Chapter 1

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James Potter loved Lily Evans from the time he saw her on Hogwarts express before his first year but she always rejects him no matter what. He knows that he is a prankster and sometimes his pranks can be vicious but those people deserve it. He only targeted Snivellus because he tried to curse his brother Sirius with other Slytherins, like Bellatrix who thought Sirius is a traitor for being sorted into Gryffindor.

James is now in his seventh year, he is the head boy. He didn't understand why the headmaster chose him as head boy as he got more detentions in one year than some ravenclaws in all six years. But as he is now the head boy, he is going to take it seriously. Just because he is a prankster doesn't mean he is not responsible.

James held his head high and entered the prefect compartment with the headboy badge shining. No one said anything as he entered and stood beside Lily Evans, who is the head girl. Many of them didn't have any problem that he is the head boy, even though he is a prankster, they saw him tending to younger years when they need help and the younger years like him very much even the Slytherin youngsters like him.

"Potter, is this a joke? What the hell are you doing here? Is this another prank? Whose badge did you steal? Get out of the compartment and give the badge back to the head boy. We don't have time for your stupid pranks. You stupid toe-rag." Evans yelled at him.

Everyone except Severus Snape looked at her angrily, James will never steal someone's badge. He is a prankster not a thief. Snape was looking at James sneering. James opened his mouth to answer but closed it when someone else started talking.

"Seriously Evans, just because you don't like him doesn't mean he can't be a head boy. Also he is a prankster not a thief to steal someone's badge. From next time please do think before you speak." Narcissa Black snapped at her.

James was shocked that she defended him, he always thought she would be like Bellatrix but maybe she isn't. He nodded at her in a silent thank you, she gave him a small smile.

"What? You? Head Boy?"This time it was James who replied.

"Yes Evans. Me. Head boy. If you have any problem with me being a head boy you can go and talk to headmaster as soon as we reach Hogwarts." James then turned to others and started talking about the rules, regulations and patrols.

Lily came out of her shock that James Potter talked to her coldly for the first time in his life, she was used to his flirting but this was new to her. She explained the fifth year prefects about the patrolling along with James. They paired a male and female prefect from different house for each patrol. The fifth years would do the patrolling from from 8 to 9, sixth years from 9 to 10:15, seventh years including head boy and girl from 10:15 to 11:45 while the professors whose duties start at 11:30 will make sure that no one are out after their patrols.

After the meeting is done, James and Remus left to find the remaining marauders. They were sitting in their usual compartment. Sirius grinned at them as soon as they entered. Peter was acting strange though, but James brushed it off as NEWTs tension as they are important to get a job. Peter was always a bit behind the three of them in studies but that never made him any less of the four. James went to sat beside Sirius while Remus sat beside Peter.

"What happened in the meeting?" Sirius asked curiously. He is sure that Evans would insult his brother as soon as she saw his badge. He always hated her but tolerated as he didn't want to disappoint James.

"Evans made a scene saying James has stolen the badge from the head boy and shouted at him to get out of the compartment." Remus said scowling. He too didn't like her for the same reasons as Sirius.

"What? How dare she?" Sirius cried looking at James. "How can you still like her Prongs? She did everything she can to insult you, humiliate you, embarass you. Now she is accusing of stealing a badge? Why would anyone steal a badge? She is fucking mad. Please tell me that you didn't give her a sappy smile and flirted with her after she said that." Sirius asked looking at James angrily.

James laughed at him. "No padfoot, I didn't." He reassured him. "But before I can speak for myself someone else did it for me."

"Who?" Sirius asked him.


Sirius opened his mouth to say something but closed it again. He looked at both Remus and James to confirm that they are serious, not Sirius and not pranking him. "Why would she do that?"

"I don't know. Maybe everyone are not like Bellatrix. We can ask her later. Also, I'm going to stop asking Evans for a date." James told them seriously.

The three marauders looked at him as if he has grown a second head. Even though they didn't like Lily Evans, they know that James truly liked her. He always talked about her animatedly. They will admit that Evans is beautiful but she is not the only one. Over the years, James asked her out on dates in numerous ways and got yelled at each time for embarrassing her. They never understood what is so embarrassing about going on a date with James. There are many others who wants to go out with him but James had eyes only for Evans. Last year, Evans slapped him for embarrassing of her in front of everyone when the only thing James did was enchanting the ceiling in the great hall to make the stars to form words 'Will you go on a date with me Evans?'. Sirius almost hexed her for slapping James but was held back by Remus. She even said that she will marry a giant squid rather than going out with him. This incident occurred at the leaving feast and the train ride back home was silent, James looked hurt and lost. They were so worried about him but James reassured that he is fine and will send them letters and left home with his parents. Sirius visited him many times but James ignored the topic on Evans like a disease and he didn't ask him further. Remus too stopped asking him after James changed the topic everytime. They are happy about this but they want to know the reason.

"Why?" Both Remus and Sirius asked at the same time.

"What you don't want me to stop asking her? You always complain everytime she rejects me that I should stop and now you are asking me why?" James looked at them while Peter just sat listening to them talking.

"No, no Prongs we are so happy that you will move on in your life but why this sudden change? What made you change your mind?" Sirius asked him.

"You know what happened at the leaving feast." Sirius and Remus winced inwardly at that. "I was hurt when she said that to me. It felt like a dagger to my heart. I know I'm a bit childish while pranking but I do it to make people laugh not make them cry. I know I go overboard while pranking Snape but he deserved that. He watched Bellatrix curse Sirius and did nothing to stop her, instead he watched with fascination. I don't have any problem with dark arts but some spells are forbidden and they shouldn't be used on others. Bellatrix used on of those on Sirius for getting sorted into Gryffindor and Snape did nothing to stop her. That is the reason why I don't like him. It has nothing to do with his friendship with Li-Evans. But she always thinks it that way and insults me, what happened last time, I can never forget and I think I don't want a wife who thinks I'm childish, immature, brash, bully, arrogant. Yesterday mum made me sit and talked to me about Evans and I explained her what happened. She was angry that Evans did such a thing. She said that I should move on in life and see what happens. I can't wait forever for someone who just thinks my love is not true and going on a date with me is the last thing they want to do. So I decided to stop embarrassing her by asking her on dates and move on in my life." James finished.

Sirius and Remus just looked at him with a bit of concern, they know he was hurt. How can he not get hurt? She crossed her limits by slapping him in the great hall in front of everyone. Maybe James can find someone else who will make him happy. Sirius just hugged James tightly, James returned the hug with a smile.

"Don't worry Prongsie, I'm sure there are many girls and even boys out there dying to go on a date with you." Sirius chuckled.

"Yeah, I think this is for best Prongs. No need dwell on someone like her." Remus said from.his seat Infront of them.

"Yeah prongs." Peter said talking for the first time.

They changed the topics and started talking about pranks and studies and other things. Unknown to them there is a person outside the compartment who heard everything what James said. 'Finally, James Potter finally you decided to give up on that bitch. This is going to be great.' the person thought smirking and left for his own compartment.

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