Chapter 2

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James went to his head boy dorm after the Welcome Feast. He didn't even bother looking at Evans who was in the common room. The head boy and girl have their own rooms. They will be staying in the Gryffindor tower as both are from Gryffindor but they have a separate common room and own dorms. If the head boy/girl is from other house then they will have their own dorm in their own house. James looked around his dorm and sighed, the room is big with a queen-size four poster bed, a study table, a book shelf, a cupboard for his clothes and more spacious than his old dorm room but he loved it there with his best friends. He wanted to go with them but didn't want Evans lecturing him for not sleeping in his dorm. He is going to avoid her as much as possible this year. It still hurts when he thinks back to the day she slapped him. He did everything to make her fall in love with him and she said those hurtful words to him. He shook his head to clear those thoughts and changed his robes into pjy's and went to sleep.

He woke up to an owl pecking his window next morning. He waved his hand to let the owl in. As he sat up on his bed, the owl landed on his shoulder and lifted its leg where a letter and parcel is attached. He freed the bird from its burden and gave some owl treats which he kept in his bedside drawer for his own owl Loki. The owl pecked his finger in affection and flew away. He smiled at it and opened the letter.

  Dear Raven

    We are so happy that you finally decided to give up on the red hair muggleborn. She is not good for you darling. We don't have anything against muggleborns, it's just her. We don't like her, you can say we hate her. We wanted to be the only ones who you will confess your love but you only had eyes for her. We know that one day you will understand that she is not the one, she doesn't deserve a person like you. We almost wanted to kill her when we got to know about what she did to you and said to you but had to control ourselves as we don't want to leave our little raven and go to Azkaban. Now that can't happen, you are far more important than that bitch. Ah! Sorry for the language darling. Anyways enough about her, why should we talk about someone like her and waste our raven's time. So, the reason we are writing this letter is because we love you. We don't want to reveal ourselves yet, but you will know soon. We liked you from the moment we saw you in the great hall standing with other first years wanting to get sorted. You were so small and cute then that we couldn't take our eyes off of you. We observed you through our Hogwarts years and when we graduated, we had some allies to watch over you and inform us about you. We came to every Quidditch match you play and you play fantastic Raven. You fly naturally, your flying skills are far better than any other player in the School. We saw you transform into a stag to help your friend Lupin. We saw you ask Evans for a date and wished that it was us you were asking and not that redhead. We saw you plan pranks with your friends, what do you call yourselves? Something with M right? Maude? Marauders. Yeah, Marauders. We saw you helping younger years to their classes, help them doing their assignments, help them with practicing spells.And we fell in love watching you over the years. We know that it is hard for you to believe us without revealing ourselves to you but we don't want you to reject us just because of who we are. We want you to know real us not what we let others see in public. We want a chance to show you how much we love you. If you want we can swear that we are not doing this to prank you. We love you Raven and we want you to fall in love with us before we reveal ourselves to you. But don't worry though we are sure you will want to give us a chance before first hogsmeade weekend where we will show ourselves to you. All the best for your final year at Hogwarts Raven. We will write you soon again. Hope you like our small gift.


James frowned as he finished the letter. L&R, who are these L&R? They love him? Is it really not a prank? They really observed him so much. No one apart from the marauders know that they are animagus, he would have doubted that it is Sirius trying to prank him but this is not his handwriting and Sirius never apologises for foul language. They also sent him a gift?

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