Chapter 28

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Jungkook showed off his irresistible cuteness at Taehyung as he looks at him with puppy eyes while pouting to convince Taehyung on going with him to Lisa's hospital for a check-up since Taehyung insisted for him to go since Jungkook continued to throw up followed by a sudden headache after they finished eating breakfast. 

"Taetae, please come with me.  I don't want to go there without you" 

Taehyung only smiled at Jungkook as he continues searching for presentable and formal clothes to wear since he will be attending a meeting today before Facing the pouting Jungkook to explain why he couldn't go with him even if he really wanted to. 

"I already told you bunny, I need to attend an important meeting with the committee. Didn't Jimin volunteer on going with you? Don't worry I will make it up to you after your check-up and my meeting is finished" Taehyung explained while squishing Jungkook's chubby cheeks before pecking his lips. 

"Hmph! fine but I want a gift from you" Jungkook said trying to act mad at Taehyung but failed to do so because of the visible blush on his cheeks. Taehyung agreed to the younger with a smile on his face before instructing Jungkook to get dress now for the check-up after he finished so that they won't be late. 

Jungkook happily agreed as he proceeds on searching for a hoodie to wear at Taehyung's clothes since the weather had gotten cold and he already wore a simple white T-shirt paired with black pants. 

Jungkook actually had more hoodies than Taehyung who only have three hoodies in their shared closet but he prefers wearing the Alpha's hoodie since he wanted the Alpha's scent to be around him knowing that it will calm down since Taehyung couldn't accompany him. Good thing Jimin volunteered to accompany him saying that he also wants to talk to Lisa about something and Jungkook also felt relieved since Taehyung offered to drive them to Lisa's hospital albeit it's the opposite route to the Committee office. 

After a while of debating with himself, Jungkook finally decided to just wear Taehyung's gray hoodie instead of the black one.  Taehyung smiled at him after exiting the bathroom already done dressing up in a gray suit which made him look more handsome than he already was. 

Jungkook suddenly got embarrassed at his outfit after seeing Taehyung in a formal suit but he felt relieved after Taehyung praises him "You look so cute in my hoodie bun"

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Jungkook suddenly got embarrassed at his outfit after seeing Taehyung in a formal suit but he felt relieved after Taehyung praises him "You look so cute in my hoodie bun". 

The both of them decided to head downstairs after they finished getting dressed and packing the things that they need to bring. They both saw Jimin already dressed in a Yellow cardigan paired with his tight black jeans and black boots and Jungkook immediately run towards him and engulf him in a tight hug as if they had met for the first time after a long time of being away with each other.

Taehyung only smiled at the sight before the three of them proceeds to leave the packhouse and enter Taehyung's car since Taehyung wanted to drive the two of them to Lisa's hospital for their safety. The ride just consists of Taehyung reminding Jungkook to tell Lisa everything about what he feels and to text him after his check-up is finished so that Taehyung can drive them home after his meeting ends.

After a short ride for about 15 or 20 minutes, The three of them arrive since the Hospital that Lisa owns is not that far from Taehyung's packhouse as Taehyung parked his car in the Hospitals parking lot as he accompanies the two Omegas in the Hospital building to Lisa's office. 

"Oh! why are the three of you suddenly visited me?" Lisa asked feeling a bit shock at the Three's presence before hugging Jimin and Jungkook and facing Taehyung for an answer. 

"Jungkook suddenly had a headache this morning and constant vomiting that's why we're here and Jimin accompanied Jungkook since he also wants to talk to you and also because I couldn't accompany Jungkook in here since I have an important meeting" Taehyung explained which earns a nod from Lisa. 

"Don't worry I will take care of your mate and Jimin for you ugly dog" Lisa said Jokingly which made Jungkook laugh and Taehyung furrow his eyebrows in annoyance. "Yeah yeah, whatever". 

Taehyung looks at his Rolex wristwatch before pecking Jungkook's lips as he bids goodbye since he's going to be late if he does not leave now which Jungkook understands and hugs Taehyung one last time before he left. 

"So wants to be first in having the check-up?" Lisa asked in a joyous tone and Jimin immediately pointed and Jungkook saying that he can just wait outside but Jungkook said no and insisted on Jimin to go first with a smile and Jimin just agreed. 

Jungkook leaves Lisa's office and he just sits on one of the hospital's waiting room seats outside Lisa's office respecting Jimin's privacy and also for Lisa to do his work well. 


"So what do you want to talk about Jimin-shi?" Lisa asked me with a smile displayed on her face probably to make me feel more comfortable around her presence. 

I was a bit hesitant to asked her about my problem but after a while of me being silent, I decided to speak about it so that her time would not be wasted. 

"Well uh...Uhm... I- I couldn't feel and connect with my wolf for about a year now and... I already tried seeking help from other's but... Uhm it didn't work" I said while stuttering a bit as I tried to find the right words for her to understand my problem. 

"By any chance... are you using any type of prohibited wolf drugs before?" Lisa asked which made me feel sadden a bit as I remember the tragic memories of the past. 

"Uhm... I was forced to take some sex drive pills before" This was really embarrassing for me to tell, especially if you are not really that close to the person that you are talking to. But I know to myself that to tell these things to Lisa if I really wanted to connect and feel my wolf again. After all, I really wanted to know if Hoseok and Yoongi's assumption is right.

I could feel that Lisa immediately understands my situation as she did not ask anything about my past anymore and just patted my shoulder and saying that everything is going to be okay to comfort me before she proceeds on typing something on her computer and writing something on the prescription pad which is I assumed is the medicine that she will be going to prescribe me. 

After she finished on writing, she gives me the paper with the prescribed medicine written on it before she started speaking again to explain the things that I needed to do. 

"You need to buy that medicine and drink it twice a day after you eat. We also need to examine your blood now and also after two weeks of taking the medicine and to check if there would be a change. I will prescribe you another medicine or to higher the dosage of that medicine if there's still not an improvement after 3 weeks" She explained and I just nod in understanding and thank her before I leave her office and to go to another room which there will be another doctor who will be examining my blood. 

As I opened the door and call Jungkook's name since he will be the next one, I was surprised since Jungkook was nowhere to be seen but he had left his bag in one of the waiting chairs. I decided to check and continue to call out his name in hopes that he could hear me or I could see him but I could still not see Jungkook for about 20 minutes of finding him which made me feel worried.

Where the hell is Jungkook? 

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