyung and Jungkook treat him since they both want their children to be raised with equal love.

In those 5 years of them being together as a family, there have been so many memories that they have shared. Most of them are happy memories while some are not as they have faced so many challenges as a family in the past, but they are proud that they have survived those challenges and still continue to live as a happy family while learning from their past mistakes.

After the three of them had finished setting up the table, They heard the sound of Taehyung's car entering the main gate which made Jungkook smile at the arrival of his husband.

He took off his apron and held Jiwoon and Jihoon's hands side by side as the three of them went outside to greet Taehyung.

After they get outside, they are met by the sight of Taehyung getting out of his car with his brown leather briefcase. It is visible and obvious just by his facial expression how tired he is from work but he still managed to smile and wave his hands to his kids and wife.

"Hey babe, so what's up for today?"

"I have already cooked, you should change first before eating since you're sweaty"

"Aww... c'mon, I know you still love me even if I smell sweaty," Taehyung replied as he kissed Jungkook.

"You're being cheesy, just go and change," Jungkook said with a smile on his face after the kiss as he tries not to laugh at how cheesy his husband has gotten in the past few days.

"Dad, stop being cheesy. Jihoon and I are already hungry" The siblings complained to their parents.

"Aish, the two of you always block my way with your mom. Don't you two want to have another sibling? Taehyung jokingly retorted the kids.

"Yahh! stop with that and just go change" Jungkook said while blushing as he stops Taehyung from saying those kinds of things.

"Okay, okay I'll go change"

After Taehyung had finished changing into more warm and comfy clothes, the four of them proceeded into eating while chit-chatting about how their day went.

"Uhm.. dad" Jihoon nervously called for Taehyung which also gained Jungkook's attention as both of the parents were waiting for Jihoon to continue.

"Yes, sweetheart?" Taehyung asked.

"Our birthday is near so uhm.."

"You want presents? Is that what you want, sweety?" Taehyung asked with a smile since Jihoon is having a hard time finishing his sentence.

"Yes, hehe" Jihoon answered while laughing sheepishly after her father guessed what he was about to say.

"Sure, what presents do you want then?" Taehyung once again asked Jihoon but Jiwoon was the one who answered the question since Jihoon was too shy to say it.

"Actually dad, we both wanted this present. Remember when we went to Uncle Jin and Uncle Namjoon's house? They have this white American Eskimo dog called Moni, and Jihoon and I decided that we also want to have a dog as our birthday present" Jiwoon explained.

"But Woonie, Taking care of a dog is har-" Jungkook said but was interrupted by his son, Jihoon.

"Please mommyyy~ we promise to be a good kid to you and to dad. Please~"

"Aigoo~ how can I say no to a cutie like you? But let's wait for your father's decision, okay?"

"So you want the same breed of dog that your uncle Namjoon and Jin have?" Taehyung once again asked with a poker face as he thought if it was okay for them to buy a dog.

"I want a Doberman dad!" Jihoon excitedly said

"But I want a pomeranian!" Jiwoon retorted in disagreement.

"Hmm... why don't we get both as your birthday present?" Taehyung suggested.

"Really dad?" Jiwoon asked, still not believing what he had heard.

"Yes, it's what the two of you want for your birthday so I don't think there's anything wrong in getting it" Taehyung explained to the two children and both of them cheered in victory.

"But honey-"

"Shh... just let them. They don't usually ask for presents so let's just let them have it" Taehyung explained to Jungkook who's still not sure if it's right to get two dogs at the same time.


"The both of you, listen to me. Since I and your mom have agreed to your request of getting 2 dogs, the both of you should promise that you will be good boys and not make your mom feel stressed or tired once we get the dogs that you wanted. Are we clear?"

"Yes dad, we promise!" Jihoon and Jiwoon said in unison which made Jungkook smile at their cuteness.

The family continued on eating with a happy smile decorated on each of their faces as they shared the delicious meal.

Surely, there will still be challenges that will come in the future but they are proud and sure that they will survive it as a family no matter how big it is. 

- the end -


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