Chapter 34

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"You are really here?" Lucius asked not moving away from Rodolphus. "Am I imagining him in my drunken stupor, Dolph?" 

"No, I can see him too." Rodolphus whispered as if he is going to vanish if he spoke loudly. 

"Hi, so I decided to take up your offer and just flooed here without informing you. I hope you don't mind. It was not safe for me as you said and I wanted to stay and be the Gryffindor that I am, but then I thought does it matter if I was a Gryffindor or a coward? As long as I'm alive and fine, it shouldn't matter what I chose. As long as I'm happy." James said looking at them with his cute puppy dog eyes. 

"You are always welcome here, James." Rodolphus was the first one to move and embraced James. "I'm glad that you decided to take up our offer and came here."

"Is he angry at me?" James asked when Lucius was looking at him blankly. Rodolphus looked at Lucius and saw the hurt in his eyes. James wasn't talking to them as L and R, but he is here to stay with him and Lucius. Rodolphus was a bit sad too, but as long as James is safe, they can't ask for more. 

"He is just drunk." Rodolphus smiled at him and looked back at Lucius. "An elf will show you to your room while I take Lucius to our-his room. I'll come and talk to you after I make sure he is fine."

"Alright." James nodded and followed the elf which popped up beside him. 

"He doesn't love us." Lucius whispered into the empty place where James stood a few moments ago. 

"He trusts us." Rodolphus said to him. "That is what is important at the moment. We just need to make sure he is comfortable with us to slowly fall in love with us."

"He ignored our messages all week and now he is here to stay at someone else's house according to him." Lucius said clenching his fists tightly at his sides. 

"Luc, calm down. You can't scare him away with your anger. Let's get you to your bed and we will talk about whatever is going on after you take a nap." Rodolphus tried to convince him. "It's not good to make any decision or have a talk when you are not sober."

"Yeah. Of course." Lucius scoffed and went to their room before Rodolphus can help him. 

"Merlin, what is going to happen now?" Rodolphus sighed out loudly and stayed in his place a for a few moments before taking a deep breath and squared his shoulders as if he is ready to go for a fight. He started walking towards James' room feeling both happy and sad at the same time for the same reason. He didn't know what to do when James stops talking to L and R because he doesn't like them anymore and is living with them now.


"What?" Sirius read the letter twice before grinning happily. 

"What is making you smile like that so early in the morning?" Orion asked taking a seat at the head of the table. 

"James is with Lucius and Rodolphus. He left Hogwarts." Sirius smiled at him. "He is finally going to be completely safe from that old fool."

"Hmmm, I was thinking may be it isn't safe for you, either." Orion said looking at him worriedly. "If it isn't James, then you are the next best option for Dumbledore to plan against. You are rich and also from a dark family on top of that. He can use you to get more benefits than he can get from James."

"If that is the reason, it's not safe for Reggie than me. I can protect myself, but Reggie is still a child and he might not be able to react in time when someone attacks him from behind suddenly." Sirius said looking serious. "It isn't safe for any of us at all." 

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