Chapter 3

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Severus Snape frowned when he saw the scene in front of him. Yes. he is not happy that James Potter became the head boy but why is Lily acting like that? Surely everyone knows that even though Potter likes to prank and bullied him a bit in their fifth year but he is nice to younger years and helps them. Severus hates to admit it but James Potter can be a perfect head boy. He followed Lily when she left after the confrontation with Potter and Dumbledore. He can hear her muttering about some task the headmaster gave and how she will be punished. He stopped in his tracks when he heard that. What is she talking about? He knows that she won't tell him even if he asked, she is stubborn as hell and he also knows about her devotion towards Dumbledore. He ducked into nearby alcove when he saw Pettigrew coming towards Lily, he spelled the tapestry hiding him to hear what they were talking.

"What happened to Potter? Why is he acting like he doesn't care about me?" Lily whisper-yelled at him. "He told everyone in the train that he is giving up on you and won't disturb you after what you did to him in the great hall last year." Pettigrew squeaked.

"WHAT!? This will spoil all of our plans. Headmaster will be very angry at us." She shouted but there were no one except Severus to hear her. He frowned when he heard that. What plans? What is she talking about? She should be happy that James Potter is going to stop pestering her. She always complains to everyone how irritating he is. Does she like him and doing this to gain attention? Where does the headmaster come in all this?

"Why would the headmaster be angry at me? It's your fault, you pushed him away too much. I warned you to be careful. James Potter is a pureblood and is very proud person. He followed you for 6 years but you always insulted him. You could have been a bit nice to him you know?" Pettigrew shouted back at her.

"I can't be nice to him and you know that. I have to be a victim in this and then when he forces me to marry him. I can go to Ministry and get Potter's property and everything. Headmaster needs that money for the greater good." She sneered at him.

"You think James would do such a shameful thing like forcing one to marry him? He won't take no for an answer but that doesn't mean he will force you into marriage. He is not such an evil person." Pettigrew said back to her.

"The headmaster already planned everything about our marriage but if Potter stops pestering me no one will believe when we get married." Lily whined. "You lost your chance Lily. He won't change his decision once he fixed on one." Pettigrew left after that.

Lily screamed in anger and left to her dorm to think about what to do. Severus who was standing there was very shocked when he heard about their plans with Potter. Even if he hates Potter, he can't let something like that happen to him. He didn't understand why they want to do something like that to Potter, he actually thought of joining Dumbledore and his order after Hogwarts for Lily. He loved her dearly but he can't believe she is doing this only because Dumbledore said it was for greater good. He should think about everything and decide what to do next, he left to his own dorms in dungeons.

The 2 weeks passed in the same way for James, he will get a letter from his admirers every morning telling him how much they love him and something about themselves, they sent gift everyday, books, cloak, scarf, chain. James woke up everyday looking for his letter and gift. He really started liking the attention he is getting from them. They sound like nice persons. Today he will meet them and he can't wait.

L, whoever he is, He likes peacocks and love dark arts and potions. He likes playing Piano. His favourite color is white and he has white peacocks in his manor. He was a prefect and head boy while he was at Hogwarts. While R, he likes runes the most. He was a chaser in his house quidditch team, he became captain in his sixth year for his team. He was prefect when L became head boy. His favourite colour is Black, James laughed at that. One is white while the other is Black. R also likes to tease James in his letters, he had to hide the letter where he said about James being pregnant and all from Sirius and Remus. Sirius would no doubt will start teasing him about that. He already has one teasing him, he doesn't need his friends teasing him too. He blushed when he read that letter that morning, the gift that came with the letter turned his face more red. It was a book on Male Pregnancies. Here, James didn't even say yes to them and they are thinking about children.

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