Chapter 10

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*James' message.*

~Lucius and Rodolphus' message.~

Lucius and Rodolphus laughed at what James wrote. They knew that James was a bit nervous about talking to them and thought so much before wording the letter which he wrote to them which they didn't get unfortunately. Lucius took the quill from the bedside and placed the journal on his lap with Rodolphus sitting beside him and looking over his shoulder.

*don't know*
*what to write.*

~It's alright.~

*Who are you? I mean L or R*

~Who do you want me to be?~

Lucius and Rodolphus chuckled when they saw ink spots but no writing. Rodolphus took the quill from Lucius and started writing.

~Don't worry your pretty little head, Raven. L is just joking. We know that you like us equally.~

*I never said I like you.*

The reply was so fast that they wondered how did he write so fast.

~Really? Then why did you write to us when you didn't get any letter? Why are you accepting our gifts and also using them?~

*That doesn't mean I like you.*

~Whatever will let you sleep tonight, Raven.~

*Ok fine, I like you too .Even if I don't know who you are. Are you happy?*

~Of course, we are happy. We loved you from so long. We are happy that you like us back.~

*You really liked me from my first year?*

~We hoped you would be in our house but Potters were always Gryffindors.~

*I guess I'm more courageous than ambitious.*

~You are intelligent too. We wonder why the hat didn't put you in Ravenclaw?~

*I don't like reading if I'm not interested in that particular topic. I only read if it interests me unlike Ravenclaws.*

~Well that explains it then. And you are only loyal to your friends so not Hufflepuff.~

*10 points to Slytherin.*

~How do you know we are Slytherins?~

*I don't know, I just guessed and you proved me right.*

~Intelligent as we said before.~

*I already have a very large ego.*

~Where were you today? You didn't come to meet us.~

James rolled his eyes at the sudden change of topic and said them what happened from the moment he stepped out of his dorm. He didn't get any reply for sometime and thought they might've slept as he took a long time to write.

~That was an awful and wonderful day at the same time.~

*If you put it like that, it's more wonderful than awful. I got to meet mum and dad. It took away all my stress of the day that I got from spending with Evans.*

~Well, R has a doubt. But I doubt you would appreciate it.~

*What is it?*

~He is asking if we ever have children, who is going to be what?~

James blushed thinking about that and didn't know what to say. He didn't even meet them and they are thinking having children with him. They are so sure of getting into his pants and if it goes on like this then it wouldn't take them much time either as he is as eager as them to meet them and know more about them. God, children. He remembers the letter where R said about James' swollen stomach and James shook his head. What the hell is wrong with himself? He thought to himself.

~Are you asleep?~

*No, sorry. I was just lost in my thoughts.*

~About our future babies?~

*No. I was thinking about something else. And it is not about you before you ask.*

~Aw, James. We are hurt, you are thinking about someone else while talking to us.~

*I- No. It's not like that. I was thinking about you but- Crap! Fine, I was thinking about you.*

~We knew it.~

James can feel the smugness radiating from those lines and rolled his eyes.

~So, what were you thinking? About how handsome we are? How strong we are? How many times we can go on before getting tired? What is the length of our-~

*Stop!! Stop there. Don't say it. I'm not thinking about anything like that. I was just thinking when we are going to meet finally.*

~Soon, love. Soon.~


~Yeah, love. We said you already that we love you.~

*What if I don't love you in the future?*

~We will see it then. Don't worry. You will love us, we know it.~

*Let's see.*

~You should go to sleep. It's quite late.~

*Sending me away already?*

~We don't want you to get dark circles on your beautiful skin. You had a long day and you should take rest. We can talk tomorrow. We are not going run away.~

*You are right, I'm so tired and sleepy. Good night.*

~Good night raven.~

James closed the journal with a smile and placed the quill away before stretching in his chair. He looked at Jessica and then at the couch. He transfigured the couch into a single bed and laid on it with the journal in his arms. He was out like light as soon as his head hit the pillow.

Next morning Lily glared when she saw the Slytherin girl coming out of James' room. She is evil and dark, she is a Slytherin. She can't let her future husband be close to someone like her even if their marriage is only for money. Her reputation will be damaged if someone knows that her husband associates with Slytherins. Lily's glare intensified when she saw Lestrange come in to the common room.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She said angrily making him look at her but he dismissed her as if she is not worth his time. "I'm talking to you, Lestrange. You can't disrespect me like this."

"I'm here for James." He said rolling his eyes.

"James wouldn't want to associate with the likes of you." She yelled.

"Yeah, live in dreams." He said going to the head boy's room. She was about to follow him when the door closed on her face and she got a shock when tried to touch the doorknob. How dare he? She thought angrily before going to the couch back to wait for them.

Rabastan raised an eyebrow at the sleeping James and the journal in his arms. He smiled and slowly took it out. It is glowing which means there is a message.

~Good morning love.~

*A very good morning Rodolphus, Lucius.*

Rabastan chuckled when he saw that they saw the message but are so shocked to reply.

~What? How did you know?~ Was the reply after 5 minutes. Rabastan laughed but stopped when he heard James shuffle but he is not awake making him sigh.

*I know it from a long time.*

~Why didn't you say anything before then? Last night, you acted as if you don't know and this morning you know us suddenly?~

*I knew it from the day you fell in love with him.*

There was a pause. ~Basti!!!!~

*10 points to Slytherin.* He laughed but silently.

~You gave us a heart attack. We don't want him to know who we are through this but directly.~

*I know, he is sleeping. I came here to wake up but saw him cuddling with this journal. I thought, you were talking till late night so didn't wake him. But, he needs to eat. I'll talk to you later.*

~Yeah, make sure he eats properly.~

*Oh, yes boss.*

~Go, brat.~

Rabastan smiled and closed the journal before placing it on the desk and went to James. He shook his shoulder to wake him up. James groaned and buried his face in the pillow.

"You need to wake up if you don't want to be late James. I remember your first class is with McGonagall today." James sat up at her name making him shake his head in amusement.

"McGonagall, she will kill me if I'm late. Thanks for waking me." James stood from the bed rubbing his eyes and placing his glasses. "Where is Jessie?"

"She went to the great hall to eat." Rabastan said and James nodded before going to his wardrobe and taking his clothes out and going to the bathroom. Rabastan looked around the room for the first time. He was in here many times but he didn't look around much as he was busy with one thing or the other.

He looked at the books in the shelf and had to stop himself from choking on his own saliva when he saw a book on male pregnancies. It must be Rodolphus' idea to give such gift. Only he can think such ideas to tease his partner. He can be so sure without even asking that it is a gift and from them. He saw there were so many books on Transfiguration, he know from Lucius and his brother's conversation that it is his favorite subject. He has runes books too but not as many as Transfiguration but more than other subjects. Hmm, so he likes runes too.

"Let's go." James said picking up his bag and Rabastan nodded. "So, what are you going to do about Sirius?" James asked as they went out of his room only for him to groan.

Rabastan looked at where he was looking and narrowed his eyes at her. Why is she still in here? And what is she doing here anyways? James walked faster to avoid her but no luck as she was close to the door than them, she reached their first.

"James-" "Evans, please. We will be late if we talk right now. Can we please talk after our classes?" He cut her off as gently as possible. Lily narrowed her eyes but nodded making him sigh and escape.

"Why don't you leave him alone?" Rabastan sneered at her before following James leaving her shocked.

"Good morning Prongs." Sirius said happily.

"Why are you so happy?" James asked sitting beside him as Rabastan sat on his other side.

"He was asked out on a date by-" "Shut up Moony." Sirius glared at him.

"Date?" James choked on coffee looking wide-eyed at Sirius.

"It's not a date. God! Marlene wants help in DADA. Remus is busy as he said Regulus that he will teach him so I agreed." Sirius shrugged. Rabastan sat stiffly on Sirius' other side.

"I'll teach Regulus runes. You know it's my second favorite. Remus will teach her DADA." James offered but Sirius waved it off.

"I can help her myself. It's fine." Sirius assured him.

"Yeah and then snog her senseless after-" "I'll rip your throat off if you don't stop it Moony. I don't like her in such a way."

"Of course, then pray tell me why you agreed when you never said yes to help someone even if they begged you." Remus raised an eyebrow.

"You were free at that time." Sirius shrugged. "I don't like her more than a friend, got it?" Sirius stood up from the table and left to the class even if it is early. James looked at Rabastan whose concentration was on his plate completely.

"I don't remember we making a plan of you teaching me runes today." Regulus frowned.

"You know Sirius likes to deny/lie and get defensive when someone else are right about him." Remus chuckled.

"Oh, so he likes her and wants to spend some time with her?" Regulus looked at him with a twinkle in his eyes that Remus felt something inside him but ignored it and cleared his throat and nodded.

"It's just a crush or something." James whispered so that only Rabastan can hear but he didn't say anything nor did he look at him. "He doesn't know that you like him." James tried again. "If you'll tell him-" Rabastan stood suddenly and excused himself leaving the great hall.

"What happened to him?" Regulus asked looking at his back.

"He forgot his assignment in his dorm." James lied easily. He and Remus went to Transfiguration while Regulus and Jessie went to their own classes.

"So Sirius and Marlene? Why was I not informed about it before?" James asked him on their way.

"It happened this morning." Remus shrugged. "I don't know if it goes any further or not."

'I hope not.' James thought to himself. Rabastan really likes Sirius and even though they became friends recently, James can say he is a nice guy and he doesn't want him to be sad. He will break Sirius and Marlene if it is needed. But, if Sirius is happy, then can he really do that? 'Woah, James. They are not dating. As you said to Rabastan it might be a silly crush or something.' He said to himself.

James didn't see Rabastan the rest of the day and Regulus said that Rabastan is not well when asked at dinner. James nodded his head and thought of talking the next day.

"What happened to him?" Sirius asked worried? Is that worry? James thought amused.

"I don't know. I went to his dorm but he said he was not feeling well and told me to go alone." Regulus shrugged. "I didn't want to disturb him."

"You should've asked him if he needs to go to Madam Pomfrey or he needs any potions." Sirius said frowning.

"He was looking fine and I was hungry." Regulus frowned at his brother.

"Reg-" "Sirius, calm down. He will be fine." James stopped before Sirius can say something that he might regret later.

Remus looked at Sirius thoughtfully and then at James who was amused. He shook his head and went back to eating. James looked around while eating when his eyes landed on Severus, he was not eating and looked pale. James frowned and made a note to talk to him later during the patrols.

"Padfoot be a nice friend and take care of Jessie for me. I asked McGonagall permission for you to stay in my dorm till I come back so don't worry about curfew." James paused. "Not like we ever do." James smiled.

"Of course Jamsie." Sirius rolled his eyes.

"I didn't ask you, how did it go?" James asked him in a low voice.

"What?" Sirius frowned.

"Helping Marlene." James raised his eyebrow.

"It was ok. I got bored in the middle, you know. I don't like studying with people who are not my type and she is clearly not my type. She is different." Sirius shrugged.

"So you don't have a crush on her?" James asked him.

"Woah, who ever said that to you?" Sirius raised an eyebrow at him.

"Reggie said he and Remus didn't make a plan on Remus teaching him runes today but you lied. So I just thought you made it so that you can spend sometime with the girl you like. Though I'm hurt that you didn't tell me you like someone. How can you Pads?"James said mock-hurt.

"Prongs, I don't like her. I really don't. It's just." Sirius sighed. "Last night, I got caught by her while placing dungbombs in Minnie's office. I wouldn't have cared if it is any other professor but we are talking about Minnie. I didn't want to get caught so I said I'll do anything and she asked me on a date. So, I planned this study some-sort-of date and got her off of my back." Sirius grinned.

"Oh, you should've said that before. Then he would be here." The last part was said to himself but Sirius heard him.

"Who would be here?" Sirius asked him.

"Nothing, I need to go to prefect's meeting. Dumbledore has to say something." James said and stood up. "Coming Remus?" Remus looked away from Regulus and nodded standing up.

"Good night." James said to the others before leaving the great hall along with Remus. He sat down as far as possible from Evans and that happened to be beside Narcissa. He smiled and greeted her.

"Are you sure nothing is there between Evans and you? She is glaring at me for sitting beside you." Narcissa asked him.

"She is acting like an obsessive stalker. I don't know how but she appears wherever I go. I don't know what to do to get rid of her." James sighed. "Can I ask you something?"

"Yes." She looked curious.

"Was I that bad too when I used to ask her out on dates?" James whispered. "I mean Sirius and Remus said that I'm not but they are my best friends and may be lying so that I don't feel bad. I need opinion of someone who is not any of mine or her close friend."

"To be honest, you were bad." James face fell at that. "But good kind of bad." He frowned. "I mean, you asked her at least 3 times a week but you never followed her or beat up the guys who she went out with or warned the guys who she is close with. You were bad because you didn't stop asking her even when she said no every time. But she should've given you a chance instead of saying no every time. Even we Slytherins know that you are a nice guy and won't hurt those who you love."

"So, are you saying I'm good or bad?" He asked confused.

"No, James you are not that bad." She chuckled making him sigh in relief.

"Thanks, Narcissa." He smiled at her and turned to look around the other prefects. He ignored Lily's glare and looked for Severus who was sulking on his chair. What happened to him? James thought to himself.

Dumbledore entered at that moment and smiled with those twinkling eyes at everyone. James had to hide his grimace at that but smiled none the less. "I know it's early but I planned a Halloween ball this year. I want to celebrate it the way muggles do by wearing different types of costumes and all. I want you to inform everyone as it may take some time to decide and finalize their costume."

"But there's almost a month left for the ball. Why is he looking so eager as if it is tomorrow?" Narcissa whispered beside him.

"He is just like that, weird." James muttered under his breath making her cough to hide her laugh.

"That is all, you can go to your rounds." Dumbledore said cheerily and they stood up leaving the room. "James, a moment of your time?" He said making him groan inwardly and James waved to Narcissa before going to Dumbledore.

"Yes, Headmaster." James said almost impatiently.

"Lily has come to me saying that you are inviting Slytherins into your dorm. You know you can't let other house people into your house don't you?" Dumbledore said looking like an angry grandfather.

"It's not written anywhere headmaster." James shrugged. "Also, Rabastan, Regulus are my friends. They can come to my dorm whenever they want." James said equally angry and left before Dumbledore can say anything else. What does he think of himself? James thought angrily.

"James, can we talk now?" Evans was at his side in an instant as soon as he left the room. He had to stop himself from pointing his wand at her and using all the spells he knows.

"Evans, we have patrols right now." James sighed.

"We can talk during patrols." She shrugged.

"What do you want to talk? I don't think there is anything we need to talk." He said walking and she came beside him. Time can't go fast, he thought to himself.

"Why are you avoiding me? You always used to ask me out but now you don't even look at me." She whined. He felt a headache coming and mentally groaned. "You know I started liking you but you don't even look at me and always spending time with those dirty snakes." She said with disgust.

"Evans, my mum was a Slytherin herself so mind your language talking about them." He snapped at her.

"Oh, she must be an exception then." She shrugged as if she didn't just insult his mum.

"Cut the crap Evans. I used to like you but you lost your chance when you slapped me. We already had this conversation about why I'm not disturbing you so please refrain from trying to talk to me again about the same stupid thing. There is not going to be anything between us not now not ever. I don't know why I even liked you in the first place. I hate you and your behavior. You treat Slytherins like blood supremacists treat muggleborns and I don't like it. I don't like you. Please, leave me alone. All these years whenever I asked you out, you used to reject me but never said me to leave you alone. So, I kept on asking you out. But, if you've said me that once then I wouldn't have disturbed you again. So, instead I'm asking you now to leave me alone." James said before turning the corner and leaving her alone. He felt bad for saying those things to her and hoped she is not crying feeling sad.

But, instead of sad Lily was angry that someone talked to her in such a way. Who does he think he is to talk to her like that? She is Lily Evans, the brightest witch of their age. He can't talk to her like that and think he can get away. She will make sure he will get what is coming to him. She gritted her teeth before going to other side of where James went.

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