Chapter 33

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"Why didn't you tell me? How can you hide this from us? How are you now? How dare that mudblood do such thing to you?" Rabastan shouted angrily. "Where were you all these days if going to conference was a lie? Are you really fine now? Did the potion really work? Does anyone else know? How can you be so reckless and let that rat trick you? You-"

"Rabastan, stop." Remus pulled him away from James before standing in front of James who looked away from him guiltily. "Are you really ok?"

"Yes, Lord Slytherin and Severus made the antidote and I'm not in pain anymore. They said I need to take the antidote for a few weeks." James said and Remus nodded. 

"As long as you are ok." Remus said confusing James. 

"Aren't you angry at me?" James asked him. 

"I'm not angry, just hurt that you didn't trust me to tell me." Remus said shaking his head. 

"No, don't even think that. I didn't want to worry anyone. Severus heard Evans and Wormtail talking, so he knew-" "James, you could've died and you didn't tell us." Rabastan said looking hurt. "We wouldn't have been with you when- when-" 

Rabastan couldn't continue that and just shook his head. Remus sighed and placed his hand around Rabastan's shoulder. He understood what Rabastan was feeling like, at the moment and looked at James with only betrayal on his face. James looked away from him again and sighed. 

"I know I did wrong, but I couldn't even move myself if not for Dolph carrying me-" They looked at him surprised at the name. "-around and feeding me or Lucy helping me with other things."

"Dolph and Lucy?" Rabastan asked tilting his head to the side. 

"Yeah, they were there at the Slytherin Manor to help me. I feel bad for taking up all their time, but they helped me so much. I owe them. They didn't want me to come back here at all. I-" 

"They helped you and that's it?" Rabastan asked not bothering with anything else. 

"What else?" James asked him. 

"Nothing?" Remus asked with a slight frown on his forehead. 

"Nothing." James shook his head. "Anyways, I'm really sorry. I'm ready to make it up to you guys in any way. Please forgive me."

"I can understand why you did what you did, James." Rabastan sighed. "Just give us some time to digest the fact that my new best friend almost died last week."

"Your brother gets half of the credit that I just didn't die without eating." James tried to joke and Rabastan just sighed again making James' smile to falter. "Let's go to sleep, may be we can talk again in the morning?"

"Yeah, that would be great." Remus stood before pausing. "Does Padfoot know?" 

"I made him promise that he won't tell you guys. I know I was a fool, but it just happened at the moment." James said again feeling the guilt creep into him. 

"That was why he was avoiding me." Rabastan murmured before shaking his head and leaving the room. 

"Take care, Prongs. Call me if you need anything." Remus said hugging him once before leaving the room. 

"I'm sorry." James said one last time to Remus who just smiled at him and closed the door of his room. 

James sighed and sat back on the couch only to stand again when someone knocked on his door. He frowned already knowing who is at the door as only Evans can be knocking on the door at this time. He held his wand under his sleeve ready to fight if she tries to do anything and opened the door. 

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