Chapter 6

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James woke up next morning to a pecking on his window. He just waved his hand and let the bird inside. The bird dropped the package on the table and pecked his fingers lovingly before going away. James just lied on the bed for some time before getting up and opened the package. The parcel was from his parents, he opened it to see his mum sent him his weekly package of homemade cookies and some fudge.


How are you dear? You just forgot your old mum and dad after going to Hogwarts, you didn’t even write once in these two weeks. I hope everything is alright. Your dad wants to know if you have got yourself a date in these two weeks and just forgot about your parents. If that is the reason, do tell me, who is she or is your lover a he? You know very well, I don’t care if you are homosexual, so don’t worry that we won’t accept your boyfriend. Also, your dad got a letter from Dumbledore this week asking to arrange a marriage contract for you and Lily Evans, if I’m correct she is the same Lily who insulted you, me and your dad just ignored the letter and wanted to ask you why Dumbledore wanted to be involved in your life? He is your headmaster, I never saw Headmaster Dippet involving in mine or Charlus’ life when we were still studying. I never liked Dumbledore when he was my transfiguration teacher. He was very prejudiced, favouring Gryffindors and treating Slytherins like dirt. Your dad doesn’t know much as he was a Gryffindor just like you but he knows that he is prejudiced towards Gryffindors. I think it is best to stay away from him and his likes, we don’t know what he wants but as for now he wants you to marry Miss Evans and I’m not going to accept her in my home as my daughter-in-law after insulting my son all these times. I hope you listened to my words and moved on your life. I can’t say much about whom you can or cannot love but I really don’t like her. Anyways, it is your choice. Don’t think I’m forcing you or something, darling. Also, I want a letter from you within two days, young man. You just can’t forget your mum and dad like that.

Mum and Dad.

James smiled at the letter even though he frowned when he read that Dumbledore wanted his parents to make a marriage contract for him and Evans. Why doesn’t he just leave James alone? He is getting onto James’ nerves, calling him to his office and telling him how good Evans is. James sighed and went to his study table to write back a letter to his parents. He shouldn’t have forgotten writing a letter to them.

Dear Mum and Dad,

I’m sorry for not writing to you. I was just a bit busy due to the head boy duties and Dumbledore is calling me to his office to talk about Evans and Evans is just following me everywhere and tries to talk to me. She is just getting onto my nerves along with Dumbledore. I don’t understand, she wanted me to leave her alone and I just did that, so what is she exactly upset about? Peter is also behaving a bit odd lately but I think this is about NEWTs and that’s all. I don’t have a date still, but I got two admirers who are both men and already graduated from Hogwarts and their names start with L and R. I’m starting to suspect they are Slytherins as they are so sneaky and all. They know everything about me, my animagus, my pranks, everything. They liked me from my first year and were waiting for me to give up on my crush on Evans. They sent me gifts everyday last two weeks. They are rich and purebloods, from the quality of the gifts and choice of them. I don’t know when but I started liking the attention they give to me. They are not even forcing for me write them back. I still don’t know if it just a prank or real. They told me that they will be meeting me yesterday but I was busy by head boy duties and reached Hogsmeade late and I met a small girl Jessica, she is bullied by her dorm mates for being a muggleborn. She was with me the whole day yesterday. We were at the toy store when I bumped into Evans and I finally snapped at her. She needs to stop following me around, it is just irritating me, I was not as clingy as her when I used to ask her out and I left Hogsmeade. I couldn’t meet them. I don’t know if they will want to meet me or if they will write to me again. I mean I get their letter every morning till now but I didn’t get one today. They must think I don’t want to meet them and gave up. I don’t know what to do. Help me Mum. I think, I started liking them, I just hope this is not some prank and thanks for the cookies and fudge. Love you both.

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