Story for myself and someone I know. Art done by Mikedrawart on Fiverr.
Two girls meet to bring new found happiness to each other's lives. But along this journey both have love for men that test their patience. One is a secret love and the other bro...
Shinto strolled very far into the woods to the point where the leaves were so thick it almost seemed like night. She didn't know what to feel or think around Inuyasha; her past kept her bound to hatred.
Plus, the physical reminder every time she peeked at her reflection.
<> Kyo's lids fluttered open as she groaned from the pounding headache. "It feels like someone threw a boulder at my head." She only noticed Koga there when she turned, he was sleeping.
"Koga's still here?"
She spotted the white cloth in his claws, "you've been tending to me; how sweet." Kyo noticed her surroundings more; nobody but Koga was in the hut.
Slowly she got up and exited the hut, immdiealty she saw Inuyasha sitting alone on the hill, facing the forest. Kagome made her way up to him, suddenly, a hand grabbed her arm.
"You should be lying down, missy."
Kyo smiled at him but quickly lost it when she witnessed how tired he looked. "What's with the bags under your eyes?"
He guided her back to the futon, "nevermind that...don't get up again." She'd never seen Koga so joyless; she missed his grin suddenly.
Shinto came back. Inuyasha looked at her and ran over with the same concern for her as before. Her lips strangely tugged upwards at that thought.
That silly crush was showing again, but not just some desire. It would govern her actions with a greater significance.
Shinto laughed as Kyo came running, too, with arms open wide. Tears fell from her sockets as she cried in relief. Jumping into a hug so fast, it made them both spin in a circle for a few seconds. Koga yelled at her to get back to bed.
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