Chapter 13

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Jin carefully opens the main house's front door as he doesn't want anyone to notice his arrival after leaving the packhouse early in the morning without informing anyone.

Unfortunately, once he turns around after closing the door, Hoseok, holding a glass of water, sees him and immediately greets him. "Oh, Jin! You finally came home, everyone was worried about you since you did not us where you went" 

"I'm sorry if I've made you all worried but I just went somewhere to think deeply" Jin awkwardly said while scratching the back of his neck. 

"Early in the morning?" Hoseok once again asked while raising an eyebrow as he was not that convinced by Jin's explanation.

"Y-yeah... I was really feeling perplexed this morning that's why I leave early"

Hoseok was still not convinced by the added information that Jin gave him, but he let it slide off as he didn't want to intimidate the male omega with his questions that sounded like he was interrogating Jin like a suspect of a crime. 

"Oh... okay! You should take a rest now, Jin," Hoseok said with a smile as he left the male omega to return to his and Yoongi's bedroom. 

The male omega let out a loud sigh of relief once Hoseok was out of sight. 

He should seriously take Hoseok's advice to rest. After all, it has been a tiring day for him. 


It was now late at night, and everyone in the main house of Taehyung's packhouse was starting to get down from their rooms to prepare dinner. 

When Jimin sees Jungkook going down from upstairs he immediately blocked Jungkook's way and Jungkook just confusingly looks at him. "Hey, you mister bunny guy, we need to talk."

"Uhm...about what, Chim?"

"Yahh!! How dare you do this to me?! I thought I was your best friend, and we won't keep secrets from each other?!" Jimin started to fake cry, which just added to Jungkook's confusion. 

"Uh.. why? what happened, Chim?" 

Jimin stops the dramatic fake crying and explains everything to Jungkook as if he got a hot gossip to share. "Yoongi told us that you and that Taehyung guy are mates. You didn't tell that to me!!" Jimin squeals.

Jimin's actions make Jungkook laugh before explaining why he didn't tell Jimin. "I discovered that he was my mate at a young age, but we got separated because of my dad, and I didn't tell you since, during that time, I still didn't know you."

"Now I understand. Your father was really a bitch though" Jimin said sassily, making the both of them laugh in unison. 

Indeed, his father was a dumb fuck bitch, and Jungkook won't deny that.

"But Taehyung and I are okay now. For now, we're friends, hehe," Jungkook shyly says, trying not to smile widely.

" 'Friends' my ass. The two of you were so sweet to each other in the kitchen this afternoon that everyone could really think that the of you are a couple," Jimin says while rolling his eyes while Jungkook blushes as he hears Jimin saying that he and Taehyung were being sweet.  

Their laughing session was soon interrupted as they both look up after hearing Taehyung who is talking to someone on his phone while going downstairs. "Is that so... yes, I understand, but why?... fine, I'll just tell it to them." Once the phone call ends,  Jungkook appears in front of Taehyung, smiling sheepishly. 

"Hi Taetae, Yoongi-Hyung told me that you'd been busy the whole day, are you already done with your paperwork? "

"Hi kookie, I'm already done, and the papers just need to be signed by Namjoon-Hyung. By the way, how's your sleep?"

"I've slept for a long hour, but my back hurts a bit, probably from the mattress," Jungkook complains cutely as he tries to massage his back.

Taehyung smiled at him before offering his bed to Jungkook. 

"How about you sleep in my room? my bed is nicer than the one in the guest room, plus I can massage your back if you want." The offer was lovely, and the thought of Taehyung and Him sleeping in one bed makes her cheeks go red.

Jungkook's blushing cheeks made Taehyung chuckle as he understood the silly things that were probably going on in Jungkook's mind. 

"You silly! Don't worry, I don't bite unless you want me to," He said while lip biting to tease the living out of Jungkook, which made the younger to blush even more as he started to throw punches into Taehyung's chest out of embarrassment which only made Taehyung laugh knowing that he got successful in teasing Jungkook.

"Yahh! HAHAHA stop now, Gguk, I promise I won't tease you anymore HAHAHA."

"Dinner's ready!" Jin shouted in the kitchen, making Taehyung stop teasing the younger and for Jungkook to stop throwing punches at Taehyung's chest. 

Everyone was seated in their respective seats, waiting for the dishes that Jin cooked for them to be put on the dining table. Once everything was set and everyone was about to eat, Taehyung made an announcement that made everyone's attention to him.

"Namjoon-Hyung called me earlier saying he wants all of us to go to his pack so celebrate tomorrow." 

"What's the celebration all about???" Hoseok asked in excitement. 

"He refuses to tell me, saying that we will just know once we are there," Taehyung replied, which made all of them to looked curious.

"But for now, let's not think about that, and let's start eating dinner before the dishes that Jin prepared for us get cold"  Everyas they talk about how their days went and how excited some of them are about the celebration party. 

Hoseok was also excited, just like the others, but he could not help but observe Jin's behavior as he was just silently eating and not joining in their conversation and he was really acting so strange this day.


After the dinner finished, all of us had decided to watch some Netflix to pass the time as it was still early but after an hour or two, I decided to stop watching and just rest in the comforts of my bed as I wait to feel sleepy. 

I had tried to offer my bedroom to Jungkook once again after dinner so that he would know that I was not joking about it. However, he declined the offer, which I understood and did not force anymore as he might still be uncomfortable around me. Especially to sleep in the same bed.

I got out of my bathroom as soon as I finished showering and changing my clothes into a more comfortable Blue pajama; I was met with thunder coming from outside the house as it rained heavily. 

Probably the reason why the skies were gloomed the whole day.

I went to my window to close the curtains, and I suddenly remembered that Jungkook used to be scared of thunder before, which worried me a bit. 

But he might not be afraid of the thunder anymore now that he's already a grown-up man, right?

Then, out of the blue, I heard a soft knock coming from the outside of my door, and I assumed it was probably Jungkook that made me smile.

I walked towards the door and opened it to know who the person was.

Oh... it was my cute bunny...

"U-uhm t-the- there was t-thunders, so I... Uhm... is your o-offer still available?" I chuckled at how cute he is when he gets all shy and would just stutter.

"It's always available for you," I said as I grabbed his hand to lead him to my bed, where he awkwardly sat. 

"So you're still scared of thunders, huh?"

"Uhm... yes"

"Are you sleepy now, bun?"

"Yes, a bit, Tae"  I Hold his hand and start to massage it. " Then the bunny should sleep now, don't you think?"

He chuckled at me and only nodded, making me smile even more as he lay in the bed looking so sleepy.

I also laid myself in the bed as I hugged him to keep him warm on this cold night, and it surprised me when he hugged me back. "Good night Taetae" 

"Good night too, bunny" 

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