Chapter 4

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Minerva McGonagall looked at her two students in confusion, it is Hogsmeade weekend, what are they doing in her office? She saw Pettigrew a bit afraid while James Potter walking confidently, she was surprised at first when Albus recommended him as head boy but she knew he is the best. Even though Lupin is a nice student, Potter is the best one. She wanted to make him a prefect but Albus didn't agree at that time. She didn't know what made him change his mind about Potter but she is happy.

"Professor McGonagall, I'm sorry to disturb you on weekend but Peter needs to be punished." She was shocked when she heard that. They were best friends, what happened that Potter wants Pettigrew to be punished. "Peter sent a tripping jinx to Regulus Black, a fourth year Slytherin while he was on the top of the stairs. His injuries are not much and are taken care of. But Peter shouldn't have sent a jinx like that. He could've got a concussion or something major. I gave him detention with Filch for one month and I want you to cancel his Hogsmeade weekends for a month."

Peter squirmed a bit when McGonagall looked at him. "I didn't do it. Lestrange and Black are lying. I was not there when it happened." James raised an eyebrow at him. He is acting weird now-a-days, he doesn't spend much time with them and always disappears somewhere, he saw Peter coming from Dumbledore's office once or twice in the map but didn't ask him thinking he would say if he wants to. James doesn't know but he has a gut feeling that there is something going on, his gut feeling never let him down. He didn't tell Peter about his admirers as he felt wrong when he wanted to say it to him and both Sirius and Remus told him to go with his feelings.

"I never said Lestrange said that Peter. How did you know that it was Lestrange and not someone else?" Peter opened his mouth to say something but closed when no answer came. He lowered his head and didn't say anything else. McGonagall did as James asked him and sent both of them away. Peter went the other way while James went to Sirius and Remus when Headmaster stopped him.

"Ah, James. Going to Hogsmeade?" He asked smiling at him. "Yes, Headmaster. Sirius and Remus are waiting for me with Regulus and Rabastan." Dumbledore frowned at him. "What about Peter and Lily?" James looked at him confused when he said Lily, why would he go with Lily and why is he so interested in his love life about Lily? It's not like the headmaster cares about every student's love life.

"Headmaster, I don't know why you think that I will go with Evans. I gave up my crush on Evans. As for Peter, he is in detention for a month with Filch for attacking a fellow student in corridor." James explained it to him.

"Oh, dear. You and Lily look nice together and I think she is warming up to you. I saw her trying to talk you but you won't even look at her. You should forgive her for silly mistakes and give another chance to your relation, James." Dumbledore smiled at him kindly. "And for Peter, I guess it is just a misunderstanding, he won't attack anyone. He is good guy."

"Headmaster, please. This is my life, while I'm thankful that you care about me but this is still my life and I don't want to get near Evans any time soon. She lost all my love when she slapped me last year. Also, I'm now Heir to the Potter house, I have responsibilities and following Evans like a love-sick puppy that I used to do is not one of them. As for Peter, it is not any misunderstanding, he sent a tripping jinx at Regulus and he agreed to his punishment." James said seriously. "I don't understand one thing though."

"What is it my boy?" Dumbledore didn't let any of his anger show on his face. "Why do you care so much about my life? I never saw you talking about their love life to other students." James asked him.

"I just saw you ask Lily all these years, I just don't want you to feel bad when you realise that you lost Lily as you are ignoring her now." Dumbledore lied easily. "Don't worry, headmaster. I won't regret anything. If I regret something in my life then it is that I loved her in the first place." With that said he left the headmaster alone and went towards the door but a tug on his robes stopped him. He looked at the small hand holding his robes and the face of the owner, which is teary.

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